Three Brothers, Tales from another world (being re-edited)

Chapter 9.


It took them more than a month to return to Bryar’morr, and by the time they landed on the rocky high plain of Rova, Kadi was in despair. He’d kept to the deal with his brother, but it had cost him all his willpower not to go to his mate.

There had been a few moments when he had stood by the door, almost unable to control himself. Fortunately, Bors and Dox had been able to stop him, otherwise he would have assaulted her again. Because Dox visited the two women every day, who turned out to get along very well, he came up with the idea of ​​giving him a shirt with her scent. To his surprise, this worked well, and despite the urge for her, it was now a little easier to suppress his instincts.

Gwen and Randy turned out to have more in common than they expected. They were both divorced from a cheater, both worked in health care, liked action movies and rock music. Secretly got the hots for bad boys, but always ended up with “nice guys”, besides their cheating ex’s of course, and they were from the Netherlands, which made their conversations a lot easier. But after a month of being locked in a room together, they got tired of each other, even though Randy was allowed to leave the room once in a while and interact with the other women.

It quickly became clear, these “men” were very dominant and authoritarian. The women were expected to comply with what the men said, not what they wanted. It was not clear to both women whether this was true for all men, or just for those on this ship, with a few exceptions of course, like Dox. Though they were stuck in the same room most of the time, both of them were happy not having to mingle with those dickheads of the male population.

The moment the ship landed, Kadi knew he would have to face a hell of a lot of trouble.

Something was bothering him during the journey, he hadn’t heard anything from his brother Rann, he knew the loser felt his emotions and yet, no sign of him… Either he was in no condition to contact him, or he was up to something…

Ivac contacted him several times, making sure he’d stick to his promise, he too had no idea why their brother hadn’t contacted either one of them, truth to be said... No one had heard from Rann the last couple of weeks.

Gwen heard the door, slide open and saw her mate, she learned to know as Kadi, walk in. He looked agitated and tired, the moment his eyes fell on her, she saw his teeth and claws elongate. She felt Randy moving in front of her, to shield her from him.

Though Gwen was grateful for her friend’s protection, she knew he wouldn’t do anything to harm her, at least if you wouldn’t count forced mating in, but the look in his eyes was anything but hostile, more the sort of desperate desire. She hadn’t seen him in a while and noticed that he looked like crap. There were dark bags under his eyes and his mouth was in a thin, straight line, and yet somehow he managed to look handsome too.

Get a grip, moron! No other thoughts about him, he’s a fucking asshole! Gwen told herself, but her body didn’t listen, it warmed up the moment she saw him. Damn!!

MATE, MATE, MATE!! That one little word kept on repeating in his head.

The moment Ivac saw his brother walk out of the cargo hold with the woman by his side, he felt everything inside him start to burn and shiver. Everything made sense, he realized why his brother marked her without a second guess, to be honest…, he would have done the same thing.

Seeing his brother’s reaction when they approached, Kadi felt his hair stand on end. His brother wasn’t able to take his eyes off his mate, only when they were face to face, Ivac looked at him again, and it bothered him.

Kadi growled at his brother, who grunted back, but also showed his teeth.

Both took a step forward, so they were chest-to-chest, and a near-silent showdown ensued, only a very low growl that came from deep in both of them, and the flicker of sharp teeth was visible to others. Before it could escalate, it was over, and Kadi stepped aside, giving space to his brother so he could meet his, no, their mate.

Gwen watched the remarkable showdown between the two brothers, and was surprised when it suddenly just stopped.

When Kadi stepped aside, and Gwen stood in frond of the large male, her heart had skipped a beat. It was as if she was looking at her mate, they were identical yet completely different, only her reaction to them was the same, a warm feeling stirred inside her.


Both Dargan and Varlan, looked at their son’s stare down. So this was what a mate did to a man, two men in this case...

That said, Kadi wasn’t getting away with marking her without Kyrenns’ permission. They couldn’t look the other way, only because she was his mate, or he was their son, it would cause a lot of commotion, and they would lose, rightly so, the trust of their pack members.

Not letting him have her as his, well technically their mate, wasn’t an option either, Dargan thought. Soul mates were rare, almost non-existing any more, and to witness their sons having a soul mate, filled him with a sense of pride.

He looked at his brother, and both of them walked up to the threesome, to have a word with Kadi and give Ivac a moment with his mate.


It took the ship’s crew half an hour to get all the women outside, Randy was the last in line, and when she stepped outside the ship, she had to blink a few times. The sun was so bright, it made her eyes tear up a little. A cold breeze, took hold of her cloths, and she shivered a little.

Looking around, her breath was taken away by the foreign sight of her environment. The sky wasn’t blue, like it was on earth, it was emerald green, and she saw 2 planets, standing in the sky. She couldn’t see the sun, it was situated on the other side of the ship, but she could see that it was probably a little later in the afternoon, because of the long shadows it cast.

Randy noticed most of the women walked towards a small crowd that gathered a little further from the ship, but her attention was captured by the plain the ship had landed on.

The scenery spread out in front of her, made her heart jump up a little. There were snow covered mountains as far as her eyes could see, and when she neared the edge and was able to look a little downwards, she saw, an alien forest spreading beneath the ledge, like a thick white, yellow and red blanket.

All of a sudden, she was pulled back roughly by her neck, causing her to yell and curse out loud in shock and pain.

“Let me go, you motherfucker!”

The wind had turned, and Varlan heard a small skirmish coming from the ship and turned his head in the direction of the sound, seeing one of Kadi’s men grab a small woman roughly by the neck trying to drag her away from the ledge of the plain.

He was about to turn his head again when he caught a whiff of the most delicious fragrance. A growl escaped deep into his throat, and his teeth and nails stretched out.

Dargan became aware of the change in his brother and turned to him. He heard the growl and saw his brother's fangs start to elongate, but before he was even able to ask what was going on, he too smelled that same delicious scent. His heart skipped a beat and his muscles tensed up. What was that smell? Turning to where the smell was coming from, he saw a small woman lashing out at one of his son’s pack members.


His fangs and claws immediately elongated, but afflicted with a huge dose of lycan blood coursing through his veins, Dargan’s changes were more pronounced than that of his brothers or anyone else for that matter. His face shaped into a muzzle, his muscles bulged further, and he grew another 9 inches.

With his brother next to him, he darted towards the woman.

Despite the fact, Kyrenn wasn’t standing anywhere close by, he felt the intense emotions of both his brothers and looked up. Though he couldn’t smell her, their shared bond, making him sensitive to their emotions, and he realized they’d found their partner. Without wasting a second he rushed in the direction his brothers were heading, halfway through he also smelled that tantalizing scent.


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