Three Alphas for the Alpha Princess

Chapter 5



I tossed in my bed and my stomach immediately rumbled, For the dozenth time in the short span of an hour. 

I wasn’t getting used to it. I couldn’t get used to it. I was the Alpha princess and was used to being treated as such so how could I get used to being treated as nothing less than a pauper. 

In just a few days, my life had turned upside down. The life I’d spent so many years picturing and anticipating suddenly felt like nothing but an illusion 

No mate, no best friend and from the look of things, no future to look up to. 

Maybe I did have a mate but what difference did it make? He had only left me with memories that did nothing but haunt me and unfortunately, couldn’t soothe my pain in any form. 

How could he even soothe all that pain? When both Sage and Simon were constantly on their toes to rub salt on my every injury. 

I’d never felt as distant from my family as I did. Probably coincidentally, my mum was suddenly nowhere to be found and whenever I tried to have a conversation with her, she immediately got swamped up with some other pack related matters. 

My dad on the other hand was worse. It was almost like he didn’t even want to look at me. He couldnt stand me and the few times our eyes met, his were laced with so much disgust and disappointment towards me. 

I was in constant pain and heartache, the pain getting more intense with every second that passed. My life felt like a nightmare. One I was trapped in with no way out 

Denise! Denise! Is she deaf?” 

I groaned as I stirred in my bed again, pressing my head hard against the pillow. It was useless though, Sage’s loud voice still managing to penetrate through and threaten to have my eardrums bleed. 

“What now?” I muttered to myself as I got up from my bed. “What does she want from me now?” 

She definitely couldn’t have plans to make my life more miserable, could she? I was in my room, hungry and weak all thanks to her so that was supposed to be enough reason for her to give me a break, right 

But apparently not as few moments later, she burst my room door open, barging in. 


“What is it, Sage?” I managed to ask her. “What do you want from me?” 

“How much longer do I have to tell you it’s Princess Sage?” She demanded as she walked into my room. “Call me proncees Sage and not just Sage. I am royalty and worthy. Unlike you who stooped so low to sleep with a roguel” 

She had a mission to constantly remind me of that horrible night and sadly, she was excelling in that mission. 

Alright, Princess Sage,” I replied her, too weak to even argue with her. “What do you want from me? Why are you in my room?” 

“Funny how someone like you can still think you deserve a bit of privacy,” she scoffed. “You should be grateful I am yet to have you moved to the servant’s quarters!” 

“Princess Sage=” 

“Hold it,she interrupted me before my words could fully escape the clutches of my throat. “I’m not hear to listen to you. Just answer my question 


“Why are you yet to do my laundry?” 

“What?” I had to take a double take. “Do your laundry?!” 

“You heard me loud and clear,” she sneered. “I needed a gown I wore last week only for the maids to tell me it is yet to be washed, Surprisingly, I found out a number of my clothes are also yet to be washed. So answer me, what is taking you so long!” 

“Excuse me?” I was dumbfounded for a second. “Do your laundry!! Why would 1- 

“Because you’re a lowly wolf,” she spat at me. And you do not deserve to be treated any differently. So get used to it, you shameless wolf. Why 



4:36 PM 

Chapter 5 

not do my laundry!!” 

“Has she lost her mind?” my wolf growled to me. “Does she think because her rank has been upgraded she has the right to belittle you however she pleases? Denise you need to-” 

“Taking care of your laundry is not my duty.” i silenced Arya by speaking up. “I have accepted the punishment to be stripped of all the benefits I enjoy as being the Alpha Princess but that doesn’t include me taking care of you and your dirty clothes.” 

“Oh I seee your sharp tongue is still capable of running” 

It happened in a flash and before I could process it, she moved closer towards me and grabbed me by the ear, pulling it hard. I immediately let our a wince, the pain from my ear quickly spreading towards my entire body. 

“Sage!” I cried out “Let me go! What are you doing?!” 

“Oh you would see that,” she glared at me, finally letting go of my ear to grab me by the arm. Her grip was tight and painful, causing me to let out another wince as she pulled me, “Come with me 

Arya and I groaned out in pain but it didn’t stop Sage from pulling me with her. With her grip tightening, she dragged me out of my room and in no time, down the stairs to push me on the floor

I fell with a loud thud, a sharp pain immediately hitting my waist. I couldn’t cry and instead, gathered myself and managed to get on my feet. 

“Staying in that room must have given you a lot of confidence,” she barked at me. “So much you must think it is now okay for you to disobey my nules.” 

“But that would end now! Get out of that room! You would not leave that life of comfort again. You would-” 

Before I could let out a sound of protest, she was interrupted by the sound of my dad walking into the living room. A light sigh escaped my lips catching him in sight and she on the other hand, simply smirked. 

“Dad,” I rushed to my feet and approached him. “Please help me. Sage keeps on- 

“What is going on here!” He cut me off, his eyes on Sage as he demanded an explanation. “What is all of these commotion about?” 

His gaze was fixed on Sage, fearing me for a second. Though he was trying to figure out what was going on, he didn’t seem to care about me. Once again, he didn’t seem to want to listen to me, Sage being the one that suddenly mattered to him. 


e disobeyed my instruction,” Sage replied. “I have an order and she violated it 

“That’s not trud” I cried out. “It’s nothing like that. She asked me to- 

“You don’t have to explain to me,” he raised a finger to stop me from talking. “Whatever could have happened, you should know better than to disobey her.” 

My already shattered heart broke a 

all over again. “What?” 

“Listen to her,” he raised in a final tone, not even caring to spare me a single glance. “If you know what’s best for you, just follow Sage’s every instructionட 


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