The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter Chapted 5 Family History

Isla POV

I had been at The Romano Pack for close to Two weeks now, I have been learning about the ins and outs of the pack and how ranking works, and how duties and chores are assigned, so I have been allocated to the Kitchen, for now, to assist the Elderly ladies to cook and clean.

I was advised by August that the Alpha will return from his trip to the Council today and he will then arrange a meeting with me and discuss 'certain topics'. Hearing that there is to be a discussion on “Certain topics” made me nauseous.

I put my head down and do all I can to be a model citizen like cleaning dishes and scrubbing the kitchen, My cooking is not yet trusted as I do not know how all the American cooking products wor and every now and then I see my Reflection in a glass or spoon, My face isn't so black and blue anymore and with Foundation August gave to me I managed to hide most of my injuries to avoid any unwanted questions.

August has been so kind to me and we have become very good friends. She is slightly smaller than me, you know figure and assets wise, she gifted me half of her wardrobe as well, Her taste in clothing is shockingly similar to mine, I know it's trivial to think of clothes and make-up, but it been a good distraction.

August is one of a few women that I have met throughout my life that was exceptionally intelligent, she gave half of her Clothes to me (She has an entire walk-in closet of her own) subtly she mentioned to Isaac that she “sponsored me some of her clothes” and requires a shopping trip. I saw his face turn into a knowing smirk as he gave her a Platinum card and keys to a fancy Mercedes, He never questioned her.

She has been gone the entire day, I didn’t go with, I couldn’t bear the fact of people staring at me, I still have visible injuries and I won't use the entire bottle of foundation in one sitting covering my scars and marks.

I have been seeing the pack Doctor on a regular basis for Physical and Mental health checkups, safe to say I have to continue with trauma counseling.

My nightmares haven't gone away so I have been provided with a light sedative to help me sleep through the nights. But the Nights I lay awake to afraid to dream I think to myself that things would’ve been different if I could defend myself. I could have fought and got away sooner, I hated feeling helpless but I had never had the need to learn to fight. I don’t believe that I could even harm someone, I could probably slap a bitch into the future but that seems to be the limit to my range of damage I could inflict. Amer and I needed to try and learn something in my Human form. I will approach the subject with Beta Isaac later today maybe he could sign me up for some training.

My days were spent working in the Kitchen and allowing my mind to drift whilst I was prepping dinner, Ameraand I, well, we felt a deep Loneliness, deep-seated loneliness we both felt within and a longing for someone, It was a strange feeling for me. I never needed a man, Not even for sexual purposes, If your Horny, Use a Dildo. If you need Clothes, Buy your own. Can't reach the top shelf, use a ladder. I’m not necessarily a feminist but I can handle my own life alone quite well, so this feeling within me is foreign.

The realization dawned upon me that I am acting like a teenager pining over some imaginary guy, How Lame am I? I even felt a little embarrassed. Blushing and looking around like I had something to hide, trying to see if anyone possibly could see my face and read through my expressions.

Amera spoke silently then “There is no shame in wanting a partner, A Lover and a Best friend. Wolves were designed to be in pairs”.

Amera and I have become closer but we have not shifted yet, The thought of my bones breaking makes me slightly queasy. Hopefully, I can work up the courage to do it soon. I don't like being a coward but I'm trying to take my time.

August came into the Kitchen during my internal existential crisis and wrapped her arm around mine, signaling that She wants me to come with her and stop what I was doing, I followed as she outranked all females in this pack as the Beta female, The pack had no Luna yet and Rank was power, so no one questioned her at all. She decided to prep me on Etiquette in regards to the Alpha.

She explained, “Alpha Clayton is quiet and observant, he seems cold and silent, but he is calm, cool and collected and one of the most educated men you can come across. he has no mercy for those who don't adhere to rules and regulations. As you may have noticed the pack is strict on rules and everyone has a duty and position. He took over the pack from his father 5 years ago and hasn't met his Mate yet, I think that’s why he is so constantly Grumpy” She proceeded to babble continuously about the Alpha whilst leading me up the stairway towards the levels above us. after a while her words didn’t seem to be a briefing anymore but a Gossip session about Alpha and his private business, I didn't do well with gossip I usually just blurt out things in awkward situations.

My attention brought back to August's ramblings with a jerk of my head as I refocussed my attention on what she was saying.

“I am telling you this man is so hard-headed but he and Isaac have been best friends since they were 2 years old, they both are now 27 years old Plus we are hoping the Alpha finds his Luna soon. Or I fear he will be a Lone Alpha and that will not stand with the pack. For the pack to Remain Romano, there has to be a Romano Heir. It seems our Alpha hasn’t been so lucky” August babbled on about the poor man as if he was this deep, dark & desperate soul. I could help but giggle, this didn’t sit well with her and she ceased her babbling,

“What did I say that’s so funny” she questioned me in a confused manner.

“It's not what you are saying, but the tempo and speed you reach when you get excited” I explained, This earned me a soft giggle and blush from her side followed by an apology.

She quickly got bored with my silence and directed her attention to the next project or poor soul to lecture to death, I followed silently behind her. I enjoyed Her company she was bubbly and very pretty with her doe eyes and long auburn hair. She seemed so petit in comparison to her oversized muscle mate Isaac, he was tanned and dark-haired with green eyes that were preceded with a silent demeanor, But I noticed how he looked at her in passing, He loved her and adored her, 'Every woman wants to be looked at like that' I mentioned to Amera, she purred slightly in response.

Later that day...

August and I were cleaning out a Closet on the Alphas Floor to make space for something or searching for something, I wasn't really sure actually and we ended up going through the Alphas Private boxes, we found Family Albums with Pictures, An entire history of the family played within its pages. I felt very guilty sneaking through the boxes and albums but August reassured me that it was ok and that we needed to find something and sort out this specific cupboard. I did as I was asked and we continued 'snooping' through the Alpha's boxes.

He is Isaac’s Cousin and their fathers were Twins I realized as I dug through the mysterious Alpha's belongings. 'So Isaac is also a Romano but His father didn’t want to be an Alpha and Chose to be a Beta instead' I spoke silently to Amera, 'It appears to be so, Isla what exactly is August looking for?', I shrugged my shoulders at her and decided not to dwell on the obvious question.

Apparently according to My Historian and News journal August Claytons Father kept his Alpha title and became a bit of a tyrant, at one stage he obtained a horrible reputation. His mother was rumored to be a woman of great power and grace, She was also very kind and raised Clayton and his brother to respect his father and raised them to find a balance between being stern and merciful, Thus he has been an excellent Alpha has received many praises for the stature of his pack.

I was shown pictures of the Family and the Alpha and Beta as children, Shockingly as I paged through the Images I was drawn to the Alpha, The resemblance between him and Isaac is uncanny, He is Shockingly handsome and Amera felt drawn to his eyes as well, He had a stern, softness to his Blue eyes accompanied by Black hair and tanned, he resembled the size of a minibus, He was close to 6,7 Ft. He was much taller and larger than Isaac. I mean Isaac was a big man as it is, and I was mesmerized by him, the mysterious Alpha...

Early that evening...

I was waiting in the foyer along with all the inhabitants of the Pack Mansion awaiting the Alphas Arrival. A scrawny, rat-faced man walked in first carrying what seemed to be a Briefcase and worn suit with a large nose that didn't draw enough attention as his oily stiff grey hair was all I could look at. He gave me a calculated and disgusted look, and snaked past everyone, no one even looked at him. I disliked the “Smeagle “ Looking man instantly. He was human from what I could gather and I loathed him for some reason, I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling he gave me.

“Who is the Smeagle/Gollum looking guy that just walked past,” I asked August, who was standing right in front of me with Isaac to her Right.

“That’s Septimus, the pack accountant/Lawyer, and creep. He is Half human and half warlock, so he assists with the official pack business and if any witchy stuff is required” she breathed in disgust. She practically shivered at his name when she spoke it aloud.

For some reason, Amera and I did not Like him, He was fishier than the ocean, I can sense, that man is a no-good waste of space.

Usually, I am correct in my judgment of people, my gut has a knack for finding and sniffing out pieces of shit. I then proceed to avoid the pieces of shit and mind my own business.

I was still focused on that Septimus fool when I Smelled the best scent in the world, it smelled like fresh grass and the woods after it rained. I followed the scent slowly. My head turned so slow so that I could sense where the smell was coming from, I landed on a Huge figure covering almost the entire double doorway. I looked straight into his blue eyes, I felt like my mind Exploded and my Heart Stopped, my stomach burst into Butterflies and I stopped breathing. Amera was going crazy in my head screaming things I couldn't make out.

I didn’t even have to say a word. He looked me dead in the eye and Smiled slightly, His eyes turned pitch black. Within 2 seconds I was facing him, he moved so fast I was taken aback. Everyone around us froze, waiting to see what happened next. I could see some faces had the “oh shit the new girl is dead, she isn't meant for this pack" look, some even looked confused.

I remained Silent and maintained my composure on the outside. Inside me, The entire drug educed Ibiza party was exploding. I felt my left hand touch something warm and tough, sizzling sparks traveled up my arm, past my clavicle into my neck to my face, goosebumps and pins, and needles followed thereafter. My heartbeat thumped loudly in my ears as I tried to grasp any form of reality.

Our hands were touching, That's all I could comprehend until he spoke, I only heard one word from the huskiest and deepest voice ever to grace my ears.


Amera howled in delight, I stared into the deep blue eyes.

'What the actual fuck is happening Amera?'

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