The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 6. Slight Discomfort

Isla POV

There were no words that left his mouth didn’t surprise me, I wanted to say something but I responded with an open mouth and wide eyes, But I was in shock, I mean like what was I supposed to say? “Oh how the Goddess hath blessed me with thine?”.

Luckily I didn’t say something that stupid but proceeded to stare at him like a petrified cat.

He let go of my hand all of a sudden and became stiff “ Follow me, please” and turned and walked away, leaving me in an awkward silence and stuck with the shocked look, So I did what seemed to be the most logical step forward and I took a step forward and followed him. He greeted no one and walked straight for his office, August and Isaac right behind us. His posture and body language demanded silence and respect, so that is what he received when he walked past his people.

I walked into the large room, a big Mahogany Desk piled with papers and lamps was situated in front of a large Bay window overlooking the Dam outside and The walls were covered from Floor to Ceiling with Books. I found a single Couch to sit on and waited, I didn’t know what to expect from this situation, The mood became intense and awkward as the quiet shuffling of feet and chairs was the only audible sounds present beside the four of us.

I sat in dead silence as Alpha Clayton sat down at his desk and Isaac stood beside him with his hands placed behind his back, August was to my right keeping a comforting hand on my shoulder, She seemed to be overly excited, Practically shaking with happiness beside me.

Alpha Clayton Finally spoke, “ I was advised your name Is Isla Moira, Correct?” he directed the question at me as I was the only one in the room with that name, I nodded in response

'Hot damn my name sounds good with his sexy voice wrapped around it' I cooed to Amera

He seemed hesitant to speak for a second, “ I am not sure as to what to do in regards to our situation, I am not sure if you are aware, but A Mate to Werewolves is one of the most sacred of blessings from the Goddess. I was initially going to accept you into my pack, I have received brilliant reports on your integration into the pack and they seem to like you. So I will then allow you to remain here. Please meet me tonight in my Office after Dinner, I would like to speak to you privately” He concluded.

Abrupt and to the point. I felt almost let down, I expected, well I expected more...

I sat there, I felt a little hurt at his “Business” voice, But Nodded and Accepted his request and thanked him for allowing me to be an Integrated member of the pack. I left Silently feeling his eyes on my back as I walked out of the Alpha's office, Isaac Closed the door behind me quietly and I walked straight to the Kitchen to Let the ladies know I have a meeting tonight with the Alpha after Dinner and I would not be able to assist with Clean up.

I walked straight from the Kitchen to the Dam allowing my body to walk without direction or intent, I wanted to walk to a quiet place. The Dam was about 100 meters from the Main Pack Mansion and It was Calm and Quiet. I could hear the pack Warriors training Just South of the Residential Area adjacent to the Pack House. I focussed on the sound of my boots crunching in the snow almost a way to Clear my Mind. I couldn’t focus on anything but Him, I sat at the water's edge and analyzed every second I spent in his presence for the better half of an hour, I know that Overthinking leads to rash behavior and I formulated a quick solution.

I saw Beta Isaac leave the packhouse and make his way to the Training Arena’s to the south, I ran after him Calling to him in order to gain his attention, I stopped and gave him a light smile.

“How can I Help Luna Isla?” he said with a playful grin

“Please don’t say that, I don’t like it, make's me feel awkward” I retorted a Little annoyed.

He shrugged me off with a small giggle.

“Isaac, can I ask you a Favor?”

“Yeeessss?” he drew the word out, uncertain as to how to react to my abrupt question.

“Can I maybe start training with the warriors? I would like to learn a bit of self Defense and maybe some killer secret attack death moves?” I said Jokingly

“I’m sure you can, I can ask one of the Warrior females to train you,” He said the words to me slowly, I could see something in his eyes as he examined my visible scars. I could see in his eyes he knew I needed the training. I believe he knew why I was asking for the training and Agreed knowing I needed battle skills to avoid getting my ass handed to me again by psycho Rouges.

I walked alongside him towards the training ground.

I was introduced to a very big looking German woman, she could probably fold me like a lawn chair if she wanted to, and believe me I am not a tiny woman, I have some Flesh and strong hips keeping me grounded, But this woman was a younger version of Miss Trunchbull from the movie Mathilda,

“Alright Isla, I will show you the basics and we will work on your fitness to start. You can’t run a marathon with no training and so it is the same with Fighting,” she said confidently.

Isaac left shortly after I received my training-introduction from my new trainer.

An Hour Later with 50 Mores Bruises and a possible broken coccyx I limped back to My Room for a Bath. This damn Woman was a drill sergeant and whooped my ass so many times I gave up counting.

To The Contrary I expected to feel Better after my fighting session, I didn’t. I felt Like shit and I had the Forests foliage in my hair and clothes, I was thrown around like a Ragdoll. My Trainer was impressed at my Tolerance for pain but was disappointed at my lack of coordination and physical strength.

I bathed using minimal movements and every nook and cranny of my body were in pain and I Proceeded to get Dressed in a Semi-Formal Dress for dinner and made my way to the Kitchen. I had to help place all the food on the warming trays for the Dinner Buffet, once I completed my duties I took my seat in the far dark corner with the other Kitchen Ladies.

I felt his presence before he walked in, from my vantage point I could truly see how Big he was, He was the pure image of a Greek God. I was dumbfounded by his aura and to be frank, he was so hot, but at this moment Amera and I were drawn to him. He was all we could see.

He took me by surprise when he looked straight at me, He didn’t even have to search for my face, he found me immediately. He stared at me. But I could not tell the emotion he was trying to hide as he hid it very well.

The entire Dinner was over too quickly. I could feel his eyes on me during the entire Dinner, every now and then I would look at him dead on. He never faltered and stared back, But I always broke eye Contact with first, I might be brave from afar, but I was still far from brave when it came to him.

The Dinner had come to an end and I stood up to walk to his Office for our private Meeting, I didn't even dare to see if he was behind me, I could feel his presence close behind me.

His office smelled of Leather and Wood matching his very own scent. 'He must spend most of his time here' I whispered to myself.

“I spend all my time in here?” Clayton's voice broke the silence and startled me half to death. How could he even hear me?

“I was Uhm, what?. How did you even..., apologies Alpha. I forget my place” I blurted the words out, Not sure why I apologized or even if I needed to.

I could feel how powerful he was, I was intimidated by him and I also know that you should "never piss off, I repeat piss off an Alpha. Don't even look him in the eye." August's words wrung through my head from the time we were snooping through his things.

He walked past me swaying his hand to the empty chair for me to plant my ass down. He had his Straight face on, No indication of any emotion present. 'How charming he is' Amera said to me sarcastically.

I giggled at her words, I feel like she and I have the best sense of humor.

Little did I know this was going to be an awkward meeting.

We sat in Silence for 5min as he and I stared at anything but each other. I felt slightly awkward in front of this massive specimen of a man, I guessed he felt the same about me. Not that I am a massive man but I’m not small for a woman, I have some meat on my bones, to say the least.

“How have you been enjoying your time within my pack” He broke the silence first.

“I have been working and finding my place, quietly. I work within the kitchens and wherever else I am needed” I spoke the words softly. My discomfort present within my tone and expression evident.

“I see, I know this is quite strange and unorthodox, to say the least, but we have found ourselves in this predicament and I believe we need to open up in regards to what we both want individually and then see if they are compatible as a combined need” he used his business voice, but I knew this was a front, for some reason I suspected he was just as uncomfortable as I was.

“I am not from your world Alpha, I don't know much about you or the Mate bond, all I know is my own feelings and thoughts. I don't know what I expect from you or what I even mean to you. I barely know you” I breathed my frustration out as I spoke.

'how can he expect me to be "prepared", He might know how this works but I do not. All I know is two people date and then take things as they come. He speaks as if we need to be married in the morning' I vented to Amera who was quite silent throughout everything

His response was a blank face, riddled with suppressed surprise, but he gave me the go-ahead looking slightly awkward, he nodded next and leaned forward "Please do not mistake my intent Isla, I did not mean to bombard you with my request. I understand that we should know each other and everything is new to you. But I have a pack and duties, soon so will you. This is not some dating game. The Goddess makes no mistakes. Why fight the inevitable?"

I took a deep breath and I started off with honesty “ I Understand what you are saying, Mate bond or not. I do not know you or what exactly is expected of me, All I ask is that I get to know you. Or is this a business transaction? My limited knowledge of Mates was quite specific on the part of Mates being soul mates, not business partners.”

He sat silently, a Calculated look on his face, He didn’t say anything. I could see he was thinking deeply, I didn’t want to disturb his thought process. I felt like he needed to get the right way to say what he was feeling, I didn’t like this at all.

“I appreciate your honesty, But I Have waited for my mate for many years. I was an Alpha in need of a Luna. I have spent many years looking for her. I have a pack I need to think of. I can not keep my position in this pack without a Luna or a possible heir. I need you to understand that it’s imperative that an Alpha has both to maintain pack values and the future of his pack. The position I am in for the amount of time I have been single for means that any Male that has the balls, can challenge me for my position. I will then have to fight to the death or seriously injure or maim him. But if the male loses I can no longer trust him, He will then be banished. Now that I have met you my wolf will crave/need you to remain at full strength. Meaning that I need you for more than just my own personal reasons. I understand that this is a lot to process and you have the right to reject me. But please know and understand that I will give all I can to you as both my Luna and My lover”.

He seemed almost desperate for a moment, but he masked it well with his words. I knew that the topic of 'Mates' was very serious, but I had no clue how serious. The fate of the pack now rests on my decision.

He spoke again, not waiting for my response “So, I feel comfortable starting off slowly, maybe just for now. We can get to know each other and proceed from there, maybe in about two weeks from now we can announce I am your mate. I believe its a fair compromise from my part?”

I nodded in agreement, knowing that I had to agree. His words were not of a man that was trying to get in my pants, But of a Great Alpha trying to do what he needed to, to keep his position.

I stood up silently and walked towards the door, As I reached the door I turned my head and said my last words for the night " good night Alpha" I closed the door behind me and heard him sigh a large sigh of relief and chuckled to himself.

Blushing, I ran to my room. 'What an awkward evening Amera'

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