The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 4, Settling in

Isla POV

I was relieved to say the least when nothing really happened in the morning when all the staff came to the Hospital ward, No one really spoke to me except for a Nurse, we have become fast friends her name is August. She was the one screaming when Amera was Embedding herself in my body and mind. August is actually quite sweet. She speaks far too much but she Keeps me Company whilst I heal my wounds. I'm healing faster than I expected, But I have Amera to thank for that.

August Told me the Alpha’s name of this pack is Clayton he had decided I should be brought to the pack Hospital wing for treatment. He is somewhere on Business whilst His Second in Command Isaac (August’s Mate) was left in charge.

I asked about the wolves that held me captive, careful not to say too much about what had happened, I don't want anyone to know. Apparently they are Known as Rogues and have been stealing food and Killing Guards for months now. It Was my noisy run through the forest and the smell of my blood that signaled the pack guards to where they could find the beasts that hurt me.

August advised that I will remain with the pack until the Alpha returned, She also stated that they compiled a file about me and documented all my injuries and will have the pack Psychologist assess my mental scars ( Suggesting that they already found the cabin and placed all the pieces of the puzzle together). She also questioned me on Amera, she seemed to give me a vibe that what Happened between Amera and I was not common to say the least. I kept my answers short and vague. I don't know the situation I am in yet or how this pack works so I will try to keep as quiet as possible.

Being thrown into this world has my brain hurting. I try to absorb as much information as possible but motor mouth August has the ability to speak faster than I can listen. 'I will have to get her to send me an email on the do's and donts.' I advise Amera sarcastically

Amera laughed wholeheartedly at my remark.

By the next morning I was being discharged, My body ached and pained but I no longer had bleeding open wounds.

August was the one to show me to one of the rooms in the Large Mansion known as the Pack House. Apparently only The Un-mated Females and High Ranking Couples Live in the Alpha's Mansion. This is in order to provide safety for the woman and keep them from any Rogue Males trying to take them.

August explained with a pained look that they lost many Unmated females at one stage and found them dead and maimed and raped months later. I felt lucky in a way, that would've been me. But I got away. I sighed and kept listening to August during my tour of The Mansion made a small mental map of the place. The Mansion was large, to say the least, It was very well organized. There were women of all ages running about cleaning and doing chores, Most were polite and others didn't even register us walking past them.

What I had learned so far is:

The first Floor is The Dining, TV, Medical, Entertainment Floor Including The Alphas Main office.

The Second Floor is for High ranking wolves & their Mates,

The third Floor is for The Un-mated Females (Where I would be staying)

The Fourth Floor is for the Alpha and His Family.

“He is Un-mated you Know,” August said bumping my shoulder with hers.

“Who The Alpha ?” I responded nonchalantly

“Yes. The Alpha, He can seem cruel and cold but he only does what is best for us. He hasn't found his mate yet, But I hope he does soon Before he becomes crueler than kind” she said looking towards the floor. I could see she cared for the Alpha and wanted him to be happy.

I nodded in response, Thinking of the stress someone like Him must carry. I won't judge him, his decision is the only reason I am Alive. I will be respectful and hopefully, I can make a home here, Seeing as I don't think I can go back to mine anymore, I don't even think there are werewolves in South Africa.

I was shown my room with an ensuite bathroom and amazingly large windows. The colors were baby yellow and a soft beige. I loved the room. It seemed to be bright and happy and there was an aura of calm about the room, ' We need bright happy, and calm' I said matter of factly to Amera. I sat on the plush bed and plopped down sprawling my arms out. August giggled " I will leave you to get acquainted with your new room. I left some clothes in the bathroom for you so you can take a proper shower " She winked and closed the door as she left.

I stood up lazily from the bed feeling the pain in my limbs and the scars still healing. I needed a proper shower and I needed it now. I turned on the water and started to remove my hospital gown. I didn't dare look at the mirror. I walked into the shower and let the hot water unbind my tense muscles. I showered and shampooed repeatedly, Making sure I was clean. I then stepped out and dried myself all the while making small talk with Amera. I creamed my body to the point that I was white as snow, Feeling like a moisturized, re-born woman I decided to watch some T.V and relax for the first time in weeks.

It was Midnight when I decided to turn my head away from the T.V, I sat in My Room all day. My food was brought to my room and I stayed on the couch and kept to myself. I knew that tomorrow was probably going to be a bit intense because I would have to probably integrate myself into the pack, If people liked me maybe I could stay. That was my strategy. But How do I get people to like me if they are raised to distrust any outsiders, immediately?

I stood up and moved to the window and peered into the darkness. I sighed to myself before closing the curtain but something caught my eye and I looked back to the darkness and my eyes adjusted I see many big men walking practically naked, Drenched in blood. They seem to be Splitting ways and Heading in their respectable Directions. I almost became worried until I saw a few women greet some of the Men. I relaxed and closed the curtain and headed for a bed assuming that they were out hunting more rogues as August explained earlier.

I glanced at myself as I passed the dressing table in my room as if out of habit, I stared at myself In the mirror remembering that I was avoiding mirrors. Noticing I have a few visible ugly scars on my body, but none left on my face. My wavy long white-blond hair is calmer than usual. My Green eyes have darkened to an olive Green. I have a decently round Face with plump lips. I've always liked My lips. Although My best feature is my high cheekbones. The only eyesore was the bruises that covered my body, or the most visible parts of my body not covered by the pajama's given to me by August.

I do not like to talk badly about Myself, I have an ass and some big breasts but I am not perfect. I just Accept that I need and want to love Myself and so someone else will one day. One Day far away I thought. Although I knew Amera said we won't likely find a mate.

There I stood in front of the mirror dreaming like a school Girl. I needed to wake up. I was 25 and I didn't have the luxury to dream like that right now. I had more pressing matters to deal with...

I headed for the big soft bed next. I laid my mending body down into the soft sheets and comfortable mattress. Wolves seem to be quite wealthy, My ass knew expensive sheets, Right now my ass was wrapped in the expensive covers like a cocoon and I closed my eyes feeling at ease and prayed I would not have nightmares again.

I drifted away with a peaceful dream.

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