The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 41. Happy Birthday

Isla POV

I woke up suddenly, Amera was arging me to go to the dining room as soon as possible, Something was up.

I registered my surroundings immediately, it was dark in the room and everyone was still asleep.

The Clock on the wall read 5am in the Morning.

I stood up following my Wolfs orders and grabbed my slippers and a silk gown and made my way downstairs in a hurry.

A dim light shone from beneath a door leading to the Kings private office and I stopped Immediately.

I wasn't sure if he was back from the War front, we had no feedback or updates on if the battle had even taken place.

I raised a slow hand and knocked on the door lightly.

I was met with a masculine Voice "Enter”

I opened the door to find a very tired looking King.

I walked forward slowly “ Your Highness you are back?” the words rushed out of my mouth in a panic, I needed answers and I wanted them now.

He nodded slightly, running his hands through his light brown hair, he sat down and nodded towards a chair for me in front of the large glass desk.

I ran my eyes over the man who looked about the same age as Me but he had many years experience in this world, apparently he was ancient, close to 300 years if I was not mistaken.

“ Your Highness, please... what happened?” I breathed as I flopped down heavily on the Couch.

Amera and I had felt useless throughout the entire ordeal, we were useless, our nerves blocked most of the powers we had started to master so we were in the dark.

“ We won the war and eradicated the Rogues. We had a few fatalities but most of all the Injured soldiers Including your mate are already healed. The Fae assisted with that. I must say Luna Isla, your Mate is a force to be reckoned with. I could use a General like him in the future, even in the past but it seems I have terrible taste in Generals as the one leading the Rogue army was my closest friend.” He breathed the words.

All composure and stature had faded from his face, he was heartbroken, before me sat a King tired of the years and betrayals he had experienced.

“ Thank you for the feedback. Clayton was injured you said?” I asked anxiously.

“ He was injured quit severely but he has healed well. I must say Isla, to be frank. I was not sure that we would win.” He leaned his head back and sighed as if all the stress had left his body and evaporated into the air.

“ I know, I believe many didn't think we would but they kept the faith and I believe the unity of the species assisted in ultimately winning this War. If we are at peace or united for a common goal. I believe this peace could remain?” I stated more as a question.

He nodded in agreement and Lifted his head to look at me in the eyes.

“ I know this might not be the time but I know of the deal your mate had made with Hades...” He looked at me with a stern brow,

“ I know that he would have to serve his time as a Lord General in the underworld so in that case, I would like to ask that when the time came, When your children take over the pack to join me as an Oracle, I have always protected the Oracles and they have helped greatly with Council matters. The Oracle you met was the one whom had tracked the Rogues and provided us with information but she was not a Luna she was fated to a God and their story is one of great sadness, If you join my Kingdom I believe you could assist with future matters, please take my Offer in to consideration.” He was now leaning forward on his desk, staring at me with the purest intent.

I nodded and a small tear left my eye, there was so much that had happened and so much to come, not only with Clayton and I but our children are to have the greatest struggles in Life.

A pang of shock hit me, “ What is today's date?” I belted out frantically looking for a calendar.

The King startled by my outburst advised it was late October.

I froze as fear creeped in.

We had been so consumed by the war we did not pay attention to the dates. “ Crassus’s Birthday, his 10th Birthday is in two days” I felt bile rise in my throat, The King looked at me with pure sorrow, understanding my outburst.

I stood up and walked for the door, halting at the handle. “ When do the men return?” I asked in a mere whisper.

“ Later today” He spoke in the same tone sad tone.

He confirmed my fear with his tone, there was nothing any of us could do.

Hades will come and take my son from me, I walked to the roof Greenhouse and sat between the botanical's and Fauna, I cried for an hour, that is all I would give Myself, I was a Mother and Ill be damned if Hades ruined my sons Birthday.

I left a Letter for the King stating that My pack and I leave today, we will go home and prepare for the men's arrival, Clayton will be home Late tonight but He was safe and no longer the greatest priority, I made arrangements to leave and Had my pack ready for departure by 14h00.

On the flight Home I sat and played board games with my children, paying close attention to Crassus, he had the calmest nature but he could turn Violent at any moment.

He was like the Sea, Calm and warm on days and Violent and Cold on another.

He had an abnormally strong Wolf within him, one that screamed he had Alpha Blood but he was not born from Alpha Blood, Hades knew this and for some reason wanted him, I needed to know why and what he wanted to do with Crassus, I wanted to know if I can see him from time to time or if he was able to visit.

I knew these were feeble thoughts and impossible dreams but yet again I felt helpless, yet again.

My Son was to be taken from us and Hades would not compromise.

This was how it was to be, I hated it so much that I could've burst into flames, I felt like a Mother who could not protect their child, I felt useless and pathetic.

It was Close to Midnight as I stood in the Alpha’s Office, I worked through papers and plans for Crassus’s Birthday party, I was going to Celebrate it tomorrow and not on the Actual day. I wanted him to remember his 10th Birthday and know that we loved him.

I felt him before I saw him, I felt the warmth and swelling of my heart, My calm and reason had arrived, My happy place and solace was to walk through the door any second.

I couldn't control Amera and she bolted for the door.

I opened it to find Clayton smiling at me, bright and wide.

I jumped into his embrace and clung for dear life, I found myself crying in relief and also in pain, he held me and I held him, we descended to the floor and remained entwined whilst seated.

We needed to bind our souls and heart together again, It has only been a week but it felt like an eternity.

I pulled back and kissed him deeply.

I savored the taste of his mouth and his scent, all things I knew too well and craved more than anything, I had him home with me, I also knew that once he registers the date, He too will be as desolate and sad as I.

Clayton and Crassus had bonded immensely over the years.

They we like father and son.

Crassus tried to impress Clayton on a daily basis and had trained and studied hard for his Fathers approval, he was rewarded countless of times by an exceptionally proud Clayton.

Our twins being too young to really be anything although Clayton paid special attention to Crassus from day one, possibly the guilt had eaten him but he was adamant to be the best father he could be to Crassus.

I believe he did so in the hopes that it would make a difference for Crassus knew what was coming and he never complained or spoke of it.

He remained loving to us both, he knew that Hades had wanted him and I believed it was best for him to know that we will fight to death for him and keep him safe but even a Boy of 10 understood that there was no way to quarrel or fight with the God of Death himself once a deal was made.

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