The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 40. Though shalt not Kill

Claytons POV

We stood in a Large Number of Close to 10 000

The day was hot and the Sun shone brightly, sweat dripped down my spine, I was not nervous or afraid, I was exited.

It seems wrong to say so but Crixus and I lived for this shirt, I wanted blood on my tongue and I wanted to feel my taste buds burst with excitement at the taste of the red liquid.

We planned to have the battle in the desert, it was open and wide thus saving us from a surprise attack. We could also have a better advantage on top of the sand dune.

There were many of us Hidden within the sand dunes, camouflage was key, we needed to use the terrain to our advantage, The Dragon Kings rejected second would have planned a spectacular strategy but they did not get hear before us so we had the advantage, we had set up traps and battle plans and we are ready.

I stood with the Dragon King and the high ranking Males at the top of a large sand dune a birds eye view on the battlefield ahead, we were discussing strategies and finalizing plans, all dressed for battle.

The sand burned red hot and the midday Sun was at its brightest as if taunting us with its bliss and warmth, behind us stood the army camps and Medical tents set up with the best healers each specie could offer.

To say we were prepared was an understatement. It had been centuries since there had been a War, the last War was between the Elemental’s and Witches that were pursued and murdered by ignorant Catholic humans, many were slaughtered out of fear.

Contrary to their belief, Witches and Elemental’s work with Nature, Black magic was millenniums ago, all their practices and scrolls were also destroyed in the process, so those who were slaughtered were either humans themselves and the odd Witch.

Humans are stupid, they believed they were killing evil beings but instead slaughtered their own people, True Witches & Elemental’s were hard to find, they were incognito at all times.

No movement was present in the camps, all warriors were seated safely in their tents, away from the heat of the day, resting, waiting.

We received Intel earlier that day, the Rouges were heading straight for us.

The Dragon Kings himself was here to set his traitorous second in command straight for his betrayal.

Shortly we received word that they were here, they were close, I could sense them, I could sense the rage and pure animalistic excitement, they were here for revenge.

Within minutes we stood waiting, before us lay half of the army, adorning their Armour, shining like beacons in the bright daylight, this is good, perception is key to our plan.

Most of the Warriors would shift on the onset of the battle and use their beasts to fight, it was simpler and more effective that way, our mere human limbs are nothing compared to teeth claws and natural savagery of our beasts.

Most might not make it home today, it was a though that had crossed my mind many times, I too might meet my death here today.

The air was filled with the power and presence of the men and woman before us, Tension and angst could be scented they wanted blood, they wanted to fight and protect the sanctity of their peaceful lives and families, the rogues represented the distraction of this peace and happiness.

They were all together coming from all types and species but stood proudly together, differences set aside.

No motivational speech was needed, the army knew why they were here and the importance of each of their presence on the Battle field as well as the importance of winning and what was at steak if they had to lose.

The King and I stood with Pride and purpose.

We had Our feet firm within the sand and heads held high.

The Ground started to shudder slightly.

This is where the War will start and end, today was the day that would be remembered for many Years to come.

The Ground started to rumble with more urgency and a wave of a sand storm accumulated a few kilometers before us.

The closer the Rouges came the harder the Ground shook, vibrating in their masses.

An order was shouted ahead of us and the warriors took their battle positions with a unison sound “Hoo Hah!” resonated throughout the dunes of sand surrounding us, Halberd spears placed at a low angle for maximum damage.

The sand cloud grew thicker and larger the closer they came, the ground gradually increased its vibrations the closer they came to us.

The front lines held their positions firmly with unwavering intent.

The ground was rumbling furiously as the Rogues reached the peak of a sand dune frantically running towards us with uncoordinated mass groupings,stumbling and slamming against one another like wild rabid beasts.

They believed they could outnumber us and no line formations were required but the strength of a Line formation could make or break a War, this much was clear.

We braced ourselves as the Beasts and Human Rogues charged us with blind rage, they were here for revenge, We were her to protect what was ours.

The results of this War will show which is the strongest.

The sound of beast smashing into beast and metal upon metal was an Instant shock to my system as I awoke from what seemed to be a halted day dream.

Screams of pain and bellows of rage morphed on the front lines, golden sand painted red before us as rogues and soldiers bled and fought for all they were worth.

The Dragon King waited until all the rogues were present and none seemed to pool over the Dune Ahead, He gave the signal and soldiers in Camouflage and in beast form spilled from the Dunes to our left and right flanking the Rogues.

I walked forward and shifted, Crixus’s bloodlust had driven me to shift.

Most of the Higher Ranking Males joined me, honing in on their most basic need to fight, for blood and kin we charged the Rogues who seemed to outnumber us.

I hit the first Rogue Wolf and ripped his head clean off, blood spilling all around my black fur, I charged a Whear-panther next, the large black beast lost its breath as I tackled him to the ground, I clawed and gnashed at any open spot on his body I could find, they were known for their agility but you cant be agile when your pinned to the ground I made quick work of him once I had him pinned.

I smirked and watched Crixus tear hands and limbs from Rogues and sever fingers with his teeth, we bit into their faces and crunched down on their sculls until we could taste their brain mass and blood within our large black muzzle, we wanted more, we wanted death to be our name.

We fought dirty and killed violently like an Alpha.

I found a large Male Whear-bear and decided to lunge at him, his large forearm had my teeth latched into it and blood spilled into my mouth as I tasted my prey. I felt a white hot pain in an undisclosed location of my body, he roared at me with pride, my abdomen was seeping blood.

He had clawed my abdomen in my moment of arrogance.

I fell to the ground feeling the hot sand beneath, Crixus's open abdomen burned with warm blood. We were slightly fucked now, we crawled slightly backwards for a better view and before he could turn to defend us the Bear was on us, biting viciously at our throat, the Bear bit our paws and legs trying to gain access to our kill spot, we kicked and used our back paws to cut through his open abdomen and it didn't seem to make a difference.

I looked up in a fleeting moment and saw a large shadow cover us, with a swift movement the Whear-Bear was catapulted a couple of miles into the air and landed with a splash of blood and split skin beside me.

Above me stood a Chrome colored Dragon, glistening in the sun as its scales changed color at each angle or movement, with white tipped Wings, He roared and extended his neck up high, this was the signal to retreat.

The Soldiers retreated and dragged those they could to safety, some remained to fight off the attacking rogues.

The Power emanating from The King was Immense, He stood before us and waited for the arrogant rogues, excited at the thought of winning.

They charged us in a few clustered groups, they came from the front but before they were within a few meters hellfire spilled from the Dragon Beasts jaws with a great roar.

It was a magnificent blue and red-gold liquid that incinerated any rogue within 10 meters of him. He burnt the remainder of the rogues to ashes.

The stench of cooked and burnt meat sinking into our nostrils

The smell of blood, shit and piss was emanating from the dead, I stood holding my open abdomen and stared at the carnage.

We had won and there were many casualties.

Bitter sweet was the moment.

I was not sure how many casualties there was because I barely remembered much after my Injury, I didn't even realize I had shifted to my Human form.

I fell limply on the searing hot sand, fatigue and pain overwhelmed me.

“We did it. We won.” Crixus breathed at me as he joined me in the darkness.

I opened my eyes to the sound of chatter around the thin sheet of the Medical tent.

It was early Morning, I studied my abdomen immediately, frantically examining the woundless abdomen.

I was completely healed!.

The Fae had extraordinary healing abilities and I noted many soldiers in the tent were also healed.

The Fae healers were walking up and down tending to the wounded with great care, green and yellow pastes laid scattered everywhere as the Fae tended to the wounded with their poultices and pastes.

I stood slowly, aches and pains buzzed through my tired body, draping the small sheet around my private bits I walked outside.

Within the past 24Hours the soldiers had started packing and I had no clue what was going on.

I walked to the Officials tent straight away.

I opened the curtain in time to note the War update was to begin, the Dragon King stood and nodded at me.

He turned his attention to the paper laid before him and Officials scattered around the large tent awaiting his address.

“ We had lost Close to 10 000 soldiers, unfortunately the Fae were not able to assist all. I am glad to note all Rogues that have died or fled from the war have been put to death by me. Hellfire reigned high last night, there are no survivors that we know of, their Leader joined them in his defeat, I have sent word to my Kingdom on the victory. Please note the dead will be cremated and sent to the applicable families and a medal of honor will be provided for them in honor of their deaths. Please proceed to packing and assisting with the Injured. We leave at Sunset today. Dismissed” He nodded

We all parted the large tent, updates were given to the soldiers shortly after the meeting, cheers reigned throughout the camp, howls, hoots and hoorays could be heard for miles as the Joy of Victory , they were also saluting the fallen soldiers whom had lost their lives bravely.

My heart swelled with pride at the sight before me.

This was what we wanted.

What we needed.

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