The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 42. A Mothers Request

Isla POV

I woke up early the in the morning and found myself in bed. I must’ve fallen asleep in Claytons arms, I wiped my eyes clean and the drool from my side of my face i then turned my head to find Him holding me closely.

I moved slowly trying not to wake my giant hot ass beast of a man/wolf and made my way to the Kitchen.

Amera was the one that woke me from what I can remember, She was my link to my abilities and she was always right in regards to her requests.

We share a feeling that connects us strangely to our surroundings and loved ones, I followed her requests because I knew there was a deeper meaning to them and She was always on point.

I found Crassus sitting by the kitchen island eating a bowl of cereal at 4 in the morning, I smirked and grabbed the large Orange juice and drank from the bottle like it had alcohol in it, gulping down at least half a liter of the stuff, Crassus laughed as the juice dripped from my chin and messed everywhere, I looked at my son and smiled at him with all the Love I could muster.

His face dropped and became solemn “ Im afraid Mamma, I don't want to go, Ek wil nie gaan nie” He spoke so sweetly and softly repeating the same sentence in Afrikaans to me.

I was surprised to hear him speak to me in a thic accent, speaking my home language, Id taught him many years ago, but he never used it.

Amera and I felt our heart drop, gone was the sweet lisp and incoherent words of the little boy that I saved in an attack many years ago, before me sat a young man at the brink of being a Teenager, I walked around the Island and wrapped my arms around my baby boy.

I sniffed in his scent as deep as I could to remember it forever.

I held him for a while and pulled away and kept his head on my abdomen, Amera urged me to tell him, tell him of our visions of his future.

I pulled his face up so that he could look me in the eye as I caressed his head to my Abdomen. “ My Son, Although you never came from my womb, you have been cemented in my heart and I will love and protect you always. I have a small secret Id like to tell you, I believe it will make things slightly better. Would you like to know?” I smiled at him softly.

He nodded his head lightly as his eyes turned wide with intrigue.

I pulled the tall chair closer and I held his hands in mine. “ You know I am a White wolf?” He nodded slightly in response,

“ Do you know what that makes me?” , He shook his head no.

I smiled and leaned slightly forward and explained to him about Amera and I and how we came to the pack and why he and I were abducted all those years ago.

I explained to him of Clayton's decision and what I was and Clayton and I’s possible future.

I had then moved forward to what I had seen of him.

“ I had seen some of your future my boy, you will be a great Wolf within the Underworld and blessed with many gifts to even rival mine, You have the ability to create absolute chaos and destruction but the values and love we as your parents have shown you will keep you from becoming a monster, You will never be the monster most will expect you to be and I believe its because of that pretty Girl I had seen” I winked at him and his face lit up at the thought that he had a pretty mate in the future but I spared him the in depth details from my intense nightmare, one I had not shared with anyone, one that scared me to my core.

He was still too young to know truly what and whom he would become. I was so Fortunate to have seen that far, I hated the broken pieces I was presented with, I could never truly see what would happen, only pieces thereof.

I told him these things so that he may find some solace in the situation he has been forced in to by a Greedy God, I loved my Son more than My own life and I believed that with my honesty it would assist him and put his mind at ease.

I had thereafter sent him to bed for what remained of the morning.

I then started baking his Birthday cake, I had made a dark blue cake with the pack Crest embedded with gold accents, He would love it.

I had arranged for the Pack members to join in a large cookout and we would spend the day in the Sun and make it a great Birthday for him with friends and family, possibly even a soapy, wet slip and slide. (Sheet of plastic laid on the ground, One runs and skids across the plastic, It great fun) ;)

We spent time dancing and making Burgers, Clayton wore a cute kitten apron and earned a few Laughs from the pack Warriors but everything about Clayton oozed dominance and screamed Alpha so he could pull it off.

Crassus was in tears, laughing at Clayton's bare chest sporting the kitten apron, I laughed as all my Children and pack children played Hide and Seek , Tag and spoke of girls and ghost stories around the fire later that evening.

I smiled at My son, My pride and joy. I advised Crassus he is to be in bed by Midnight and that he shouldn't try and be sly, I knew everything that went on within the pack.

I received a warm smile and a salute from him in response, I walked with Clayton to our bedroom, both exhausted from the party, chatting and mingling with the pack.

We had not spent time like this as a pack in a while and it was desperately needed.

I didn't even bother hopping in for a shower, I laid my head on the pillow knowing tomorrow was to be one of the worst days of my life, I burst into tears, crying for my Son and all the things he would miss out on, He was not gong to have a normal Teenage experience, Instead he would be in literal hell.

This pain we would not wish upon any enemy, the pain of losing a child and there was nothing that could be done, we had spent the day savoring every small moment and embedding it to memory.

Clayton laid next to me and shed a few of his own tears, together we laid in regret and sadness and the feeling of helplessness loomed over us until we fell asleep exhausted but within a few hours it was D-day. There was no turning back.

Isla POV

Clayton and I woke up with a growl and a bang, him growling furiously and me bolting of the bed to only realize to late that I was tangled in the bedding, I hit my face solidly against the wooden floor, Dizziness playing gamesin my head, I stood up shakily realizing before me stood Hades himself.

Shocked I turned my head to the clock on our wall, 01H30 , It was so early in the morning.

Crassus Birthday.

Hades was here to collect.

Clayton was already standing vibrating with rage at the intrusion of the God in our persona space, his Marble black eyes showing his wolf was at the surface ready for anything, none of us trusted him in the slightest.

“Ah Romano Mates, I believe you both know why I am here. I have come to collect.” He smiled, rather awkwardly.

“ You dare enter our room and make demands, You Could not Knock and show some sort of respect!? You come this hour of the morning as well? You Cant even give us the day?” I barked at Hades.

I was furious at the intrusion and pure arrogance of the God.

He smiled brightly and then became very serious.

“ It is a pleasure Luna Ilsa to meet you but I must add, I did this out of respect. I could've just taken the Boy without your knowledge but I am providing you with a Goodbye. Now I do not ever and shall never explain myself to Mortals. I AM A GOD!” He raised his voice with so much power it shook the House.

Bringing Amera and I to the severe reality before us.

I nodded refusing to apologize at the absurd God standing before us.

I walked towards Clayton and took his hand in mine, I needed his strength and he mine, we walked to Crassus room opening the doors softly, he was in a peaceful sleep.

He laid on his bed in the moonlight that lit the room slightly making him look so sweetly angelic, I walked forward with Clayton and I bent low by his bed side, I felt the hot tears drop from my eyes, I shook Crassus slightly and he opened his eyes, his face spoke a thousand words.

He knew it was time.

He jumped into my arms just like the day I had saved him during the Red Eye invasion, within my arms was the three year old little boy who lisped his words and loved his mommy.

I held my son as Clayton held us.

I cried quietly and held him so close that I wished I could keep him against me forever, I wanted nothing but to protect him against all evil.

Amera and I both knew we could not save him now, I stood slowly and held my Boy of 10 and I walked downstairs and through the front door.

Clayton held my shoulder and followed us, leading me as I was unable to see through my tears, I felt his pain and anguish as well but he remained silent, I walked to where I could see Hades standing, I walked to him holding my Boy.

I looked him dead in the eyes and felt a flush of White Light erupt throughout me.

“ The Boy you so desire for your own personal gain will be your greatest downfall. You will regret this Hades and suffer in pain for centuries” The words left my Mouth with a multitude of depths as if I was speaking in different tones all at once.

The vision this time seemed to be a prophecy, I felt it deep within me.

I felt Clayton stiffen in surprise and the light dissipated shortly after I had spoken, I looked at Hades. He smirked, amused by what he must've assumed to be a party trick like threat.

He brought his hand forward and requested Crassus hand.

I put my son down, knowing now the importance of the prophecy. I lent forward and kissed his forehead and whispered in his ear

“ My Son I understand now. do not forget who you are, If you seek me out, you will find me” I whispered the words so quietly that only he could hear.

I understood Crassus’s role now and his purpose as well as mine and why I was chosen to be his mother.

This was Greater than all of us.

I watched Crassus lift his shoulders and straightened his back, trusting my words.

He hugged Clayton goodbye and walked towards Hades, head held high and keeping his composure and holding an intimidating stance, he felt it as I did.

He took Hades hand and with a final wave goodbye he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

Clayton held my hand as we stared at an empty clearing where our son once stood, I could feel his understanding, he too knew that there were bigger things than us out there.

Things our Children would need us for.

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