The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 25. The Great Council

Isla POV

I wore a black dress and black heels as if I was on my way to a funeral, Crassus humming to a song on the radio and Clayton next to me, holding my hand for comfort, I was nervous, very nervous. I knew that this was a Big deal. Today could either be a good or bad day. The council never convened for any meager reason either, so that heightened my emotions.

The car ride had me slightly nauseous, I hated tension. The tension that came before a great event that you were not prepared for. The tension creates a calm like panic and fear within you. The one that makes you want to poop and cry at the same time. Fuck I hope I don't have a panic fart in front of the Council, heightened hearing and smell would be my worst enemy today.

“Relax my love, everything will be ok. I will not lose you again, even the boy. You and I will be addressed by the council, Whatever news they provide, no matter the outcome. I love you and will give up everything for you”. I hugged him close, I didn't like that he was willing to do all these things, It was not Right, I knew he was trying to be reassuring but it just made me feel worse, I had a gut feeling this meeting was about me and what I was.

We pulled up to a Grand Greek-like Building, It was pure white marble and stone with Gold trims around the pillars and triangle-shaped ceilings. The building stood out from all the surrounding areas. All New York Buildings were Glass or of a Darker stone, this one stood out like a Goth in church. I eyed Clayton questioningly before exiting the car. I hugged and kissed my sweet Crassus goodbye and took the Hand of my Mate.

Ascending the steps, each step bringing us closer to the unknown was painful. I walked with confidence Like a Luna should. The confidence I found within Amera. She was there, always there to back me up. Plus if a MOFO tries to hurt me or my man, I will rip his soul out of his body and grave dance with it.

The cockiness of my thoughts didn't help, I wasn't this person, I wasn't someone that started fights, My fear of the unknown is making me think like a child. I was an adult and I can do this.

The Doors to a Great Hall was opened. It seemed like an expensive Courtroom, Mahogany wooden pavilions set on each side of the hall in a U shape, One Large throne chair to the left corner almost hidden from sight was the only object that seemed different in the Great Hall, The senses I received of old power was overbearing, to say the least, so many scents prickled my nose, how many species were in this one Hall?

The Council as a whole were the Judge and Jury, they had to all come to a verdict together or majority votes win, I mainly saw males in the Hall, barely any females were present, this was very odd.

“That is the Dragon King, The Eldest of us all, He never passes judgment but he remains silent in the corner” whispered Clayton, He was looking at the large throne chair in the dark corner, it was now occupied by a man I could barely see but the power he emitted frightened me slightly, My gut told me not to fuck with him, He looks intimidating.

I watched and searched every face of the 15 Council members. My nose not recognizing all their scents. I picked up on Vampire, Werewolf, Siren, and Witch. But there were many more I didn't recognize.

“Why can't I recognize most of their scents?“I whispered to Clayton as we proceeded to walk forward, drawing the Council's attention.

“They are species of supernaturals in all cultures, Not all the species have chosen a representative. So these are the ones chosen so far. I know all the species. I must teach you of them within the next few weeks” He whispered back.

I watched the Council discuss between each other for what seemed to be 15 minutes. We didn't disturb their talk, I tried to listen in like a nosey nelly but wasn't able to hear anything.

“Alpha Clayton and Luna Isla, Thank you for coming today” A female voice spoke.

“Thank you for the invitation Ma’am ” Replied Clayton, As for Me I will stay, Stay dead fucking quiet that is.

“We have convened due to a specific knowledge brought to our attention. We are aware of the attack on your pack and the Lives Lost. We had agreed to your attack on Septimus and the savior of many beloved high ranking officials. But the reason you are here is not why you went after your mate, But how she managed to kill him” The woman's eyes narrowed on me. All the council's eyes Narrowed on me.


I watched in pure shock as they watched me, expecting an answer. Clayton looked at me with soft eyes and nodded, we had to show respect and be Honest with the High Council. I didn't want to anger them.

“I ... I Ripped his soul from his body after he Sta... Stabbed my Mate” I stuttered the sentence failing to hide my fear.

Gasps and Murmurs erupted from the Council. I stood there holding Clayton's hand. His posture was stiff. He didn't like this at all.

“Silence!” A strong male voice boomed from behind them all. I stiffened remembering the Dragon King. This is becoming my worst Nightmare. The scary, Fire Man with scars and tattoo’s was walking towards Me.

I held Clayton's hand so hard, not looking up or around. I waited for Him to address me first, I remained in a confident posture but Clayton let out a warning growl as the King Approached.

“I haven't seen your kind in a while” He spoke, Stoic face filled with no emotion.

He walked around me. Clayton’s Face depicting that of a Death himself. He was angered at the way the King was inspecting me.

“Please respect my mate's boundaries, by Boundaries I mean please back off respectfully sire ” Claytons' teeth were basically clenched together as he spat the words out.

The King never looked at Clayton, Not even bothered by his blatant disrespect.

“I know what you are Woman. I have known your species. I was Great friends with them in the 15h Century. But there have been no more since they were slaughtered. “He spoke, a flash of sadness crossed his eyes so quickly that I barely noticed.

I looked at him then, He had no expression but I could see he didn't want to harm me, I could sense it, I couldn't necessarily pick up anything else from his demeanor but I knew that he was more intrigued in me than a threat to me.

I nodded at him, I studied his face. He was the most handsome man I had seen, almost as Handsome as my Clayton. They were of the same size. But This Dragon king had power. The power I could feel in my Bones. “I am Isla, your Highness. I believe I am the Last White Wolves” I spoke with pride.

I knew I was to be proud of my Gift, it was gifted to me for a reason, The elemental spirit power was rare, I knew this much at least.

The gasps and awe from the Council drew my attention immediately.

Outrage and anger were present “Liar” a Council member shouted, "They are extinct” yelled another.

I took a step back. I wanted to hide behind Clayton. But The Dragon King spoke next.

“Silence you old heathens. I am speaking. I recognize her species. Is there someone here that challenges my authority? I have not had a Fight in a Century so please step forward now.“ He spoke with so much power I almost Shivered.

I could feel Clayton’s tension. He didn't like the situation.

The King Turned to me. He seemed so old for such a young-looking man, He had dark Hair and Silvereyes, he looked as though he was Sculpted by the Gods.

I didn't understand him, I wanted to understand him, He interested me in an Archeologist & fossil kind of way.

Clayton Squeezed my hand when He caught me staring at the Man. Thank goodness for our bond, He would've thought I was looking at him sexually, but in the bond, he could feel I was more interested in his knowledge than his package.

“Bring the Oracle” The king requested and a Guard Saluted and walked away swiftly.

‘Who and what is an Oracle and Why must they bring it?’ I asked Amera in a panicked and squeaky voice.

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