The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 26. The Oracles Prophecy

Isla POV

I watched in awe as this Angelic woman walked into the Great room. A Grecian white Gown barely covering her bits and pieces.

She had red tattoos from head to toe in a Language that looked very old. She walked but I could hear no footsteps, I heard no heartbeat, no breathing. She was a Spirit.

An embodiment of a Soul. I was consumed by her radiance and beauty. But I felt wariness towards her. I knew within my soul not to mess with her.

She walked straight towards me, needing no introduction. She took hold of my hand softly and I felt calm. She played with my palm and looked at the Dragon King.

“She is as I am. Built as I was , So she will become to be as I am. If she so chooses” She smiled at me.

My dumbass had zero fucking clue as to what she had just mentioned. I stared at her stupidly

She smiled at me again. “I dont understand?” I questioned , Amera was just an intrigued as I was with the Oracle. “I know sweet child I can see so. I have confirmed you are of the spirit nature, The same Nature as I was once had before I submitted to it. If you choose it when your time comes you will be as I am. Your strength and Power will grow as Mine had. I died during the attacks of the earlier years and remained as an Oracle. You have a Great destiny along with you Descendants. Including your current Son, Crassus. I have seen a great future for them all. But you will have Great Trials and will have to help your children through them. Your Mate will be there as your protector and Lover. The Goddess has chosen well.“She nodded towards Clayton, who remained silent by my side.

The council remained Silent as the woman spoke.

The Dragon King Nodded in response as if to dismiss the council. I was free to Go home.

The woman turned on her heel and left me feeling more confused, I stood and stared at her back as she walked, Her red Tattoos moved on her skin as if dancing to some magical rhythm, I moved my hand closer to my Mates, I needed this comfort.

I held his warm calming hand in mine and I stood there as if waiting for something...

As I turned to finally walk away I heard her Speak again. “Once you are Pregnant , I wish to see you again. I have further discussions I wish to have with you” She smiled as the great doors closed behind her leaving me thirsty for her information and exstatic at the hope for a child in my future.

A few hours later...

We left for The Airport, Crassus slept the whole way there, someone had taken him to the park and he had run amok and apparently, he jumped in a pond and chased the Geese, he seemed to have higher spirits of late and it brought me great comfort in knowing that he is doing things a young pup should do.

I started to wonder about the Celebration. I wanted to do a celebration that will be memorable and Happy. It's a Celebration of their lives, they already had a funeral.

I wonder if we could maybe place a theme to it. There is the Isle Muerta that the Spanish/Mexican religions practice. I like the Idea of that. But I wanted mine to be a celebration of their sacrifice.

I was thinking that after a war or great tragedy there is a Monument placed in their honor, I wanted to do the same. I wanted there to be Place for future fallen Warriors as well. A monument to be placed in Honor of those lost during this attack and many more to follow. I would have to think of the perfect monument and where to place it.

I was deep in thought when we were passing a Great field filled with sunflowers. I had always Loved Sunflowers, spring was here now and the first rains had come, I must place these in the celebration. Sunflowers mimic the sun, the Sun represents the future and Hope, A New Tomorrow. I have to add this within the Celebration.

I was so deep in thought and planning and deciding on ideas for the Celebration that I didnt notice Clayton placing his hand on my thigh

“My sweet you’re making me feel a bit flustered” He giggled deeply.

“Oh, I forgot that you can feel my emotions. Im so sorry , I have to learn how to tone down the sensations between our link. I havent mastered t since its been what, 2 days? “I laughed quietly.

He smiled at me knowingly. I held his hand and I remembered I have not felt many of his emotions. Thats strange ....

The car came to a Sreeching hault , I was in a daze holding Crassus to my chest tightly I looked up to view through the front windscreen . I was met with eyes, Angry eyes. I knew they were wolves and I immidiately disliked them.

"Stay in the car, these are Rogues” Clayton ordered.

I did not object to him. I knew when to listen like a good girl. I waited in the car and watched as the driver and the gentlemen on the front seat and Clayton got uot to meet the 5 Rogues outside.

Seeing them Brought me back to the day I was kidnapped and the time I was still oblivious to this world, I was so naieve then and I was a stranger to this place. Its been a few months now and I feel as though I am still not yet adjusted.

I watched in horror as blood splatterred on the Windscreen. Crassus Screamed and I held him close, I couldnt see what was happening but I heard enough to know shit was going down outside.

It was broad daylight outside the safety of the vehicle, they knew this was the Alpha’s Car. They knew to do their homoework so this randon stop and beatdown made no sense. They didnt Accidentally end up in the road as we were travelling back to the pack and 5 of them together at the same time was un heard of, this was planned.

Fuckery is afoot yet again.

Amera was furios and demanded I exit the car and rip their souls from their bodies, She swore to me If our Mate was injured she would go all Zena warrior princess on the next Rogue she comes in contact with.

I was staring at the fron windscereen ignoring Amera’s rants and I hoped I could see something, But I remained silent.


I had clawed hands grab at me, I threw Crassus to the front seat and I elongated my own claws to strike back. I was trying to strike back but was ripped from the car. I watched in horror as the SUV’s window was smashed to peaces, I was being dragged by strong hands and I was tired of being in these fucking situations. I kicked off my shoes, the Fucker had me by the back Collar of my shirt, I shifted Immmidiately, This might have stratled my attacker and he released my shirt that ended up in peaces , I stood tall and White. I was gleaming with rage.

I looked into Dark brown eyes a I look of disgust spread across my face at the Rogue before me I hated everything about him for some reason. It was if it was imbedded in my DNA to have these strange feelings and senses of a persons being.

I lunged at him and he wrapped his arms around my wolfs waist and squeezed as hard as he could, I knew that he would break my ribs if I didnt act fast.

I dropped my weight to the right and we fell down. I in wolf form and he in human we were tumbling and rolling over each other as we descended a hill at quit a bit of speed. I could hear the faint sounds of paws, But I think that there was too much going on to be sure.

When we managed to find our footing the Rogue was covered in mudd and what seemed to be sticks and twigs, blood dripped from his temple actually blood trickled from many small wounds.

I was sure I had the same injuries. But I was a Luna and Fuck this Guy, I lunged forward and was stopped abruptly by black fur that came form absolutely nowhere. I watched as Crixus and Clayton ripped the head off the Rogue. He looked like a God in action.

I was in awe of him and how magnificent his was. I watched as the Rogues body fell limply on its knee’s spraying Blood from the neck reagion where it initially had a head.

I watched as My mate Dropped the head in a gesture made of disgust, I walked to him pride beaming from my eyes and I could feel the Triumph he felt for saving us.

I rubbed against him, White and Black fur of the extreemest purity, I licked his wounds and he mine. I rubbed against him absolutely lost in the moment.

CRASSUS! I realized and I froze. Causing our mate to become defensive and on high alert. I bolted to the car, by the time I reached the road I shifted, Not caring how naked I was and I opened the door so hard it ripped it clean off.

He was there, safe on the Passenger seatn where I had left him. eyes wide with fear I reached for him “Come my baby boy” I stretched my arms to him and kissed him.

Oh he will be a Mommy’s boy, I liked this I’d always wanted boys. I nuzzled into him. Taking a deep breath of hhis scent. I froze when I realised my Booty felt cold. I was Naked on a main road. I was welcomed by Hoots and Hollars from a High School bus that passed. May the ground open and swallow me whole. I have flashed a bunch of Minors.

(Throat Clears) “My Love , I have a towel for you” I could hear Clayton try muffle a laugh. Oh he was an ass sometimes. I snatched the towel with a nasty glare and put Crassus in the car with No right side door. I slipped in with as much grace as I could Muster. I noticed the Driver and Extra Warrior was already in their seats . I watched as Clayton with a pair of small pants got in to the Car and put his seatbealt on. His door was missing but his eyes with bright with muffeled laughter.

I sighed and said “Well I guess they liked my ass “. Booming laughter could have been heard from space , They were dead with laughter. I smiled shyly and asked the driver to get us home. From now on I wear polonecks and ankle skirts.

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