The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 24. The Big Apple

Isla POV

I walked the streets with Clayton in one hand and I felt normal again. We had visited many stores and had spent a lot of money shopping.

I watched Clayton lustfully as he tried on suits of many different colors. 'This man could wear Neon pink and look like a Greek God' I teased to Amera, She giggled in response

I tried on Laungerie and dresses from all sorts of stores feeling like a princess, I drank champaign and basically oozed wealth trying and buying almost anything I found remotely beautiful.

Stocking up my wardrobe with new things. Clayton never once tried to stop me, He watched me jump around like a madwoman on a sugar rush, Shoes of all kinds and underwear that made me look like a stripper to gowns and dresses that made me look like a lady, I tried on shirts and pants that made me look as if I belonged in Paris fashion week.

I was on cloud 9, hitting every shop with a bang. I swear at one point Clayton's gold card was burning I swiped it so many times.

I had enjoyed the morning so far. Amera was distant from me still. She and I both still in pain from our friend's death and the trauma we barely survived. When this came to my mind it soured the experience completely.

I hated this, The whole situation was absolutely Fucked up. I had everything I have ever wanted and I was almost crippeled with loss. I felt guilty for enjoying myself for a few hours when others lost their lives and are grieving their dead families and friends.

I felt like a Horrible Luna. I had done nothing for my pack but bring them pain.

Clayton turned to me, feeling my anguish. He held me close, I could hear the bustle of people walking all around us, But at this moment he was taking my pain away.

Amera whined within me and pushed me closer to him. I had missed him so much and never will I be parted from him. Never.

“My love, are you hungry?“he asked me so softly, I didnt reply, “The city has Italian pizza and chocolate Hazelnut Gillato. Would you like some of that? I know I do” This man was just an absolute dream.

By the Goddess, I could practically jump down his throat and live in his heart. “Yes please,” I mouthed like a little girl. Knowing food can fix everything. But Also make my ass bigger.

He has been keeping tabs on my emotions and thoughts lately, but blocking me from his. I needed to find out what was going on inside his head? He was hiding something, but what?

He had been the one to console me last night when I had cried like a child, he had suggested the shopping trip as a distraction, I knew he was trying to help me feel better, This was probably not easy for him, feeling my pain and sadness, Maybe that's why he is blocking me?

We ate in silence and I enjoyed every bite almost just as much as one of his fat cum filled orgasms. “You shouldnt feel guilty” His voice broke my crass train of thought.

“About?” I asked almost choking on a large mouthful of pizza.

“The pack and the Attack, we didnt know about it and neither did you, it's not your fault, but all we can do is help the pack grow together. make them stronger.” His voice was so reassuring and confident proving he was a great Leader and basically designed for it, he held my free hand and stroked his thumb over my palm, allowing my other hand to cradle the slice of pizza I was devouring.

“I was thinking we might need a pick me up" He smiled at me.

“We? who the pack?” I asked with a mouth full of pizza.

“Yes, we can have a Memorial Ball this year. To celebrate the lives of the brave Pack members we lost?” He mentioned very casually, so casually that it wasnt.

I smiled knowing he was bating me. I was a planning freak. It was a large part of my previous job.

“I accept your subtle hint for me to organize this ball or whatever. Thank you my love for giving me something that I could do for the pack, I honestly feel like I have something to prove, I want to leave a mark, I want to be known as one of the best Luna's the pack has ever had, besides your Mother” I smiled at him shyly, He winked at me in response.

I swear my pussy fluttered immidiately. Controling my Hormones and Urges I began to think of Ideas.

"August wouldve loved to do this with me" I whispered through dry saddened eyes.

He looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

“Clayton, do we need to pick a new Beta for our pack?” I mentioned to him, Sadness dripping from my every word.

“Yes, my love. I have been thinking of Beta Varo. He was Isaac’s Younger brother. But only by a Year. He is quite the Impressive wolf”. I nodded at his remark not wanting to bring more pain than is nescessary.

We walked back to our Hotel room, Knowing that Tomorrow we would have to meet with the Council. I was shitting Bricks.

Later that Day...

It was late at night and I stood balcony staring at the view, I felt his familiar arms circle around my waist as the wind blew gently through my hair and swayed my nightdress, I probably looked like a lost princess. I felt safe and I felt less Guilt in his arms.

‘Clayton feels guilt. I felt it before we came here, he is hiding something. Crixus won't speak to me either. I have tried to connect to him. he hasnt responded to me’ Amera’s word worried me in our perfect moment.

I reassured her that it was probably the situation at home, but I agreed with her, if this feeling he was having persisted then I would have to ask him, but for now, we would live here in this moment.

“Momma. I missed you” the sweet sound of Crassus lisp rang as the hotel room door flung open with a bang, I left Clayton's warm embrace and hugged my lil man.

I adored his Hazel eyes and midnight hair, His eye sometimes bordered on a sunset orange color, almost Like fire. He was my happyness. I watched as Clayton’s face expressed sadness. I didnt understand why he acted like this when Crassus was around.

“Come on my lil big man, let's pick a movie for you and get some cheesy fries?” He basically almost exploded with joy.

“Maybe no sugar" I mentioned to Clayton sarcastically turning to look at him again as I picked Crassus up into my arms. He responded with a smile and laid with us on the bed after ordering our cholesterol filled dinner.

We fell asleep shortly. Clayton and Crassus both fighting for my embrace during the evening, I smiled and almost purred with Happyness.

I had both my Big man and Lil man with me, Safe and Happy. This was perfect.

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