The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 21. The Battle

Claytons POV

We stalked the hill up towards the castle, silencing every Guard in our sights, careful not to kill them, but making sure to knock them out. We didn't want to hurt more innocents, one thing was clear, they were not acting according to their own will. They were not aware of what they were doing.

I was approaching from the right side of the hill and Isaac leading warriors from Behind the Castle to the left side of the hill. Our plan is to engulf the castle with sheer numbers in order to prevent as minimal bloodshed as possible.

We scouted the Castle first using drones to make sure there weren't that many Guards or red eyes walking around. To be honest there were many. But we were far more in numbers.

I stalked the hill in Wolf form, paws drenched in Mudd, The air was cold and a slight rain was masking our scents and sounds impossible to sense.

We had to get as close as possible before they knew we were there. I had to call Crixus forward, He wanted blood and death he knew what we were here for. He did not care for the Bewitched Supernaturals. He cared for our Woman, Our Mate. Our Soul Mate.

I had to convince him not to kill anyone unless ultimately necessary.

I wasn't sure who set off the Alarm but sirens echoed throughout the Large Castle and Hills Making our unwelcomed presence known.

I knew then that Blood would be spilled so I let Crixus take control. I would not back down for anyone and nothing at this point.

We had to do whatever necessary to ensure the ones trapped safety, but there would be casualties. The Scottish Alphas medical teams were waiting for any casualties at the border of the Castle Grounds.

The bewitched piled out of the Large Castle ready to fight. Blank expressions and red eyes met us tooth and nail.

The Battle had begun.

Crixus taring limb from Limb, Ripping body and Head apart. Clawing his way through the masses. Fighting creature after creature.

Caution left as soon as Crixus took over. He was Anger and Malice personified, craving bloodshed, and basking in his power. He was magnificent in stature and oozed pure power.

Clayton had the brains and brawn but leaned more towards a serious nature, Crixus thought saw black and white, to him, no grey area existed. You were either a friend or a foe.

Raging through the bewitched he found simple. He found so much pleasure in destroying the Creatures, He was ferocious. Sudden pain followed a gunshot. His shoulder burned and the wolf growled, Who dared to shoot us.

The blinding fire took the place of the bullet had entered, searing pain filled our left flank. He turned his head ready to kill the one that had shot him.

Septimus stood in an open window, dart gun in hand. We looked towards our flank eyes widening. In our wolf's shoulder was a dart needle filled with black liquid. We felt the lava spread like wildfire, Soon we had no control.

Crixus became silent as if he disappeared. I knew then we had been given the poison the Bewitched had. Fury spread through me but this was not going to happen. We remained standing stiffly whilst the Battle all around him proceeded. We watched Septimus. Staring at him Blankly.

In one swift move, we ripped the dart out of us, it must have hit a rib because the needle never emptied.

Ascending the stairs in wolf form we pretended to succumb to the liquid, knowing we were on the way to where Septimus was. We didn't want him to know the dart never emptied, surprise is on our side today. I remembered as well that Hades also made me immune to his power, That was also a card that I had in my back pocket.

We entered a Large white room after scenting our way to our Mate, Crixus was anxious to see her, but we both knew it was imperative to maintain the facade.

We were shocked. Isla was Strapped to a Large metal table, Naked, she was fastened tightly. Her beautiful body in view for all to see, jealousy seeped into us she was ours, Her body meant for our eyes only and our touch alone.

How dare Septimus insult her so, She looked lifeless, head hanging low and her body was full of sweat. She wasn't well, we hated to see her like this, we knew she wasn't dead. She was still breathing but her state was shocking, she was dirty and seemed to have been crying, Was she tortured with magic? if so, then Septimus will pay dearly.

Suppressing a growl I watched as Septimus Smiled as if he had won a great Victory “I seem to have both Mates in my control. Oh how I love the Feeling of Winning” his yellow teeth presented to me through thin lips and pale skin, he was a horrible person, inside and out.

He patted my head like a stupid dog and I was enraged, but still, I remained frozen. I Looked at Isla, my love, She was right here in front of me. I knew I was close enough to keep her safe.

I knew I couldn't shift it would be obvious that I was not under the control of the poison, I just needed Crixus to remain calm now.

With a surge of power, we lunged at Septimus whilst he Gloated, Suprise to his face and He panicked. I took ahold of his leg, snapping it instantly, he fell to the ground. Fear Coursing through his veins I could see it in his eyes, the Bastard knew I was there to claim my revenge. Crixus could smell it in the air his fear smelt sweet. This was what he craved, justice for my mate, and my pack. Crixus went for the kill but stopped when he heard her moan silently, drawing our attention immediately.

She was waking up and I would be by her side when she did.

I wanted her to know she was finally safe. The war sounds outside were now Quiet. Only the Footsteps and Murmurs of my Warriors remained. I knew then that we had won.

I Lifted her head slightly and kissed her softly, forgetting my back was turned on Septimus, I still heard his moans of pain and the smell of his fear.

Isla stirred and opened her Beautiful eyes to see mine, she was surprised, to say the least. I was overjoyed.

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