The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 22. The Spirit within & One Soul

Isla POV

I felt my senses return slowly from the darkness, feeling absolutely Drained. I could feel someone take off the belts that held my hands and body to the large cold steel table.

I felt normal though, I don't think his drug affected me. I was surprised.

The burning had stopped and I felt nauseous but nothing more than that.

I felt the warm tingles I craved and longed for, for more than three months. Amera forced the last bit of dizziness away and we met with the eyes that could melt us like Butter.

Clayton was here, Here to save us. I sprang into his arms and devoured his lips, claiming him with my own with great force. Our warm Naked bodies pressed so close they became one.

I kissed him for all I was worth and more. I never wanted to leave his arms again. Pure Happiness and the feeling of safety was overshadowed by the pride and lust I felt for him.

He came for me and he didn't abandon me to my fate. He had come for me. Amera was over the Moon exited. I clung to him in desperation and fear, I knew this was real and I had dreamt of this moment for months. I felt like the emotional dam I had built within the crevices of my being start to slowly crack, But I fought against it. I could still hear that fool close by. His heartbeat an insult to life itself.

A sobbing sound broke our intimate moment and I stopped our reunion, awarding the air with a sickening growl from Clayton. I smiled at him and turned to find Septimus cradling on a broken leg, he seemed even more fragile than previously.

I stared at him, pure anger seeped from every pore on my body. Clayton sensing my anger and I his, we decided in a silent unison that the reunion would have to wait, He growled with rage and the earth itself shook with trepidation, Septimus screamed and coward low like an absolute waste of air, he did not deserve life, he had been responsible for the deaths of many.

“You drugged me you Bastard” Screamed Clayton.

I watched in awe and pure surprise. How did he Breakthrough the potion? How did I break through the Potion?

As the Question seeped within my mind binding me to reality and reason. I watched in horror as Septimus took a knife and sliced at Clayton's abdomen. Clayton was picking up the scum to discard of him when Septimus sliced at Clayton's abdomen. I stood frozen as everything played before me in slow motion.

Septimus was dropped to the floor immediately. Clayton fell to his knees his blood pooled around him like hot liquid lava, his wound was of the fatal kind. I knew this.

Amera came forward pure Rage and anguish, My eyes turning black with rage, she marched towards Septimus. Kicking his hand harshly a snapping sound of bone slicing through flesh and spurting with blood was followed by a screech of pain, the weapon skid across the floor as he gripped his broken forearm in pain.

It was then that I felt it. The feeling was pure power, I knew I was to be a Luna but this power was strong. I watched as Septimus’s horrified face landed on my own. knowing his fate. I raised him from the ground, his broken arm lying limp beside him as the blood tapped from his wound.

One hand on his neck, squeezing the life from him. I felt the White power become all consuming. I felt the Surge of power all over my body. I was unstoppable as the buzzing feeling of pure white energy coursed through my body like rapid water, pure and clean, and all-powerful, I reached for his shoulder with my opposite hand, staring straight into his eyes when Amera spoke.

“You are a vile creature and deserve the pits of hell. I will send you there immediately” Her voice boomed as if it was being echoed through hills and valleys.

With one swift movement, we Pulled his shoulder and pushed with the opposite hand on his throat, I held in, in my hand as his body fell lifeless to the floor with a thud.

I held his Soul with my right hand, his soul was what he was, his body a shell of himself. He was glowing red and black and he was as seethrough as selefane.

Amera growled at him as he tried to scream, there was nobody to support his scream so he seemed to be an apparition with no voice, flailing like a sea creature he tried to fight for himself and his life, I knew that if I had to release his soul that his body was too broken to be able to absorb him back.

Red and Black were the colors my own soul found to be familiar, pure evil was the souls that looked like his, my ancestors and my bones knew this, he would have to burn.

One swift move and we choke slammed him into the ground as his soul started to burn under our hands. we were sending him to hell where he belonged, he slithered like a snake as the coal as the fire burned him from all directions, I could see that his soul was in pain and I didn't care, This is Justice and I will make sure it is served.

When he all but disappeared. I walked to Clayton in fear as white hough shone all around me. 'Please don't let him be dead' I mumbled, walking towards him, dropping to my knees right next to him, he looked at me with pure love and admiration. “Show me, I want to see where he cut you I need to Help you please”. I begged him

“Don't worry my love I will be ok. I will heal from this I promise” He breathed, I could see how he was hiding his pain, I moved his hand from his large torso, slow and steady were my movements, I didn't want to cause him more pain, I had never got much chance to study the wound but I knew it was very bad, and probably laced with silver as the smell made my stomach turn.

What can we do? How will we save him? the silver has stopped his healing and he has lost so much blood, that's all I could see around me was blood, It was his blood and I was afraid, petrified, I can't lose him like this, this isn't right!

I Moved his hand gently. I was still glowing slightly white. I studied his wound and made sure I was not focussing on the emotional side of my assessment but rather focussing on the damage I could fix. I could see parts of his bowel I was so shocked at how deep it was and how much blood pooled from his open wound still. I knew this was a fatal wound I couldn't cope with the realization of my second assessment, it broke me and tears pooled down my face. He tried to soothe me through his own pain, his free hand caressing my cheek, I could see he had come to terms with his fate.

I won't!

Claytons POV

I watched her, I was so focussed on her stunning face and how close her naked body was to me. I knew my wound was fatal I could see it in her eyes. I no longer felt the pain, I was too far gone to receive any help.

But all I wanted was to stare at my beauty, glad that my last moments were to be spent with her. In her arms. The white glow that resonated around her had me in awe. She looked like an angel.

I watched her rip Septimus’s soul from his body and slam him to hell. Hades will be pleased. He receeved 1/3 of his contract. Soon he will have my Soul and the boys. I couldnt tell her what I did. I didnt want to spoil the moment. I knew her image of me would be tainted if I did. I could tell her I knew she was a White Wolf. I couldnt tell her anything bad. But what I can tell her is how much I loved her.

“My love” I whispered to her. Her eyes red with tears looked straight into my soul. Fuck I loved her so much. She was everything to me.

“I know we both are aware of my situation. But I wanted you to know. I love you. I will always love you, I have made a few mistakes and choices I think you would disagree on or possibly even hate me for but I wanted you to know. I did it all for you and for the pack. I love you and only you. I have loved you since the day I first saw you.” I breathed the words watching her crumble before me as her heart was breaking piece by piece. I wanted to hold her close and squeeze her tight.

She placed her hand on my Open wound. I felt warmth spread through the wound and into every cell of my being. I saw a large white Light. Then there was Darkness. I think I died.

Isla POV

I cried so hard at his words. Feeling uselees and so emotional I couldn't respond. My wailing and cries of pain showing my emotion. Amera remained silent. Whimpering in a ball. He was Dying. I couldnt understand how cruel the world could be.

I survived so much to lose the only man I have ever loved. Why ??? Why??? what was the point in this. Why give me love and a Man worthy of it, to take him away.

I had only a month with him and now he was Dying and no one could save him. I placed my hand on his stomach as his eyes strated to flutter closed. “No, you will not leave me” I breathed through my tears.

I placed all my energy, every single drop of my energy in my hand on his abdomen. I felt the White light increase as power surged through my hand. I was drained of energy but I pushed on. I knew I was doing something. I was acting on instinct. I had to do this.

I felt the urge in my bones. I Burned through my power. Amera pushing with me. We couldnt see as the light had consumed the room. chasing away the darkness. I was pushing the power forward so hard I felt faint. Amera begged me to carry on fighting.

I was holding onto his soul, hoping that if I held on long enough that his body would heal.

I fell on top of him after many hours, completely spent as the darkness overtook Amera and me.

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