The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 20. The Warlocks Madness

Isla POV

I was still staring at his ugly face whilst standing in his office/ torture room when he caught me off guard with the words he spoke next.

“Well my white wolf, I have plans for you. I am under the impression you weren't told about how rare you are?” He spoke with anger laced in his voice.

“What does the color of my Wolf have to do with the price of bread?” I was confused but kept my sarcastic facade to keep on irritating him, It was working.

To my knowledge, A wolf's color is basically represented by the color of their hair? wasn't it so? their eyes were different colors when they changed signaling their rank. Gold is for an Alpha and Luna, Copper for beta's and delta's, grey for lower-ranking wolves, this was my knowledge of wolves, their scents are also different and one can sense by instinct what rank a wolf is, But Septimus does not have a wolf form, so how would he know what color my wolf was? other blond women in the pack's wolves were of a gold color, mine was white, it's just a color, right?, although Clayton's reaction to my wolf's color was alarming I didn't think any further on the subject.

“Oh! you naive woman, I knew you had spent a few months at the pack, but it seems Alpha Clayton has kept something from you. You, my dear, are the last of a bloodline, A bloodline murdered for their abilities and their souls, You are a rare piece I want to add to My collection. I have a Coven filled with high-ranking species and officials and now I have a White Wolf. I will eat your Heart and claim the power it holds. I will then proceed to Place your stuffed body on a mantle, In wolf form obviously as a trophy. I will be the most envied amongst the species. Once you and your Mate are out of the Picture I will then Dismember the Council by beheading them with their own officials. That My Pretty is my master plan” he screamed as if he was possessed, hands flailing in the air, I could smell the disgusting scent of his breath and I watched his armpit stains grow bigger the more he moved around, he was like a re-reincarnated Hitler.

I looked at him as if he was stupid keeping up my facade, but I was also curious about what I was and why he was so interested in eating me and stuffing my body like some trophy.

"First of all, don't eat my heart that just fucked up and probably very illegal. I have no powers by the way at all, didn't you maybe think that if I had powers that I would've got my ass out of here already, and Lastly world domination is only attempted in Bond movies by actual Villains that are good at being bad. You're just ugly with a bit of hocus pocus magic, get a grip you dumbass. This plan and your life it seems is both fucked and doomed to fail”

'I won't lie, being so brutally harsh on my assessment of him felt absolutely great!' I told Amera, she blurted out laughing in response.

He was enraged by my blatant honesty and disrespect, he started swearing and throwing things like a five year old that's mother just told him, No. Hee proceeded to order his minions to take me to some special room for the ritual.

I was a bit afraid, to be honest, I think I might have pushed him too far. I secretly hoped that Clayton would find us soon.

He should bring a ladder, I think I dug my own 6ft grave with my mouth.

I was dragged into a white room by some red eyes almost immediately. I was afraid at this moment, I didn't like the Hospital vibe the room was giving off, this seemed to be a very bad situation, very bad indeed.

“Well, here we are. I have done extensive research on your type of wolf" Septimus advised, taking a book in his hands carefully, the book seemed very old and was stained with age, from it he read ' If the wolf hasn't Manifested her power yet, they can be placed in a situation and forced to manifest her power'

"I'd like to know what power you hide, usually your kind has some or other elemental power. Earth, Fire, Air, Water, and Spirit. Once I eat your heart that power will be mine.” he smiled at me as his black eyes darkened further.

I stared at him, processing the information he was throwing at me whilst I was being maneuvered and placed on a cold steel table, the surroundings of the rooms were mainly old types of medical equipment. I knew he was here for business and whatever he had to throw at me I would have to manage it on my own for now, So I will have to keep my mouth shut. I needed to escape somehow, scanning the room to find no possible exits as the windows were too high and there were 3 Red eyed guards at the only door in the room leading to Septimus's office.

I was afraid, I didn't understand why he believed I was special. Amera and I were gifted one another by the moon Goddess but that was it.

I had no powers, I wasn't even that great at hand to hand combat. I was a White Wolf but that was what he thought I was. I wasn't some special mystical creature ready to zap, kaboom, and pow my way through this castle. If I knew I could do that I would've left 3 months ago, On the same day I arrived.

He must be mistaken or completely delusional, you can not believe everything in history. People in history drank lots of wine and some smoked pot.

I've smoked pot and seen a few strange things, it doesn't mean I believed what I saw. People in history exaggerated situations to seem more interesting or to seem more adventurous, their lives were dull and bland. adding some spice and they have made a great story.

I knew Septimus had placed a lot in the folk lore’ish version of my “Bloodlines”. But my entire bloodline was Human. There were so many flaws to his assumption of me.

'He seems desperate' Amera advised, 'Desperate, How so?' I questioned her.

'He seeks power and greatness by forcing others and becoming a dictator and a villain. Once he has this mighty power, What will he do with it? I do not believe he has thought that far.' Her words making sense to me.

I watched as my arms and legs were strapped to the table, a Larger belt was strapped around my waist. I was then hoisted from horizontal to a vertical position, it obviously was some sort of research table to be able to work this way.

I looked around the room, frantically trying to find a weapon and an exit. The red eyed supernaturals next to me blinked and breathed and I wondered at that time, How did he do it?

“Septimus, How are you controlling these people? ” I asked, Curious to know and keep my mind off of the situation at hand.

He smiled filling a syringe with some dark colored liquid “I injected them with this, My special formula. It makes them compliant” he smirked at me.

I panicked and started wriggling and moving as much as I could. I was going to be a red eyed Freak if that needle penetrated my skin. "Shit! Fuck! Help!" I kept screaming for someone, anyone to hear me. the bed and straps were making so much noise as I tried to free myself from this stupid contraption.

“What will you do if you succeed? what is the point to all this? do you believe that once you've won that the Supernaturals will respect you? Love you, Worship you? ” I pleaded with him to see sense.

“Do not do this Septimus, Please don't do this” I whispered to him. I knew that he wouldn't care He never bothered to reply to my statement.

I took it that he himself did not want to know those answers. He stalked towards me with a horrible grin. He placed the needle in my arm and before he could inject...

Sirens, loud bellowing sirens rang through the Castle. Septimus froze. He screamed in fury. I stared at him, knowing Clayton had come for us. Before I could rejoice he plunged the needle into my arm and the pain seethed through me, Liquid lava burned me from the inside out, it traveled up my arm and through my body, I could feel it penetrate every cell in my body as it spread throughout me, every heartbeat sent the poison further into my body. I screamed in pain, I was on fire and he stared at me, Smiling like a mad doctor.

I will enjoy punching him in the throat.

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