The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 16. The thought of Sacrifice

Claytons POV.

I sat at my desk scratching my beard, I hadn’t shaved in Months, I bathe, eat, and sleep. Furthermore, I work day in and out.

Each report I received came back providing me with nothing. Isaac and the Trackers were as motivated as ever to find the attackers, It was all they had left. But the searched non stop, they questioned other Clans and Packs that had similar sort of attacks or even disappearances but received no specific information that was different from the other. High ranking officials from all species had gone missing.

Multiple reports were escalated to the Council, I also escalated mine. But they are swamped. No one knows what or who is responsible.

The Council is sending out Spies and surveillance teams to all corners of the Planet. The Abductions have caused great unrest between rival Packs and Clans, Whoever has taken these people wants us to fight between one another. Decades of peace hangs in the balance.

I turned my attention to the Pack progress report reading the detailed summary of our Pack's progress after the attack. The pack still mending their emotional scars but besides that, we had made great progress and were building up slowly. All the Structures were rebuilt and refurbished, The injured were healed and back to good health.

I ordered all pack members to take part in self-defense training, There was training in the morning and at night for the Pack members, THey were obligated to attend one a day, Most were assigned to their training times but I set this up specifically to help us as a whole.

My Father had implemented this when he was the Alpha, But I am not my Father. I changed a great many things when he died and I took over. I was going to be the best Alpha I could. I did not want my Pack fearing me or my moods. I wanted and earned their respect. Respect breeds loyalty, Fear breeds betrayal.

I bent my head forward, Allowing the feeling of failure to seep into my thoughts.

“Three months had passed and Nothing, Nothing, Nothing!” I flung the remnants off my desk and Cursed loudly not caring who could hear.

I needed a release, I needed my Mate, I needed normality again.

One Thing I knew, is I would never stop searching. Ever.

“It made no sense. Why, Why take the Future Luna? There had been no ransom, No requests, Nothing.!” I screamed to the Moon Goddess, Lifting my head and hands to the heavens, pleading for her help.

Defeated, I bent down and started picking up the forms and documents I had thrown from my desk in a fit of rage, I was losing control.

I placed the document that I have been working the hardest on, right ontop of the others. This document was important because I had tasked one of my Doctors to start tests on a tracking system, One that would allow me to find any member of my pack if need be, no matter how far they were from the My Territory, this tracker had to be tough enough to survive the transformation process as well as any external trauma, I wanted it to be as small as a grain of rice and it could be injected into a Pack Members Abdomen, It was the only place I could think of on the body that did not have Multiple bones that required readjustment.

The doctor's report was ready for me to read, But I did not have the strength, not tonight. The emptiness and the disappointment that grew within me was overbaring. I felt as if I was Failing her and my Wolf.

I stormed out of the packhouse and decided to take a run. I needed to get out, I would run to the only place left where I could find Comfort. My Mother.

As if she knew I was Coming, she waiting the Cabin's porch watching me siletly as I came closer. In her hands she held a Large towel, she was expecting me, this never surprised me because she always knew when I needed her, Although it was not often nowadays, when I was a child she was always there to provide me with comfort. I shifted and took the towel from her with a soft smile, now in my Human Form, I sat down and said Nothing.I just sat there and Stared at the Lake.

“My baby boy, I have tried searching for her with my old warlock friends help, but they can not allocate her location either” She sighed

This delivered the final blow, I laid my face in my hands and allowed myself to feel my emotions. Warm tears ran down my face and pooled in my hands. I had cried only three times in my entire life, this was the Third.

I sat there for close to an hour crying silently as my mother placed a comforting hand on my back.

I had all the power and all the muscle to achieve almost anything I put my mind to, but I was still unable to find her.

Nothing Made sense, why couldn't I Find Her? Not even Warlocks or my Trackers could find her, I was at my wit's end.

“I want to request Help from Hade's mother” I whispered

She froze instantly. “What?” she breathed in disbelief

“My son that is dangerous, The Gods will demand great things from you in exchange for a favor, look at what happened to your Father” she spoke with a panicked squeaky Voice.

I knew My Fathers decisions led to his death and the choices he made. Although he was a Mosntorous Father, He was still a Great Alpha.

“I had been thinking about this for a while now. I would offer My services to him once I die, in exchange I could find Isla’s location and destroy the person doing this” I breathed.

“Your reasons are not selfish my Son, He will want to claim more from you. The prices are usually High for information, Hades knows this, he will want a lot from you because he knows your desperate. Your Father and His Beta paid dearly for Hade’s help”

“I know Mother, but I have to. I have to do this. I spoke to The Council, there are many High Ranking officials that have been reported missing after these kinds of attacks. Someone is targeting each and every Supernatural Pack, Coven or clan. They started with the largest one's fist and moved to the smaller ones thereafter, they leave no trace or evidence behind. I believe whoever is doing this will start seeking information next or they are trying to cause a War between us all” I breathed the words knowing the weight they carry.

My Mother nodded in understanding, this was greater than us. Although we owed the other supernaturals Nothing. If I were to find Isla, I would set the others free. Thereby strenthening bonds between our Clans, Packs, and Covens and avoiding a War.

There was a bigger Picture here I had to look at, If I could help them all and My Beloved Isla. I would.

But First I needed to speak to Hades and see what He would want in return for information.

Hades was known for intervening in the Mortal world, but it was always at a price.

Later that evening I walked home, towel Draped over my abdomen lowly, it was a long walk, I looked at my reflection in the water, remembering Isla’s greedy hands touching me, Exploring me. I looked at my bare neck, The spot where she was to put her was clear, It felt physically empty.

I would do anything For her. I needed her, My Pack did as well.

Luna’s in a Pack was just as important as the Alpha.

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