The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 17. Mistakes of our Fathers and The Greatness of Gods.

Claytons POV

I sat in My office, still draped in the towel holding my modesty in Place. I’m slouched down in the seat, I don’t want to have to do this. But for her Id do anything. She was mine and I am hers. Always

I thought of my Father and Isaac’s Father and the choices they made.

They combined two small Packs into one, they worked tirelessly to make the pack as strong as possible. My Father and Isaacs Father were Brothers, Mine being the eldest. They belonged to a small pack that was constantly raided and attacked. When my Father ascended to Alpha he met My Mother who was the pack adjacent to theirs and found they were Mates. They combined their packs under my Father’s surname and so began the tale of my great Father.

He created along with my Uncle and their Mates made a strong pack, they accepted those who were shunned from their own packs, but were not yet turn Rogue. They were allowed to join remain with us if their offenses were not too grave and so My family took the pack to its greater Hights.

I had a different experience with my father, Ultimately it drove my mother away from him and into the woods. She loved the man he was, but his harshness towards me and Isaac was unbearable to her and She decided to move away from the packhouse.

I was trained from the age of 5 to become an Alpha, My muscle and size are mainly from rigorous training and diet I had to Maintain, I was forced to study when I was not training and beaten if I made a mistake. The training and studies I could manage, But the beatings and punishments became worse when the witches and warlocks would attack.

My Father would torture me, in order to make me stronger mentally and physically to be able to fight for longer and take a life without a care. I had been raised hard and with no love from him. But My mother was there to remind me that there was good and love in the world. She fought day in and out for me, Never giving up. Ultimately it was all that kept me sane, was my mother's love.

There was a great dispute at the Council and my father ruffled some feathers with the Warlocks and from what I heard he had Slaughtered one of their covens for trying to do some or other heinous crime against the Humans.

Their leader I never knew, but My father became enemy number one to all witches and Warlocks, many years and many lives were lost during this ongoing war. My Father had had enough when they tried to blow up our Pack ad destroy every living being within. They started with the children and then progressed with the adults, poison was their weapon of choice.

My mother never told me what my father and uncle promised Hades for his assistance. But I knew it was a great price he and my uncle paid.

Ultimately their plan worked and the Council laid stronger restrictions on Witches and Warlocks and their use of magic.

My Mother never told me what my Father wanted from Hades, But I knew it worked.

So I would ask Him for an exchange. My Soul in the afterlife, in exchange for the location of Isla and the others, Along with the ability to end the Culprits life.

With this idea in mind. I walked to my room. I stood on the Great Balcony I stood now, clothed and defeated, I called his name and waited for the Great God of Death to show Himself.

Within a minute there was smoke rising from the middle of the Balcony and Hades appeared. “Mr. Romano, You summoned me ?”

“Yes, great God Hades, I seek your help, I want to make an exchange for your assistance, Please?” I begged. The desperation in my voice evident.

He nodded, No expression evident on his face. “Let me hear your request Mr. Romano, and I will advise you as to what I want in return. Once you have made a contract with me, It can not be broken, understand this carefully.”

I nodded, I had already decided I needed his help, three months and we have no clues or any information on Isla and the one who is responsible for all of this. I had to do this. It was my last Hope.

“I kindly request to have the knowledge and ability to Locate my Mate and destroy the person who had taken her and hurt my pack. I wish to save the others they hold captive if they still remain alive” I spoke the words with strong and true intent.

Hades nodded, knowing very well as to what had happened and who was responsible. He too wanted the person's soul. They would burn in a special place in hell.

“Very well, I require the person's soul, but my terms are as follows. 100 years of service as a general in one of my hells once you die, I want the boy your mate has, I want him within Hell on his 10th Birthday, I would collect him then. He would be within my charge till I see fit to let him leave. Are my terms Clear Alpha Romano?”

I was shocked, My soul and the Culprits soul was acceptable, but the life of a young boy I did not know, I couldn't do that.

“Why the Boy? why him, what would you need with him?” I asked.I needed to know why Hades wanted a Boy? Children were never sent to hell?.

“I have no Heirs and need no woman, but Hell is filling up, I need assistance, I need a Beta of my own, The boy will be blessed with gifts and treated fairly. But I need him specifically because I believe he has the perfect traits to assist me. Ultimately he would be a Demi-God and Reign alongside me”.

I was shocked, to say the least, but was his life mine to give? Could I trade him like some pawn?

This was an incredible opportunity for him. Would I sell this boy's Life? Would he be mad or happy at the decision I was chosen to make for him?

I swallowed hard, Knowing my decision and the possible price I would pay. “I accept your terms”

With that Hades smiled and had me put a drop of my Blood on a contract, noticing the boy had no family and was an orphan made me feel slightly better.

But I knew what I had done, Might be horrible for the Little boy.

I felt both guilt and relief, I turned my attention to Hade’s awaiting the answers and the power I needed.

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