The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 15. The Cold Nights within

by his thick black lashes

Isla POV

“Fuck you, you slow limping, floppy dick son of a bitch” I bellowed at the Warden who brings our food.

According to my Calculations, we had been here 3 days, I have no clue where we are, and that Red-Eyed Bastard won’t even speak to me.

For 3 days I hadn’t Bathed or washed my clothes, Nothing! I smell like a Prostitute and apparently I speak like a Sailor. I am Angry and Afraid all the time.

Crassus is becoming more Lively and he seems to be my only Distraction. He doesn’t talk much but he sits on the ground and plays quietly by himself, He seems quite unfazed about our situation I am trying to focus most of my attention on him.

I, on the other hand, was not coping so well, I needed to keep distracted from this situation so I played with him and walked the length of the cell, over and over again.

I started to learn small things about the Little boy, what I figured out was he was 3 Years old, His Mommy and Daddy are no longer with us. He was very smart for his age, But still too small to comprehend what was happening to him. I tried my best to explain to him what is happening and that I would keep him safe. He lit up like a Christmas tree whenever I said I d keep him safe, My heart melted in an instant.

He had a loneliness about him, a sadness that seemed to run deep within him. I figured that he missed his parents. I didn’t ask further questions because he seemed to become sad whenever I asked about them. I observed him closely thereafter. He had Midnight hair and Hazel eyes that were accentuated by his thick black lashes, his skin was a light olive color and he had small dimples on both cheeks. He was such a cutie pie, He spoke softly and was very gentle, but Amera and I could sense he would be a strong wolf one day, although he was too young for his wolf to even manifest, I could sense it. Amera had the strongest feelings towards him, she would focus all her attention between Crassus and Clayton, maybe it's our situation or that we have been sexually active once now she is pining for this pup.

“Crassus, Have some more bread and milk” I offered more of my share of the food to him.

He seemed a bit tired and I needed him to remain strong. “Thank you Luna mam” His words were slight lisps as he spoke, he had a small gap in his front teeth and it made me giggle every time, boy oh boy this kid was cute.

He seemed far more comfortable on the stone moist floor than I was, My ass would start paining after 5 minutes and Id usually move to the bed for a bit more comfort.

He would eat and look at the ceiling watching the water droplets and track them to their source, he was Interested in tracing them so he stood up, his legs slightly wobbly, and walked to the wall where the water and moss met each other. He trailed the small waterline running between the moss disrupting its path and the water trickled down towards his elbow and into his armpit, He giggled at the sensation and shook his arm in excitement. I smiled because this simple act of gravity had him in fits of laughter for hours, I laughed when he tried using different fingers and body parts to see where the water traveled to.

“Is that a child laughing?“, A voice from down the hall asked, Many chains started moving and I could hear the chains on the bars of the cells around us clank, it was apparent Crassus claimed all of their attention.

I walked forward, leaving Crassus to play with the water. “Yes, there is a child in here” My voice was cracking from the dryness of my laughter.

“How can this be“

“what Monster captures a child!"

“This is outrageous”

All the Voices came from different cells, Outraged at the knowledge of a child kept in a cold dark, and dingy cell for such an extended period of time.

“I am Isla, His...” I struggled with the words

“Protector, I am his protector” I spoke more sternly. "Who else is within these cells with us?“I asked.

“I am Orpheus, Alpha of the Zion Wearpanther clan”, One spoke, He sounded old and tired.

“I am Cicily, Second in command to the Greek Vampire clan” A young woman Spoke.

There were multiple voices and acknowledgments, They all are High ranking officials, from all types of supernatural orders. I was slowly thinking to myself when Cicily asked “Are you a high ranking official?”

“I am, I am future Luna to the Romano Werewolf pack, The you boy with me is Crassus, he was with me when we were abducted”.

“I am wary as to why there are only High ranking officials within these cells, was your Packs, Clans, and Covens attacked by the Red eyes as well?” Questioned Cicily.

A simultaneous yes and no rang throughout the Black walls. One lamp lit the Middle of the Corridor that split our cells. I Couldn't see the Others but I knew each cell had to be enchanted because there were strong supernaturals within these cells and no one had managed to escape yet.

“I want to ask you all a few Questions, If we can? maybe find out if we have a few things in common and it might give us a basic idea as to what or why we could be here” I spoke to the Officials, I heard Murmurs of everyone agreeing.

“Well I can tell you in all my Years I have admired Architecture, I can tell you one thing, we are in an old Castle, very old in fact. I know this Because of the water leaks, The mold on the stones, The Cells have been remodeled, but this is an Old castle judging by the size of the jail, possibly even an old Kings castle” advised Cicily.

We spent the rest of the day speaking about our last moments at our homes during the attack, Some were even abducted after being exposed to some or other drug. The only similarities we had was that we were taken by the same group of beings that showed up Unannounced.No one knew who was behind it all.

I sat at the Cell bars, holding Crassus while he slept in my arms. Feeling the same as the others, lost yet again. Some had been stuck here for longer than a month. I didn't Like the sound of that. I was not going to be stuck in here for that long.

When the other captives started quieting down, I laid on the disgusting mattress, Crassus cradled in my arms and the jacket draped over us. I laid there and my thoughts drifted to Clayton and our last evening together. I missed him terribly, his scent and warms hands that were my safe place, the place that kept me happy and calm.

I knew I loved him from the beginning, but now, now I wanted nothing but to be back in his arms. I honestly hoped the Pack and My love was ok, I had no clue as to the damage that was done and how many of the Pack members had died.

I prayed that they were all ok. That he was ok. That he was coming for me.

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