The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 12. The last of his Bloodline.

(This Chapter follows young Crassus and Provides background to his story and who he is and where he came from)

Crassus was only Two years old when he lost his mother. He was a happy baby and brought much joy to his mother and his Father. Being a son of a warrior was a great honor in the Romano Pack and Crassus’s father loved his son and Mate more than anything. He was a strong fighter but a soft lover.

His mother worked with the orphaned children of the pack. There had been a Great many Orphans that year as Females of their pack started going missing. Not one was ever found. A great many children were in need of a mother and she was more than happy to step up to the plate. Crassus’s mother had a big heart, bigger than most. She was a sweet young woman that was the purest of souls.

There had been stories spreading of demons with red eyes claiming Mated or Unmated women throughout the Pack, These women were never seen or heard from again. Reassured by the Council and Alpha that this was mere gossip and Rogues were to be blamed. Nonetheless, Crassus’s parents remained vigilant and safe.

Crassus used to play as an Infant with the Orphaned children whilst his mother assisted with washing and cleaning of the Large house designated for the Children. This House also Doubled as a Creche’ for the Pack members children who were too young to go to Normal School. It was a place that had been designed to make a child happy as well as integrate children that were orphaned and children that had parents.

The Alpha wanted there to be no segregation between the children.

His mother worked day in and out providing love and care for all the children. But every day there was another child screaming and bellowing for its mother. The Fathers lost in their grief could not manage to take care of their own children, They would bring them to the House for safekeeping.

Some regained their senses and collected their children. Some became so lost they turned rogue or Committed Suicide.

The mate bond was both a Blessing and an Absolute curse.

Many of the Children remained within the House and never saw their parents. This Bothered Crassus’s Mother to no end. She would love all of them as much as she possibly could.

The Night his Mother disappeared was an ordinary night. Crassus was about 2 years of age and playing with his father in their living room. Squealing with joy as his father Tickled him. His mother left quickly to collect something at the Orphanage. That night she never returned.

It was assumed she was taken as she would never Leave her mate or her baby boy. It was just not within her. Her disappearance was similar to the others, One moment they were there, the next they were gone. It never mattered if they were mated or not. Someone was taking women that walked alone, Majority of the time was at night or in secluded areas within the forest.

As the weeks and Months dragged along, Crassus’s Father became aggressive and started to shut down due to the pain and loss he felt towards his Mate, she was his everything and he felt like he lost himself when she went missing, He felt their bond snap and it was all he needed to confirm her death. His Angel no longer was Alive and she probably suffered.

This drove him mad with guilt and hatred...

Crassus soon found himself within the same walls his mother used to work. His father was found dead within a day or two, He had hung himself and left a note for his son, Crassus’s inheritance will be kept safe until he came of age.

Crassus at the tender age of three understood that both his parents were never coming home, The boy who had the happiest beginning, found himself in great dispear. Making friends here and there, he remained a silent boy prone to rage fits on any given day.

He was not well-liked seeing that he had little manners and a quick temper. He was often sent for time outs, he enjoyed the solitude, Silently crying for his Mother and Father to fetch him. The crying only intensified once the reality dawned they never would.

He prayed to the Moon Goddess at night for a Mother and Father to be his saviour from the saddest place he knows. The Orphanage, the place all children go when they lost their parents. It was a place of grave sadness, his Mother was the one who made the difference with the children when she worked there, She brought Happiness and Joy.

The day the Sirens rang and he was taken from the Orphenage he got lost within the hustle and bustle of movements. When he looked again he was in the middle of the Battle afraid and Alone, again. Until the Blond Woman came and grabbed him from the horrible sights and sounds around him. She was another angel sent to save him. He silently hoped she was to be a permanent saviour. She looked very similar to his mommy.

When they hit her, The Devils with the red eyes, he felt his rage increase, a feeling he was used to he kicked and screamed with all his might, trying to harm anyone who came close to him. He can help this woman, he wouldn’t let them hurt her, they won’t take him from her like his mommy and daddy were taken. He was going to help her. He tried his best and screamed at them as they easily avoided his thrashings.

“He must be her pup, He is a strong one, I can sense his wolf will be Exceptional, Just like this Luna. I can feel her strength as well. Well, look at that she isn’t Marked. Take her and her pup. We will have the Alpha by the balls then. He will have to submit to the Great lord. Take them” One of the Red Devils spoke and the others obeyed.

Crassus Heard the words but didnt understand what they meant as he was too young to know anything else, But he understood that they thought this woman was his mother. Before he could thrash again , He was struck from behind. The Darkness took him Instantly.

Back within the Cell, he woke up within her Arms and began to cry, the tears were a mixture of sadness and fear, yet he felt relief. The Pretty Blond Lady didnt leave him. She held him and made him feel safe. He never wanted to leave her arms. She reminded him of his mother so, so much.

He wasnt going to lose this Lady. The one that reminded him of his Mamma, He would be a good boy for her, Maybe then he won't have to go back to the sad house.

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