The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 13. Blood and Dispear

Claytons POV

I fought like the Alpha I was born to be. Self-confidence oozed from my pores, Power burst from my body. I was a killing machine. This was my Land and My people. No one will survive this absurd treachery. To attack a pack unannounced meant war. But I was ripping apart different types of species. They weren't from one specific pack. The only thing they all had in common was that they fought without feeling pain and their eyes were Blood Red.

Crixus was on point, We are in our prime. I was the Biggest and Strongest and most violent. I was their Alpha. Sworn in to protect them all. I had my warriors train every day. Although the attack was unannounced, I was confident my people knew what they were doing.

I stared at the Carnage before me, My chest rising and falling as I scented the air, I had joined the fight, My muscles were vibrating with power, I was an Alpha and this is what we did best, Brute force was second nature to us. I was fighting to save my Mate and my people, There is no better motivation. I was drenched in blood, I was still in the black shorts from earlier. I tried to wipe the Iron tasting blood from my face when Isaac Approached.

"Alpha, These Red-eyed people aren't from the same species, there are Vampire's, Shifters, Wolves, and many other species. How are they all together?"

I could see the confusion on his face, I too was puzzled. This is not normal, The species do not integrate like this. they don't mix unless it is at Council meetings.

"Help me find one that is alive, We need to question them".

I Searched for any of those Red-eyed fuckers that was still alive, there was none. Frustrated I turned to the Packhouse, before I reached the steps Isaac stopped me, one was Found I gave the Order to Isaac to place them within our cells for questioning.

I then ordered warriors to Find our own Injured and take them to The Hospital wing for treatment. Those who were Dead were to be placed within a tent to be cleaned for the Buriel day. Their bodies and Families will be honored at a Mass Buriel and Names Marked for their Bravery.

I had an eerie feeling, Something wasn't ok. The Packhouse entrance was plastered with blood and I knew they broke in. The pups and Women were hidden in there. So was Isla. Before I knew what was happening, my Heart in my Throat and Isaac on my Heels we entered in the House to find a heart-sinking sight.

There were so many dead and or still dying. I looked for Isla whilst I ordered warriors to help the rest attended to the wolves who fought to save their pups. Luckily Many of the pups were alive and hiding any behind furniture or their mothers.

Many of the Elderly were dead, Some pups clung to the lifeless bodies of their mothers, Some lay motionless. They killed women and children like Barbaric beasts. I felt a deep sadness and anger build within. Who does this?

There were many dead intruders, This was proof that they fought to the death for their babies. I felt deeply saddened and disgusted at these Re-Eyed Beasts and the lengths they would go to, But for what?, how did they break into our saferooms? We built them out of pure steel. The Doors of the Saferooms were ripped clean off.

I turned to Isaac, he stood frozen before a woman that laid on the ground. He seemed torn as if he was too afraid to turn her around, afraid to see August's face. By her scent, I knew it was her. She laid lifeless on what used to be a Coffee table. Her body was beaten and broken, Three of the intruders lay dead around her, she gave them hell.

My heart sank for my Beta and Cousin, He moved slowly to turn her and found her eyes closed and body limp. This was confirmation he needed. He himself beaten and bloodied gave a cry of pain that sent a shiver shooting through my being. I at that moment panicked.

“Isla!, My Love where are you” I screamed for her, she was with August, I knew that she was. I ordered her to remain with her and help hide the others. Fear took hold over me and I ordered those still standing to search for their Future Luna.

I felt a slight tap on the hand, I turned to find a young pup staring at me, She was a tiny little thing. “Mr. Alpha sir, The Luna Lady ran outside to help my friend Crassus, She didn't come back Mr sir” her eyes were filled with confidence.

I couldn't breathe, My heart wrenched, and Anger took hold within my soul as Crixus wanted to break free and break everything within our vicinity in search of her. I was running outside like a mad man looking for her, hoping I didn't find her dead. I wouldn't Survive. I wouldn't make it. I barely knew her, But she was mine. Made only for me.

In such a short time I had loved her completely with no restraint. I wasn't always open and honest with her but I thought we had time, time to spend and get to know each other more. Now, now she could be dead. I was never sentimental, but by the Moon Goddess, she meant more to me than I would like to admit.

She was my happiness in My world of politics and responsibility, I had always been serious and in complete control of myself and Crixus, she brought forward a side of me I forgot about a long time ago.

I needed and wanted her more than air or food. I and My wolf craved her. We hadn't even marked her yet. My pretty white wolf, My love.

My chest felt tight as if all the air in my lungs had disappeared, I turned in circles like a mad man yelling for her, Pleading with the Moon Goddess to bring her back to me. My Throat became sore and my chest felt heavier. I felt completely out of control as if I was going to die. Crixus took control and we shifted and broke into a sprint. I needed to find her.

I spent hours and hours searching the woods for her, I couldn't find her scent anywhere. I let my Delta know that he was to complete the arrangements. Isaac and I were occupied.

Mentally we both could not perform our duties, At least not for tonight. I have never felt like this, This feeling of dread was pushing my already tired body further, and further. Fear never bothered me before, now I was consumed by it. I couldn't think of anything except for finding Isla.

Sweat and panic covered my face. I can't find her body. Meaning that she was taken. My Beuty was taken. Now, Now that fucked me off properly. I had been a good and kind Alpha. No More, Crixus and I will show them who the hell they are fucking with.

It soon dawned upon me. She is a white wolf, I hoped and prayed they didn't know this. Fuck! why didn't I just tell her? I had been foolish, Trying to keep her safe. The pack knew who she was but they didn't know she was a White wolf. Maybe they didn't take her because of that...

I let a side of me take over, I side I fought against. The Rage and Angered side of me. The side I knew would get the Fucking Job Done.

I made my way back to the Pack House, There was work to be done. I needed to know if there were more people taken and how many.

Inventory and damage are also important to take note of. I had more people to think of than just myself. My mother would have to come back and take over her old Luna Duties. I needed her and I knew the pack trusted her.

Isaac, I sigh at his name. Isaac might not make it...

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