The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 11. Iron Bars and Soft hands.

Isla POV

I woke up slowly, My Head was in severe pain, My sense of smell alerted me first, the odor around me was volatile and I swallowed a gag as I tried to sit up. Realizing my feet felt heavy for some reason, I felt the cold metal scrape against my ankles and the sound of water dripping in the distance made me shiver.

I shook my Head Calling for Amera, When she appeared I opened my eyes, both of us were in shock. In my hands laid the Little boy fast asleep as I was seated in a slumped position on the Groud, I adjusted my eyes to my surroundings. It was dark and cold, very cold and the Sound of water dripping indicated that I was in some or other basement somewhere. I could make out the outline of Steel bars ahead of me, furthermore, I could see nothing.

'Amera, I can't see shit, Not even with the help of your super sight. Where are we?'

' In a damp cell, There's chains wrapped around our legs' Amera gasped

' The Boy is chained to us as well!, Who would do such a thing to a child?' I responded with shock

'I believe that we have been taken, Someone has taken us. Maybe for ransom?' Amera was jumping through the reasons we were taken. I, unfortunately, knew due to my history that there doesn't actually have to be a strong reason to take someone against their will, But I knew that because of who I was and who I was connected to that whoever had taken me knows that I am the future Luna of the Romano Pack.

The smell of Mould, Shit, and piss is everywhere, This place also reeked of death and decay, We were not alone here, I could hear Heartbeats and smell different types of scents, some I was not even familiar with yet, what is happening here? why are there so many people in here?.

A small single bed was placed in the corner with a dirty mattress and no bedding. The boy and I were chained to the wall with about two meters worth of chain to allow for some movement. I saw there was a metal toilet close to the door and a small basin adjacent to the toilet. This was a place designed for discomfort and despair, This was a cell designed for vile prisoners, this was designed to be the most uncomfortable place on earth.

I felt panic sink in as the realization dawned upon me, I was again in a kidnapping scenario. The fear and memories I worked so hard on processing and coming to terms with resurfaced. I felt the boy stir slightly in my arms and I knew that I couldn't let the situation get to me. For his sake. He was too young to understand what was happening and I knew I was still his only safety. I allowed the tears to escape my eyes slowly as Amera and I cried silently, searching for any way we could escape. I didn't want to be here, why were we here???

Amera and I knew we had to be strong for the little boy. This time I had Amera for strength, I wasn't alone. I don't think I would've remained calm if it wasn't for her reassuring words within my mind

'I am here with you Isla, we are here together. I will never forsake or leave you', Knowing how dire the situation was and that I was in deep trouble and the innocent life was laying within my arms was to suffer with me. I would not let any harm come to him or Amera, Whatever was going on here is very suspicious, to say the least. I will take it one day at a time, knowing that Clayton would look for me and hopefully find me brought me some hope, hope that I would be safe in his arms soon.

'I wish I had never left the lake that day' I advised Amera, 'Maybe things would have been different if we stayed there.'

' Isla, that was never a possibility, we have a Pack to protect. You are not a coward. Stop thinking negatively. I am here, the boy in our arms is also here. We will be ok. Our Mate is looking for us as we speak, I am dead sure of it. But we can maybe get out of here as well, on our own. I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult?'

Amera slipped away after that, she was still there in the back of my mind, waiting patiently. I sat and started to think, No, Overthink is what I was doing, I wasn't sure as to what day it was or how long we had been here and if anyone had noticed our absence. But I feared the worst. I was preparing myself for it.

A few minutes later the little boy woke up, he whined as he touched his head, he had a small bump growing on his left temple. I assumed they had to silence him too. He was so small, Laying here in my arms he seemed so innocent and so young.

What I didn't understand was why they took him as well, It made no sense. I had met most of the high ranking wolves and their families already. He didn't belong to a face I knew. Who was this little man?

“It's ok little one, I am here you are safe sweet boy. Do not be afraid I am here and will not leave you” I assured him as he stared with fear plastered on his face as he realized he wasn't at home.

He responded by crying quietly in my arms and nuzzling closed to me. I held him tightly, stroking his back slowly as he cried. I knew he was remembering the carnage and what he had seen. I was traumatized myself. I let him cry until he became tired, I placed him on the bed and wrapped my jacket around him as he lay there and staring at me as I moved around the cell.

An hour later I heard movement coming towards us with a dim light slowly flickering as it neared us. I placed the boy behind me and I stood up from the bed, shielding him from sight, ready for whatever monster would show its face.

I heard multiple metal sounds being slid on the concrete floor. At least 13 times, I heard the metal scrape across the floor's surface. I assumed it was from other cells receiving their food. I hadn't heard any movement prior to this, at all, but there were multiple chains sounds as the metal food bowls slide across the floors, The other prisoners were fetching their food.

Soon it was our turn to meet the Metal sound. I large angry-looking red-eyed man appeared with a metal tray and slid it underneath the metal bars to the cell in our direction. I used this opportunity to request answers.

“Where are we, who are you? What is happening?” I bellowed.

He moved away from us and ignored my pleas and screams.

Panicked I kept screaming and hoping he would show some mercy and just reply. I continued long after the light left and the darkness returned.

“Shut up already, woman” a man's voice bellowed from down the row.

I stood by the bars defeated and completely saddened.

I needed to get out of here, But first I need to know why we were in here, to begin with.

I walked back to the boy , slightly defeated. “What is your Name Little one?”

“I am Crassus ma'am.” He said it so softly I had to strain my ears to listen.

“Hello Crassus, I am Isla. I promise you, everything will be ok. I am here with you” I moved in to hold him close and position myself on the Ground. He was safe with me.

I shared the food between us and washed the Metal bowl, This would have to be our drinking bowl. I'd have to somehow save water for us. I knew in these types of situations that food and water were exceptionally important. So I placed some food aside and found the leak in the ceiling, I checked that the water to see if it was clean, The water was dripping from the ceiling, I placed the bowl beneath it to catch the water.

I then looked at the Metal toilet but decided not to ever even consider it at all...

I walked over to Crassus, I cleaned his clothes and gave him a clean rag to wipe himself down with and I tucked him in, I climbed in behind him and wrapped the jacket around myself as well. I laid the entire night, Awake and Afraid.

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