The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 10. The Greatest end

Isla POV

I felt absolutely spent, Large warm arms wrapped around me was all I could think about, We didn't get much sleep. I internally blushed remembering our amazing evening spent Fucking like animals and making love like sweethearts.This man made me the happiest woman ever last night. But for some reason, I felt there was something, Something I was missing.

I wanted to ask him but didn't know what I was going to ask.

I heard the steps behind me, We were walking in our Birthday suits through the forest. We both were really tired. No shame between us as we basically spent the entire evening stark naked.

“It's a brisk Morning my love “ he mumbled.

“It's pretty cold, The snow seems to be melting. To be honest I barely feel the cold anymore” I giggled.

"I hear you and my mother have become acquainted?"

" Yes we have, unfortunately, I was very much naked. She was kind enough to bring me a warm towel and sit with me. Thereafter we have seen a great deal of each other" I stated matter of factly

"I heard, She briefs me often on pack matters"

I froze dead in my tracks, He was far too aware of his surroundings and didn't even bump into me after my abrupt halt.

"You are the spy?" I yelled in a whispered tone

Raising one eyebrow he smirked at me, " I am no Spy Isla, My mother on the other hand..."

I laughed, a deep belly aching laugh. Not expecting this Mountain of a man to have any sense of humor at all.

I was warmly met by his embrace and soft sweet kisses. He was truly very good at being a gentleman.

I blushed as small snip-its of last night's Flaming fire like sex flashed in my mind. He released me as soon as the thoughts came into my mind, He lifted his arms above his head in the most erotic stretch I had ever seen. 'What is happening to me?' I asked Amera who was probably fast asleep inside my mind. So I did what any normal person would do, I watched Him stretch, Then I slapped his firm ass.

He froze and turned to me slowly, Shock evident on his face, I waited for his response.

Before he could register what I had done, I bolted into a run, heading straight for the lake. He was in hot pursuit behind me. The Lake came into view and I tried to avoid the waters and before I knew it his arms wrapped around me , he dragged me into the freezing water as I tried with all my might to avoid the cold. I straddled him seeking his warmth and he mine as he submerged us in the Tundra-like waters, we floated in the water, enjoying the slight lull of sparks and the closeness of our bodies, fighting the cold water together with the heat we emanated from our warm bodies.

This is the moment, The moment I will remember forever. The pure joy we felt and the bond we had strengthening. I wanted to stay here and soak in the water and have a full day of crazy, hot, steamy sex. Although I was raw in the downstairs area. I wanted more, Craved for more of him.

He trailed my shoulder with soft kisses as we bobbed in the water, weightless in every aspect. No cares, chores or worries, Just one another. In this moment we were all that mattered. Our Naked bodies craved each other, I swear I could feel his emotions as well.

We spent the better part of the day doing all those Nasty sex things and washing away our sins in the Coldwater. We both knew that we had to be back at the packhouse by late afternoon. People would notice our absence and come looking. What they would find is what worried me. I was not ready to be seen in the birthday suit by a stranger.

We spent the majority of the day avoiding food and speaking minimally, We decided our wolves are to take us back to the packhouse, It was the safest option since we both knew people would be looking for us.

Clayton looked at me before we shifted and said something that had taken me by surprise, " Isla, I noticed that your Wolf is pure White, have you shifted in front of anyone but me before?" he asked the question with a concerned look.

"No, I have only shifted a few times and besides last night I was always alone. Even for the first shift. Why?" I was intrigued to hear his response when I heard the sound that will forever be etched in my Brain. A sound My wolf recognized and placed her in Immediate fear.

The Border Alarms went off. Deep guttural warning howls spread across the lake and it rang within our bones.

Clayton shifted fast and I followed, Feeling a sense that I should be following him, I followed him towards the packhouse, He made me stop at the Treeline, I knew he didn't want others to see me naked, Or possibly in my wolf form. I found that to be very strange, After I was dressed in clothes Clayton brought me we where we were met by Issac and August along with Ratface warriors at the footsteps of the packhouse.

I listened quietly as Clayton gave instructions.

A report had come from the Pack border, There was an attack, but they could not confirm who it was. Pains shot throughout my Chest and I winced at them. I gasped a few times as the pains became stronger. I couldn't believe what I was feeling, The pain was intense.

“It's OK, look at me, what you are feeling is normal, Use it as fuel, Fuel to fire your anger” Clayton's Voice boomed.

“What and where is this pain coming from!” I almost Screamed.

“It’s pack members, Members that have had their bond severed, You will feel it just as strongly as I do. You are their Luna” Clayton's words had me in Shock, Our pack members were dying.

The pain lasted about 5 seconds. This was when Amera decided to man the fuck up and claim our position. They will not come and disturb mthis place. I might not be their Official Luna as I don't have a Mate Mark from their Alpha , but I will nonetheless try and fulfill my future role as much as I could today.

I had to find my strength and get shit done. Clayton requested I help hide the woman, children and the elderly in a secret fortified safe room within the Pack house.There were a few of them and August was ordered to help me. She in fact was to be my future Beta. I trusted her more than anyone.

We hurried to get everyone to safety, Thinking of ourselves last. I knew in these types of situations it was our duty to ensure the pack's safety.

Outside we could hear and feel the carnage taking place, We stood strong and did not allow our fear to take hold.

August entered the remaining safe room first and turned to me, gesturing me to enter with her but I wasn't looking at her though. I was looking out the window at a young pup, he was no older than 3, I could see fear, he was stuck in the middle.

All around him was carnage and death. He only saw blood and bodies. He only heard cries of anger and pleas for mercy. I looked at August.

"Close the door, I will be back shortly” I ordered

“No, are you crazy you cant...”

“Close the Door Now August!” I bellowed at her, my Luna voice making its first appearance.

She nodded and did as asked. Closing the door. She waited for my return.

I found myself running yet again, Fear building in my throat. But this time there was no winter chill and Rouges trailing me. This time I was running towards someone. Panicked at the thought that I might be too late to reach him.

I bolted through the front doors, dodging bodies and attacks. I had one destination and it was the little boy. When I reached him I realized that he and I were in the middle of a battlefield. Growls and snarls rang throughout, Blood and gore reigned supreme in this massacre within the Romano pack. The opposition had red eyes. They seemed possessed, they seemed demonic.

Blood and bodies laid scattered, Wolves and Men fought in rage, Both seeking to end the other as brutally as possible,The Red eyes thrashed menacingly to try and best their opponent.The Wolves knawed and thrashed in an attempt to best their opponant.

Id never seen War, But I was elbow deep in it now.

I stared Blankly. The Little boy grabbed my hand and hung on. I lifted him into my arms, ready to rip the damn heads of anyone who tried to harm him. I don't know why I felt this way towards the boy, But I realized that it must've been a maternal type of feeling.

I couldn't Find Clayton or any wolf I recognized, I only saw wolves and these Beings, Amera couldn't recognize all of them, Some she recognized as wolves, others were different species. I found this to be Odd, Why were all the Red eyes so different. They weren't from any pack or clan I had heard of.

Before I could bolt inside for safety I was slammed in the face with something hard. The cracking sound resonating through my brain, signaling that my nose was broken, I held on to the boy. I placed him beneath me as I curled around him like an armadillo. I was being kicked on the Ribs and Back by multiple people. I was defenseless.

I called on Amera for strength as the pain spread throughout my body.

The Fear never set in. I only cared for the little pup beneath me.I managed to hold my own until the world turned black. I tried to fight the darkness knowing the pup would be in danger. But I succumbed to the darkness. My body was too weak to fight the pain.

'Please... I don't want to die...'

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