The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Two: A Plate and a Jackass

There must be something about her that is kidnappable. Granted this was the first time she had ever been kidnapped and so far she hated it but that wasn’t the worst part.

No, the worst part was waking up feeling nauseous on a boat that refused to stop rocking and falling out of a hammock, smacking her head on hard, cold wood and earning a bleeding forehead. Mack felt sick to her stomach, her mind foggy as she tried to stand but reached instead. Luckily, nothing came out but she still held a hand to her lips just in case. She wanted to save it for her kidnapper to choke on.

She sat on the floor for a few minutes and looked around, The room was small but big enough to hold a hammock, a single table and a chair. There was also a bucket filled with water and a small mirror that hung over it. The only bit of light she received was from a small circular window that she couldn’t help but glare at, it was far too small to try and squeeze herself out of.

The only escape she had was the door, its wooden barrier glaring at her. It dared her to try and open it as she had a hunch that it was locked but she still stood and walked over to try and open it anyway.

To her sarcastic amazement, it was locked. In a rage, she kicked the door and instantly regretted that decision as she yelped and swore in pain. Her dark hair fell into her face at her movements as she huffed and tried to ram into it thinking her body weight would break the door down but it never budged.

Mack groaned, feeling her arm start to bruise as she began to lose some hope. Her memory was still cloudy but she still received small images. A blueberry bush, a brown-eyed stranger, said stranger on top of her and then her eyes widened. Her hands shot to her neck as she ran towards the small mirror to reveal two obvious bite marks.

Panic set in as she tried to wash it off with the water provided for her but all she did was cause unwanted, pleasurable shivers to run throughout her body in waves. She knew what this was, Mack wasn’t naive about the supernatural world and knew about marking but for this guy to mark her without her consent and then proceed to take her who knows where outraged her.

She wanted revenge, she wanted to hurt him just as badly as he hurt her but she didn’t know how. The only source of weapons she had was a couple of candle sticks and a steal plate. She wasn’t given utensils which meant this guy was smart enough to know that she would stab him if given the chance.

So, she took the empty plate and waited. Her eyes never left the door as she kept her breath steady so she could hear approaching footsteps. She waited for hours, holding the plate tightly in her hands and refused to give up her will for freedom as she felt her eyes slowly drop.

A yawn escaped her lips as she shook her head to wake herself up. Mack needed to stay alert, she needed to be awake and ready for when someone enters this room. She didn’t care how far and how long she had to swim for, as long as she wasn’t on this boat anymore with strangers that could do anything to her if they wanted to. Hell! they could have already done anything to her while she was unconscious but she would rather not think about it, the mark was bad enough.

And then, just as she felt herself slightly doze off, she heard footsteps. Her heart jumped in her throat as she stood and quickly ran to the back of the door and prepared herself. She hoped to all the supernatural gods that she was quiet enough so that the person wasn’t aware of the oncoming fate as the door slowly opened.

The person had paused as if not expecting to find the room empty as she heard the person curse. She recognised the person’s voice as being the guy who marked her before he entered the room and closed the door behind him, leaving enough time for her to come out of hiding and hit him across the head with the plate.

He fell with another curse, her body hovering over him as she hit him again and again and again. “How. Dear. You. Take. Me. From. My. Home. And. Mark. Me. You. Self-centered. Jackass!” She spoke through each hit.

Her rage had taken full control as she missed her last hit and felt her feet get knocked from underneath her. Her body fell to the floor beside him as he took the plate from her hands and threw it across the room. “Would you fucking stop for five fucking seconds and hear me out!”


“Calm down first!” He growled, his fangs exposing revealing that he was a vampire. She had to roll her eyes at that, out of all things, it had to be a vampire.

“Get the fuck off me and let me kill you and then maybe I will calm down!” She seethed, glaring into his eyes whilst she tried to ignore the thousands of sparks that were currently surging through her body like a lightning bolt.

He growled again, pinning her arms down but making the mistake of leaving her kicking legs free. “The mate bond will never let that happen, now stop struggling.”

“Like hell will I ever let myself be mated to you! I’d rather get with a stupid human boy!”

His brown eyes suddenly turned gold with anger, his fangs fully exposed in her face. “Never, ever leave me for another man. I will rip that fuckers head off in front of you and make you eat his corpse, do I make myself clear!”

“The only thing you are making clear is how bad your breath fucking stinks!”

“For fucks sake!” He cried out. “I am Prince Zachariah Woods-”

Mack rolled her eyes. “Why the hell are you telling me this, I don’t care!”

“Because.” He said through gritted teeth. “I am to be King in three weeks and if I had not marked you and taken you, I would have been forced to marry a woman who wasn’t you now would you stop fighting me and leave that fucking mark alone! I keep thinking you are in trouble!”

“I am in trouble!” She spat, freeing her arms and standing in a huff. “I just got taken by a psychopath!”

“You don’t believe me?”

Mack shook her head. “Oh no, I believe you. I just don’t believe you have the right person as I am human.”

Zack glared suspiciously. “You are a horrible liar.”

“Wanna beat?” She glared back, challenging him with her eyes.

But all he did was soften his glare and turn it into curiosity. “If you aren’t supernatural then I have a mystery on my hands.”

“A mystery you will never solve.” She spat back but something in his eyes told her that he will in fact solve Mackenzie Lockheart.

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