The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter One: Blueberries

Because people keep skipping it: READ 0.1 FIRST! THIS IS NOT A STAND ALONE BOOK!

There was something about the shift in the air that made Mackenzie uncomfortable. Maybe it is because the people she grew up with have all seemed to change but somehow, stay the same or maybe it is because she is trapped on a stupid island filled with incompetent people.

But either way, she knew something was off. Seven days had gone by since she had woken up with an odd feeling in her chest, an ache as if she had just lost a piece of herself that she will never get back but it was just a feeling after all and that is what she convinced herself.

Mack stared into her own dull brown eyes and sighed. She had to prepare herself every morning to face her family, they were a group of judgemental assholes and they proved that the day Marley came back with her dragon shifter mate who saved their lives after the attack.

The dragons were supposed to be extinct and yet, her sister found one.

Granted Marley Lockheart wasn’t actually her sister. In fact, Marley came from their mother and some guy and Mack came from her father, she had been dropped off at his doorstep when she was a baby and the woman told him to take her because she didn’t want his child but Marley didn’t know any of this and Mack liked to keep it that way. They might not have been siblings by blood but they were siblings by heart.

Unlike the rest of their siblings who completely ignored both of them until they wanted something. Mack hated living in this house, filled with rats she had to call her family whilst her parents pretended to be in love but she knew better. Her father was always fucking some stranger and her mother frequently disappeared with strange men in inns and bars.

But she pushed that aside, thanks to opening her own business she had almost enough money to buy her own home and leave this hell hole behind. There was a time when she wanted to leave the island entirely and she never gave up on that dream but it was too unrealistic, she could never afford to do that and decided to settle on the only place she has ever known.

Placing her hairbrush down, she braided her hair before leaving the comfort of her room. The living room was loud when she walked in, a group of her sisters gossiping about some guy and her brothers were trying to see who was the strongest of them all. She felt out of place but grateful that none of them acknowledged her as she grabbed an apple and made her escape.

Mack got a lot of stares from the villages as she walked. She knew why, the main reason being that she was still unwed at twenty years old but also because she was fat. She has thick thighs with an ass to match, large breasts and a tummy that jiggled when she walked. She wasn’t actually fat, just chunky in all the right places but to the human eye, she was as big as a whale.

And that is why she opened her store. Mack’s clothing was created for women like herself who were on the thicker side and she gained a lot of traction for it but she wished she got more customers her age instead of middle-aged women who have had a few kids.

The little bell to her store rang as she opened the door. It took so long to clean it after the ghouls attacked the village. But now everything was back to normal and everyone acted as if nothing happened but it did happen, she remembered it like it was yesterday and she had never been more proud of her Marley.

The broom in her hands felt heavy as she cleaned the floors, today was going to be a slow day as it was fathers day. All the females of the village flocked around their husbands, finances and boyfriends as if the ground they walked on turned to gold.

Deep down, so deep that even she has deluded herself into not believing is a part of her that dreams of having someone to love and for someone to love her back, flaws and all. But she knew that was a small chance, she knew what she was so her chances of a mate were high but she has told herself over and over again that it was never going to happen so now, she believes it will never happen and it has stayed that way so far.

She sometimes dreamed that her mate would come and take her away, however. Humans didn’t have mates, only the supernatural possessed that gift but she was born half human, half demon and knowing this sparked a hope she didn’t know she had. But Mack knew it was a stupid dream to think about. She had her store and a house to look forward to, she had everything she needed in the palm of her hands and that is all she needs with her life.

The little bell caused her to jump as she spun around from stitching a torn dress and raised her eyebrow at the only nice brother she had. “What do you want, shitface?”

He rolled his eyes. “I wanted to ask for a favour.”

“And what is that?”

“Can you go and pick some blueberries for me, please.” He asked with a pout. “My wife refuses to get off my ass until I satisfy her cravings. Those damn pregnancy hormones are killing me!”

Mack sighed, slightly smiling to herself at her brother’s pain before she stood and noticed the basket in his hands. “The usual juicy ones?”

His face dropped in relief. “Yes! Thank you so much, Macky. I owe you.”

“No problem.” She muttered with a smile as she took the basket out of his hands. This is not the first time she has run this errand for her brother. As this is his fourth child on the way she knew the routine pretty well and enjoyed the fact that she was asked specifically for the task. He has gone out before but he either picked ones that weren’t ready yet or they were already rotten where she found herself picking the right ones every time.

Mack closed her store and locked it before hiding the key. She watched her brothers retreating back for a few seconds before she turned and made her way into the woods. The island was small but it still held a large enough forest that you can get lost in as well as mountains that you will never leave alive.

But she didn’t mind, it was a peaceful walk and she tended to get lost in her own daydreams to take notice of her surroundings. The fresh smell always hit her in ways that she loved, that earthy smell wrapped around her scenes and hugged her tightly like a warm blanket. After years of feeling this way, she came to the conclusion that it was the demon blood that craved this kind of freedom and tried to push it as deep down as possible.

The large berry bush that she loved came into her line of vision as she crouched down and smelt them. The blueberries had a sweet smell to them which made her stomach grumble. Picking a couple of berries for herself and adding the occasional handful to the basket she got into a routine and started humming to herself.

That was until she hear two voices. At first, they sounded distant but then they got closer, one male asking the other if he can smell something before they went quiet. Mack sat in her spot, feeling a shiver run down her spine as she shook her head and carried on with her task.

But the feeling only grew, with every waking second she felt like someone was watching her as she looked around and tried to ignore the odd feeling in her gut. She could also smell something masculine, almost woodsy but also soft as she smelt the air and frowned before the air was suddenly sucked out of her lungs.

A man held her body down as she was about to scream but his hand covered her mouth. Strong electrical sparks shot through her as her eyes were wide with fright and fear. But that was until she made eye contact with the softest brown eyes she had ever seen. Mixed emotions swirled in his eyes as she found herself pausing from her struggles.

“I am so sorry for this.” The man said before he moved his head down and bit her neck.

She felt herself scream in pain as she could feel two fangs go through her skin, she tried to fight, she tried to get him off but he was much stronger than her and could somehow hold her arms down long enough to leave his mark before the pain got too much and everything went black.

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