The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Three: Stale Landing

Three weeks of none stop travelling were slowly making her go nuts. The food that she had woken up to made her stomach churn with anger as she refused to touch it. She refused to eat for the last week and despite her stomachs protest, she held up her stubbornness.

Zack brought her food three times a day and would sometimes stand at the door and watched her eat every last bite before leaving but for the last week, all she has done is piss him off. She didn’t understand why he wanted her to be fed, sure she was his mate but that was it, he didn’t need to pretend to care for her when she definitely didn’t care for him and she made sure he knew that loud and clear.

The food did look good however, a steak covered in different herbs and spices, some type of gravy and potatoes. Even the smell caused her stomach to growl in protest to the point where she had to look away and enter her hammock. Her back faced everything as she stared at the wall with a frown on her face.

After their argument, he was suddenly called to go up on deck and left her to scream at him on her own. The bastard had locked the door and has kept it locked, even when he enters and stays, he has some blonde guy keep the door locked on the other side until he states he’s leaving. It was as if they were in their own rotation, the blonde guarding the door and only allowing her oh-so-gracious mate in whenever he felt like it.

And oh, has he felt like it. Every day for the past three weeks he has entered this room at least six times a day to try and speak to her but all she gave him was the silent treatment. Her glare and pissed-off look were the only answers he was getting as he kept asking her about her family and why she was in The Land of Humans. Mack wasn’t stupid, she was never going to answer that or any other questions he had for that matter, it was none of his business and it was going to stay that way.

A sudden knock at her door cause her frown to deepen but she didn’t move to see who it was. She didn’t want to, it was always him. “I have been told to escort you to the docks.”

The new voice made her sit up and look at her blonde guard. She hadn’t heard his voice yet and for once, she was glad to hear someone else besides the asshole talk. “What docks?”

“We have docked and our journey has ended. We are now in the Kingdom of Vampires.”

Her face fell at his words. Secretly she didn’t believe Zack when he told her, he was a prince, soon to be king. But the officialness of this man’s voice and posture along with where they were proved her hopes wrong. “I prefer to stay here.”

The man’s lips thinned. “If I may speak out of terms, it would be wise to do as I say. The royal family are not ones to be patient and now that the kingdom had found their queen, you now have to take up responsibilities you never would have thought you would have.”

“And what if I don’t want these responsibilities? What if I don’t want to be queen?” She questioned.

His silver eyes softened as if in sympathy. “I never wanted to be lead commander of the royal guard but our lives take turns in ways we never thought would happen.”

She stared at him for a few more seconds before standing. She hated how easily he had gotten to her and finding herself being compliant was the last thing she expected from herself. But she felt slightly sorry for him, if he was doing something he didn’t want to do then who else is in that same position? Who else is trapped because of the royal family?

He nodded his head in approval before he turned and left the room, allowing her to follow behind as she finally got to leave the four walls of her prison. The boat was oddly smaller than she expected as she climbed the stairs to the deck and looked around. The island was huge as her eyes took in trees and mountains, her mind swiftly wandered to Marley and wanted to know what her thoughts were when she first entered this endless death trap.

“This way.” The man spoke, gaining her attention again as she left the boat and walked along the docks. Her eyes instantly landed on her mate as she couldn’t hold back her scowl.

There were only a handful of people around as she looked up at the island again and could faintly see the castle. At this point, she had two options, listen to what the warrior said and comply or take her chance and run.

Mack chose the latter as she saw her chance when nobody was looking and ran. Her dress slowed her down as she lifted the skirts and ran for her life, twigs stabbing her bare feet and branches smacking her in the face as she could feel her heart in her throat.

Adrenaline raced inside of her as hope for freedom was finally within her reach, the trees swallowing her whole before she felt her body being tackled to the ground. The person made both of them roll down a small hill as she screamed and tried to get out of the person’s hold before she realised it was Zack.

“LET ME GO!” She screamed as she got out of his hold and ran again

“NEVER!” He screamed back and caught her for the second time causing them to fall again but this time she felt her head hit something hard. Dark spots clouded her vision but her consciousness stayed long enough to hear the rest of his words. “You can run, you can hide but you will never escape me. You are mine whether you like it or not!”

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