The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Four: The World’s Biggest Asshole

Mack was tired of waking up in strange places with an ache in her head so painful that she wanted to bash her head into the wall until she passed out again. This time around she had woken inside a bedroom.

The bed was so fancy that it held four banisters with its own little roof and curtains. The fabric was soft and silky just like the sheets she had found herself tangled in. What she hated was the fact that everything smelt like him which made her figure out that this was his room and he had placed her there.

There was also its own bathroom and wardrobe with two giant windows to allow her to look outside. Moonlight shone through and caused her to frown to herself, how long was she out for?

Mack kicked the blankets off and jumped off the bed, its tall length caused her to feel strain in her bare feet as she hissed and tried to ride through the pain before she ran to the bathroom to pee. Next, she exited the bathroom and decided to try for the door, she knew it was stupid but she had to try something instead of sitting around waiting for him to show up.

She was tired of seeing his face, just looking at him caused her to rage and want to throttle him until he stops moving while the other part of her, the mate bond side, wants to jump his bones and screw him like no tomorrow but she ignored that side. That side was naive and stupid.

To her surprise it was unlocked, the door swinging open as she stood in her place stunned. “I wasn’t expecting that.” She mumbled to herself before she looked left and right to find endless hallways. “Now, how to escape?”

Deciding to go right, she grabbed one of the lanterns and made her way through the halls blindly. She didn’t know where she was or where she was going but she knew she needed to find stairs. From the height of the windows in the room, she knew she wasn’t at a good jumping distance from the ground and needed to find a way to escape without getting caught.

Her stomach growled as she held her free hand to it and tried to quiet it down but it was no use. She hadn’t eaten in a week and lived off of water, at some point her body is going to completely shut down unless she eats something but she wanted to leave first. Food will come once she figures out how to make a weapon to hunt in the woods.

She turned a corner, then another, then another. The more empty hallways she walked through the more frustrated she had become until she suddenly walked into a statue. Her head spun in seconds as she stepped back and stared at the statue until it turned into an angry-looking Zack. The lamp smashed over his head as she hadn’t realised that she threw it at him until she was suddenly lifted over his shoulder.

A loud gasp left her lips as her only view was his ass. “PUT ME DOWN!”

“How the fuck did you escape?! The door was locked!”

Mack rolled her eyes. “It wasn’t but that doesn’t solve the issue of you touching me!”

He didn’t respond, taking her to the closest room before throwing her down onto the soft sofa. If she was being honest with herself, she was impressed that he was able to carry her without any trouble, there wasn’t a hint of him being winded as he looked down at her with his arms crossed. “Do you mind explaining why you keep smashing objects over my head?”

She glared. “Do you mind explaining why I keep getting knocked out and thrown into strange beds?”

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as she could practically see the frustration in his eyes. “What do I need to do for you to stop trying to kill and escape from me?”

She shrugged, giving him some hope as she pretended to think about it. “Oh, I don’t know, take me back home and reverse this fucking mark that is on my neck!”

“This is your home now!” He snapped. “And I can’t undo what was done. I am never taking you back to that hell hole, you will live here with me, you will get used to being my mate and when you are ready, you will become queen.”

“Well, I object to that.” She seethed. “I do not want to be queen and I definitely do not want to be mated to you!”

He watched her stand, her feet wobbling as she almost fell but recovered fast enough to pretend like she wasn’t fazed. “Then what are you going to do?”

“I am going to find a way out of here.”

He laughed, his wide grin causing her to suck in a breath whilst his brown eyes and messy black hair that matched her own glowed under the candlelight in the room. “I would love to see you try. This place was built to be a maze, you will never find a way out.”

She felt her anger boil as she balled her fists, getting tired of this useless back-and-forth banter. “I will find my way out, I don’t care how long it takes!”

“Then go.” He stated, his arms seeming to tighten around his body as he kept them crossed. “Go and explore this castle and find your way out. I will happily wait at the front entrance for you when you finally find it.”

Her nose flared, her eyes squinting as she was waiting for the catch. “And the back doors if there are any?”

“Heavily guarded.” He smirked. “Try escaping through them and you will be thrown back into this office where I’ll be waiting.”

She hadn’t even noticed this room was an office until he spoke but she didn’t care. She didn’t want to know what each room was, she didn’t want to know anything about this place besides finding out where the exit was.

And that is what she did, giving him one last death glare before she turned in silence and left. She wasn’t staying here, she was going to search this building until it kills her.

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