The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Seven: Apologies are Only Words

There was a rumour.

And like most rumours, it came with six different tales. For The Land of Humans, they tended to gossip about the outside world from their own, making up stories to pass the time and everyone had to figure out what was true and what was false. But it had gotten out of hand, the made-up stories began to merge with the truth and then after years of storytelling, the truth became a myth. Mermaids weren’t real, the pirates were just affected by the salt air from the sea. Bigfoot isn’t real, people are just seeing things.

Vampires couldn’t read minds, that was absurd but Mack found herself wondering. Locking herself inside her room that she magically found on her own and stayed there for three days in her head. Her mind went over what she knows and what she thinks she knows about the vampires but she kept coming up empty.

The stories included, blood-drinking which she now knows is an actual fact. Mind reading which she is hoping for so Zack can listen in to her swearing him out. Unable to be in the sun which again, she has seen first-hand that it isn’t true. Speed, something she is still trying to figure out from the way Zack has captured her twice now and lastly, ruthless acts of selfishness which Zack has already proven to be a fact for himself, she was unsure about Lucas.

The two brothers seemed to be polar opposites. It was as if they were raised in two completely different families but then she remembered the third brother. The middle child was a mystery to her as she was curious to see which personality type synced with either one of his brothers and if he was like Zack, Does she have it worse than Raphael’s mate? Is he crueller? Is Zack the nice one?

She scowled at that thought. If Zack was the nice one she doesn’t want to know what this Raphael’s mate would be like.

Mack sighed, dressing after her bath and looking around the room, she hated to admit it but she was bored. Lucas hadn’t come to get her which she felt strongly disappointed about but he had a job to do, princes don’t sit around all day to shit-talk their siblings and she knew that but his company was the only company she had received and their talk made her realise how much she missed human interaction. Her sister was her rock, her shoulder to cry on and to laugh with but with her gone, Mack was lost.

She didn’t know that had relied on Marley so much until now.

Shaking off the sick feeling in her gut about her sister, she decided to be the mature one and hear Zack out. Because she didn’t have to look at his face every day, she allowed herself to think things through and as much as she hated her situation, she needed to know why. She needed answers for her own sanity and he was the only one who could give them to her.

The halls didn’t feel as long and scary as they did when she first walked them but her memory served her to be useless. Slowly getting fed up with feeling lost before she recognised the area she was in and had to smile to herself in pride. As long as she tried to remember the hallways, the better and easier it would be for her to escape.

His office doors that she remembers leaving came into view as she pressed her ear up to the door and tried to listen in. If anyone was in there, she was hoping she would be able to tell but she couldn’t hear a thing and opened the door.

Five strange faces turned and stared at her as she felt her eyes widen and her heart drop into her throat. Zack was sitting behind his desk with scrolls in his hands before he saw her and stared just as much as the five men before her. She could practically feel the sausage jokes coming out of her lips but she had to keep it together. “I will come back later.”

“No, stay girl!” One of the men said, his beard making him look creepy as he eyed her up and down with hunger in his eyes. “You are a thick one aren’t you? More fun to throw around in the bedroom!”

Zack growled. “One more word from you and you will have your throat ripped out-”

“By me.” Mack finished for him, her death glare making it clear that she wasn’t one to mess with before she heard Zack’s annoying voice.

“What makes you say that?”

She loudly sighed, turning her head towards him lazily. “Because unlike you, I don’t force people to do things that I want to get my own way. If I am going to kill someone, it will be for a reason.”

One of the men raised an eyebrow. “Do we not know something here, Zachariah? As part of the council, you follow strict rules and if you break them, there will be dire consequences.”

Zack stood, ignoring what the man had said. “If you excuse me I need to sort this out. I will be back to discuss this topic further.”

Mack felt his hand grip her arm and pull her as she protested, her feet getting dragged against her will before she was suddenly against a wall with the doors closed in front of her. “What the hell!”

“You do not stand in front of me and disrespect me like that!” Zack snarled, his fangs exposed and his dark eyes going red. “Especially in front of my council! Never disrespect your leader!”

Mack rolled her eyes, her arms crossed over her chest before she moved the fabric of her dress to expose the unwanted mark. “I can disrespect you all I want. You were the one to take me away from my home and forcefully mark me! This is not some werewolf bullshit, just because I am mated to you does not mean that I will bow down to your every beck and call!”

“And I am sorry for that! I am sorry that I forced you to leave the one place you have ever known to be here. I am sorry that you can’t get it through your head that this is your new reality now and the sooner you realise that the better!”

Mack pushed him away, knowing his words were a bunch of bullshit. “I will never stop running from you. You can try and keep me here but I will keep finding ways to escape. You might have marked me but that doesn’t make me yours, I will never be your mate, I will never rule beside you and I will live with that until the day I take my last breath. You kidnapped the wrong woman, Zachariah Woods and you haven’t seen what this woman is capable of so threaten, lie, and intimidate all you want. I will never be with you.”

He didn’t respond and let her storm off back from where she first came. So, much for trying to be civil.

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