The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Six: Just a Meal

“So, care to tell me why you were crying?”

The question almost made her choke as she paused mid-chew to stare at Lucas and his curious stare. She had completely forgotten the biggest reason why Lucas was talking to her and had gotten distracted by him showing her the first two floors and where to find the kitchen when she got hungry.

The castle wasn’t that daunting with a guide to help you out. In fact, she felt pathetic with each hallway he had taken her through, she took the wrong turns with every decision she had made. Even Lucas had commented that he was surprised she found the library with the way she was walking.

She swallowed what she had in her mouth, almost feeling guilty for avoiding the topic of her sister before she sucked it up and spoke. “I was thinking about my sister and how she would have loved this place.”

“Would have? Did she die?”

Mack shrugged. “I don’t know. The last time I saw her, her mate tried to drop her off back home when ghouls came out of nowhere and attacked. Her mate killed them before they disappeared on the same ship they appeared on.”

Lucas seemed to have paused, his goblet filled with what she was hoping was wine and not blood had frozen mid-air as he analyzed her. His eyes moved up and down as if he was trying to find something. “Does your sister by chance have green eyes, brown hair and a tall, dragon shifter mate?”

Mack’s eyes widened, her fork dropping from her hand before she gasped and tried to clean up her mess. “Sorry, yes! You have met Marley?”

He nodded, finding her fussing entertaining as a maid came over and cleaned her mess. “Marley and Sawyer, the strangest pairing I have seen in a while but I did meet them.”

Mack felt her heart pound as her hands started to shake. “Do... Do you know where she is?”

Lucas shook his head. “I am sorry but no. I helped them retrieve the heart they were looking for but that was the last time I saw either of them. Information has been kept from me because I did that so if you wanted to know what happened to Marley, you would have to ask Zack.”

Her eye twitched at the thought of having a civil conversation with that man. “I would rather eat shit than try and be civil.”

The prince nearly choked on his drink as he smiled brightly and laughed. His small fangs showing through his smile made him even cuter as she could see him being her own little brother that she will get overprotective of. “You and your words baffle me, I have never met a woman with such a filthy vocabulary.”

Mack grinned, proud in her chest as she loved her fowl mouth. “Why, thank you, kind sir.”

“Excuse me but what is going on here?”

Her smile instantly dropped, her head turning in disgust as her lovely mate stood in the double-doored entrance with a pissed-off look on his face. She could have sworn she saw jealousy in his eyes but she didn’t care enough to point that out sarcastically. “You are excused.”

He growled, eyes blazing as he stared at her. “I wasn’t talking to you.”

“Neither was I until you rudely interrupted.”

“I see that I was wrong,” Lucas mumbled to himself before he turned to his angry brother. “Calm down, I was getting to know your mate.”

“A little too well!” Zack seethed. Mack hadn’t realised how close she was sitting to Lucas until it was pointed out but there was nothing wrong with her enjoying someone’s company other than his. “What do you think you are doing with her?!”

Lucas rolled his eyes, placing his face in his free hand as if they have had this conversation before. “She is not your property Zack, if she wants to hang out with us that is up to her.”

Zack’s eyes blazed even more. “Raphael would never betray me.”

Mack perked up at the sound of the middle brother’s name. “And where is this Raphael?”

“Probably hunting knowing him.” Lucas shrugged, taking a drink from his cup and completely ignoring his older brother entirely. “He and I will take you out hunting if you want to. It is an enjoyable experience to get fresh blood.”

The way he had said that caused her eyes to look down at his goblet and shrink back a little. “Remind me to never assume your kegs are filled with wine.”

He laughed. “Some are, some aren’t.”

A loud, obnoxious growl broke their fun again as Mack was getting tired of this. Now that her stomach was full and she didn’t feel like breathing was the worst pain she had ever experienced, she had a clearer mind to think and analyze her situation. He had no right to act the way he was, he was the one who took her, the one who marked her.

If anyone had the right to be pissed, it was her.

“Calm your entitled, royal ass down.” She spoke calmly, placing her own goblet down as she turned and stood to face him. “As the future queen, I have a right to know my brother-in-law. I have a right to explore this very castle and I have a right to explore this kingdom. You are only allowing me one of those three things so, as future queen, I choose to spend my time with the company I enjoy and quite frankly, I don’t enjoy yours.” She then turned and smiled at Lucas. “Thank you for this, if it wasn’t for you I probably would have died in those halls. Come and find me whenever you want, I have nothing to do and I would rather talk to you than him.”

She could visually see the amusement in Lucas’s eyes as she winked at him before she turned and gave Zack a disgusted look as she left. At this point, she knew she needed to drop her grudge but why do that when your mate is keeping you locked up like some fairytale princess?

And Mack definitely wasn’t a princess.

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