The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Eight: The Two-Eyed Brother

Mack’s eyes opened with determination. She was getting out today, she didn’t care about how long it would take just as long she felt the cool breeze and grass in-between her toes. The freedom and the knowledge that she doesn’t have to look at Zack’s stupid face again.

She hated how ugly he was for such a beautiful-looking man. She hated how much this man had turned her ugly but that was the thing about soulmates, mother nature was a bored bitch and sometimes you end up being her target of destruction.

She dressed, thankful for whoever the maid was that provided her with a full wardrobe of clothing that fit before she made her way out. She knew that she needed a weapon and had to think of a plan fast but she didn’t know how she was going to get one.

At this point, she would be happy with a butter knife.

She felt like she was doing something wrong as she walked, her gut kept telling her to go back and be compliant but she ignored that feeling. It was just the mate bond that was trying to hold her back and as long as she pushed it deep down inside of her, she could ignore it.

Mack found the stairs that Lucas had shown her and walked down them. A few maids and butlers were around as this floor was more active with vampires. She would have thought that she would feel like prey amongst predators but instead, she felt like she had known them her whole life and she hated that feeling. It meant that she had been around Zack long enough to strengthen the mate bond and his mark on her neck wasn’t helping either.

She turned a corner, her eyes trying to find another lot of stairs before she was suddenly knocked into a wall, her breath getting taken out of her chest as she gasped and stared at the person who pushed her. His different-coloured eyes glared and his fangs were exposed trying to show dominance. “Who the fuck are you?!”

“Who the fuck are you?!” She questioned back, the man looked oddly like Lucas but held the same attitude and stance as Zack. He had a brown eye and a grey one making her wonder if the grey eye was blind.

“I asked first!” He snapped, holding a dagger to her throat that she hadn’t realised was there until she felt the cold metal against her skin. “I will give you five seconds to tell me who you are before-”

“I AM ZACHARIAH’S MATE!” She screamed, her hands up in surrender as she watched his eyes widen and his hand retract. That gave her the chance to kick him in the gut and steal the blade. “Thanks, dumbass!”

He grunted, stepping back as she ran but she didn’t get far before she was thrown against another wall. “Hang on a minute!” He yelled, moving her dress to reveal the mark. “I see you weren’t lying but that doesn’t explain why you are in the halls.”

“My whereabouts are none of your business!” She snapped, pushing him away as she figured this was the middle brother. As curious as she was about his eye, he kept throwing her against walls and that already landed him on her ‘To Kill’ list. “Now let me go at once!”

He chuckled with an asshole glint in his brown eye. “Tell me, how did he get you here?”

She glared, watching him back away slowly as she decided to follow him and play his little game. If she played long enough, he could accidentally take her to an exit and she would finally be free. “Kidnapping.” She answered. “Do you need to introduce yourself or?”

“You have already figured out who I am so why bother.” He responded as he lead her to who knows where. “You don’t smell fully human but yet, I cannot figure out what you are.”

Mack wondered if she should answer that one or not as she studied him. If Marley had passed through here and they knew who she was then that would mean that she was safe right? Mack hoped her theory was true as she opened her mouth. “My mother was a demon.”

“AH!” He exclaimed in happiness. “I figured. I had met a young woman a while ago who held the same scent.”


He raised an eyebrow. “You know her?”

Mack nodded. “She is my sister.”

The same look of shock passed through his eyes the same way it did with Lucas, she knew that they looked nothing alike, for the fact that they weren’t related but it wasn’t that much of a surprise. “Interesting.”

She analyzed him just as much as he was analyzing her before she realised something. “You are leading me to the exit aren’t you?”

He shrugged. “You are still holding my dagger and you are about to be lead to the gardens that are a straight shot to the forest so, yes.”

“Why?” She questioned out of curiosity. “Why would you let me leave?”

He didn’t answer for a minute as they walked, the entrance to the gardens was getting closer as the windows and lighting seemed to glow in this part of the building. “Because Zack and I do not tend to get along and it will be a very enjoyable experience to watch him panic over losing you.”

She couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face as she laughed. “My god, what did he do to you?”

The prince side-eyed her. “We are not that far apart in age and because of this, he thought he was entitled to push me around and thought I would never retaliate.” He then grinned to himself. “That and I do not tend to agree with kidnapping. There would have been better ways to get you here besides hate and resentment.”

She almost wished this man was her mate as they made it to the doors. Raphael opened them and stepped back for her to leave the building. Fresh air hit her face instantly as she took in a deep breath and turned to her new favourite helper. “I was wrong about you. Zack is a complete asshole but you and Lucas are officially my new favourite people.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Do I get to have a name before you run off?”

She followed his lead and raised her own eyebrow. “Will you tell him?”

“What would be the fun in that?”

She smiled. “Mackenzie but you can call me Mack.”

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