The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Nine: Woman of the Woods

She regretted never joining Marley the days she tried to get her to come along and follow the men in their hunts. She regretted saying no with every passing hour as she walked through the woods, completely and utterly lost. It had been three days of none stop walking. She didn’t want to stop and sleep just in case she had been followed or if Raphael had returned to his words and told Zack about her leaving the moment she turned her back.

Mack couldn’t catch a thing with the light dagger she took from Raphael and wondered if he did that on purpose knowing she would struggle. The only good part about it was its ability to stab multiple beetles and worms, even who-who grubs which she liked. They had a peanut taste to them and she liked it.

Mack found a stream and groaned in relief as she ran towards it and cupped her hands so that she could have a drink. She considered boiling the water first however after three days of bugs and worms with no liquid, she forgot to care about the possible consequences.

The water was cool to the touch as winter was approaching. She wondered if this part of the island got snow during winter and silently hoped that was the case. The Island of Humans didn’t snow and she found that quite boring. If it snowed here then she could finally dip her hands into making winter clothing, using thicker material would be a challenge and Mack never turned down a challenge.

Her dark eyes looked up from the cold liquid to stare at the sky. The sun was slowly setting and had left an orange glow amongst the blue, clouds were still visible making the whole scene breathtaking but she knew she couldn’t enjoy it for long. Mack had decided that she would finally allow herself to sleep and needed to find the right tree to climb and sleep in.

She stood, stretching her muscles just as she heard rustling in the bushes in front of her. A doe’s head pecked out as she ate some leaves before slowly making her way down towards the stream. Mack stood in amazement as this wild animal was only a few inches away from her just as an arrow shot past her face and into the doe’s left eye.

Loud cheers clouded her loud gasp of shock as she watched the doe die in horror. Granted this animal was food now but she still felt a small bit of sadness that the animal was gone. Mack blinked a couple of times before she turned and came face to face with two heavily armoured felines.

“Right in the eye!” The male one cheered as he ran past her and touched the doe. “She’s small but she will do.”

“You didn’t have to kill a child Figus.” The female sighed, a paw on her hip as she flipped a knife with her free one. “You scared the girl.”

Figus turned and looked Mack up and down. “She doesn’t know what we are saying anyway.”

“Actually, I do,” Mack spoke, both cats’ eyes widening in shock before she continued. “I am confused but the last three months have already been hectic so... I am just going to ignore the cats can talk.”

Silence fell as they stared at her. For a moment she could have sworn she saw familiarity cross the female’s eyes but she dismissed it. If the feline saw something in Mack, it would be Marley but that would mean that they have met her before and for some reason, Mack wouldn’t have been surprised if that was the case.


Mack shrugged. “I have demon blood. I know humans are incapable of understanding assassin companions.”


“Did I know?” She turned back to the female who mimicked the male. “All the gear, that and you two are walking on your hind legs as if that is normal. I have patted enough cats in my life to know that you two are no ordinary cats.”

The female started laughing, at first it was a small chuckle but then it built into a full-blown wheeze as the male spoke with a chuckle of his own. “We just keep meeting humans that can talk to us, we think that nobody will know what we are saying and then suddenly the stranger does know. How has the world changed this quickly? the shift was one thing but this?! This makes no sense anymore.”

Mack tilted her head in thought. “Hey! If you two are out here then where are your owners?”

They looked at each other. “You explain it Pipèe, I’ll prepare the doe so we can eat.”

Pipèe shook her head, gaining her composure before she walked over to a nearby rock and sat on it. “Well, it all begins when we were mere kittens. Born with unusual markings and soul bound for life, everyone thought that we were abominations until we met Ziggy, the little three-year-old girl who was suddenly an Orphan turned assassin. From there we were bounded as her companions.”

Mack was impressed, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked around. “Then... where is Ziggy?”

“Well Red... ” The feline paused and sighed. “She found her mate and is refusing any contact with him so, in the night, she left. We have been looking for her ever since but we know she is still in this area, you cannot leave your mate for long, the bond will always bring you back.”

She frowned at Pipèe’s words. “I just left mine and I am fine.”

Pipèe frowned with Mack. “That... I am too hungry to try and figure that one out. Figus! hurry up, we still need to get back to camp before the fire burns out!”

Mack’s curiosity and need for warmth and food took over as she perked up. “Can I join? I will help you two look for your owner.”

They two looked at each other before Figus rolled his eyes. Throwing the large animal over his small frame and struggling to pull it. “Why do you think we waited to kill it until it was in your view? We need help taking this thing back to the camp woman!”

Mack laughed, taking the corpse off of the small figure and throwing it over her own shoulders. The doe was heavy but she didn’t mind as she followed them to their camp. It was only a ten-minute walk but she felt like it was longer as her stomach growled with need.

They got to work, cutting the meat down into pieces before cooking them. The juices of the meat caused Mack to groan out loud, the felines laughing at her reaction as they ate their own share. Mack couldn’t remember the last time food had tasted this good without any seasonings as she sat by the fire and enjoyed its warmth.

But that peace only lasted so long as she saw a figure appear and sit in front of her. The fire between them as she couldn’t help the scowl on her face, the two felines leaving to give them space but she didn’t want them to go.

She didn’t want to be left alone with the one man she was running from.

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