The Vampire Vigilante

Chapter 32

The familiar sights of the country outside of my hometown kingdom brought warmth to my soul. It had been so long since I had been home; almost 13 years.

Your birthday is in 2 weeks, you know.

I put a palm on my forehead, hating the thought of getting older. I felt Erik's gaze on the back of my head as I looked out the window.

"How old will you be?" He asked. I chuckled. "We have to have some boundaries with this mind thing."

"Let's see," he replied, leaning his head back, "My guess is 26."

"Close," I said, "I'll be 27."

"I'm not telling you my age," he replied with a smirk, "You'll think of me as an old man." I turned and looked at him with a smile. "30."

"Eh " he said, grimacing, "Close. But keep trying, I hope you'll never guess."

Shit, he doesn't age? Am I a sugar baby?

"Hell no," he laughed, "I'm not that old, love. I'll be 32 in a few months."

"Not so bad," I replied, smiling, "I can't believe you aren't already tied down."

"Guess I was just waiting on the right one to come along," he said with a smile as he grabbed my left hand sitting on the seat. We entwined our fingers together as the static electricity sizzled between our touch.

I felt the car coming to a stop, so I looked up and was surprised there was now a brick wall surrounding the kingdom.

"When did they put this up?" I asked.

"About a year after you were gone," Erik answered, "When your uncle took the throne he wanted to make sure nobody could get in or out without permission." His jaw was clenched tight, telling me something about uncle Johnathan didn't sit well with him.

The driver spoke to the guard, afterwards rolling down the window on Erik's side to show him we were in the back. The guard took one look at me and bowed. "Welcome back, your Majesty."

"Thank you," I replied as the gate in front of us opened. We drove through the city as I saw all of the new stores, eateries, and bars passing us by.

"All of this is so new," I whispered. As we came to a stop light, I looked over at a large seafood place and sighed. "That used to be a bakery. My dad and I went there every Sunday morning, just the two of us." Erik scooted closer to me to look out of the window. I tried to roll it down, but it was locked.

Erik leaned up and told the driver to unlock the window, and I rolled it down the instant I heard the click. I leaned my head out and inhaled.

It still smells the same; that flowery, airy smell. Like fresh grass mixed with wildflowers.

"It does smell wonderful," Erik replied. I looked over at him and smiled. "Thank you for coming with me. I don't think I could have came alone."

"You are very welcome," he said, kissing my hand, "I would not want to be anywhere else."

We drove through the town and made it to the castle. My mouth gaped open at the sight; uncle Johnathan had completely renovated everything. It wasn't the original style like it used to be, but it was modernized. It was almost like an adobe-style mansion.

"Wow," I said as we pulled through the gate, "This is amazing. He's really outdone himself with the place."

"They had to completely gut it after your parents passed away," Erik replied, "When you had your breakdown it literally destroyed the main frames of the house." I grimaced as I tried to push the memories of that night out of my head.

We pulled into the small circular drive that was lined with pebbles and parked in front of the arch to the front door. The mansion was not the usual tan color, but a dark red. It complimented the green accents of all of the shrubs and ferns decorated around the outside.

The driver opened my door and several guards were waiting at the front doors. Once I stepped out with Erik behind me, they all bowed in unison. I grabbed Erik's hand as we made our way up the steps. A butler came to us once we reached the front doors.

"Welcome home, your Majesty," he said to me, bowing, "And welcome back, King Donovan."

"Thank you," I said, smiling back. I looked at the grand foyer to see there was a huge chandelier in the middle with mosaic glass on the ceiling. The foyer opened into a large grand room, more than likely what was used for balls and ceremonies. There were no thrones in this room like at Erik's castle, but there was another chandelier in the middle which was much larger than the one in the foyer. The walls had no windows, but they were decorated with small, intricate designs. There was greenery everywhere and it smelled just as fresh as it did when I was young.

My mother always loved gardening, so it was no surprise that her brother-in-law would keep the tradition for my father's sake. My mother was always the one to keep my father's head in check on day-to-day business of the kingdom; wherever he went, she was there with him.

"Right this way for brunch," the butler said, interrupting my thoughts. He led us through the grand room to a little hallway on the right. The hallway opened up to the outside and we came to a small patio on the balcony, overlooking the fields of wildflowers. I walked over to the edge and smiled, glad that he kept the field there.

I watched as some rabbits nibbled on some flowers on the edge of the field. Some small deer were frolicking about near the back with their mother watching on guard. I heard some footsteps coming through the hallway, so I turned to see who it was.

Uncle Johnathan came to the patio with a huge smile on his face. It was insane to me how much he really looked like my father; he had a salt-and-pepper beard that came to a neat point on his chin, his hair was the same color and neatly combed to the side, and he was wearing a white button up shirt and khaki pants.

"It's so good to see you, Mel," he said, striding over to me and wrapping his arms around me. I hugged him back and smiled. "It's good to see you as well, uncle Johnathan. It's been forever."

"I know," he chuckled, "I'm just glad you are alive and well." He turned to Erik and shook his hand. "Thank you for taking care of my niece. And for being a wonderful companion to her." I smiled at Erik.

Do not tell anyone of the soulmate bond.

His eyes flashed at me with understanding. "It's my pleasure. She is an amazing person, and I've grown quite fond of her as well."

"I'm glad to hear it," uncle Johnathan said, "Let's get some food. Zach!"

A waiter came from the hallway and bowed once he entered the balcony. "Yes, your Majesty?"

"We are ready for drinks and brunch," uncle Johnathan said, "Quickly, please."

"Yes, your Majesty," Zack said with a bow before he retreated back to the hallway. Uncle Johnathan sat at the far right end of the small table that was set up with several appetizers. I sat on the side closest to me after Erik pulled my chair out for me and sat on my left. Another waitress came up to me as she poured a glass of orange juice.

"Mimosa, your Majesty?" she asked me. I nodded. "Sure, thank you."

"You are very welcome," she replied, smiling as she poured some champagne into my orange juice. She poured Erik a glass as well.

"To a new era," uncle Johnathan said, raising his glass, "Of powerful rulers." I raised my glass with a small smile and drank a small sip.

The waiters started to bring out the first course of fruit, salmon croquettes, quiche, and a few other things. I loaded my plate down, realizing I was starving after our workout that morning. I was eating when I heard uncle Johnathan clear his throat.

"So," he said, crossing his arms in front of his chest, "In regards to the crown, I need to know what it is that you would like to do."

I wiped my mouth and took a long drink from my glass. "To be honest, I have given it some thought." I felt Erik's emotions become stiff as I crossed my hands in my lap and looked over at uncle Johnathan.

"The kingdom looks marvelous since you have been here," I said, "And I don't know much about how to be a ruler." I looked down at my hands nervously as I fiddled with my fingernails. "I don't want the crown. I know that it's my birthright, but I just don't think I'm ready." I looked up at uncle Johnathan and sighed. "You're doing such a great job, I don't see why there has to be a change."

"It doesn't," he said matter-of-fact, "I just wanted to know your input on the situation. It's completely up to you; I'm fine with either. I'm here for the kingdom, and your father always said if something happened to you or to him before you turned 18 then I would be next in line.

"I have had a wonderful experience ruling the kingdom, and I am excited to keep doing so. I want you to know you can always come and take your rightful place on the throne, but until that day comes I will rule this kingdom to the best of my abilities."

Erik's hand rested on my thigh and he gave it a squeeze. I felt a tingle between my legs and stiffened my position in my seat. He cleared his throat and stifled a laugh.

"Thank you," I told uncle Johnathan, "For everything. This kingdom is lucky to have you."

"Another drink," he said, raising his glass as the waiter poured more champagne in his glass, "For the future." I smiled as the other waiter poured mine and Erik's glasses full. "To the future."

We spent the rest of the time talking about the things that uncle Johnathan wants to do to help the kingdom flourish before he decided to take us on a tour of the mansion. We walked back inside before we went down another hallway and out into the back garden.

It was exactly the same as my mother had it when I was younger. The roses, lilies, was all there.

"I can't believe you kept this the way it was," I whispered, touching the flowers. Uncle Johnathan smiled as he picked a rose and handed it to me. "I always strived to do things that would make your parents proud and happy of what I have done with this place. I do truly hate you won't be taking over, but you are always welcome to visit."

"Thank you," I replied, taking the rose. My finger pricked one of the thorns.

"Damn," I grumbled, looking at the blood trickling off of my finger. I instantly felt Erik's aura change as I looked at him and his eyes glowed, staring at the blood dripping off of my finger.

"Shit," he said, rubbing the back of his head, "Excuse me, I need the restroom."

"Um, of course," uncle Johnathan said, "Third door on the right once you go inside." Erik walked quickly inside as uncle Johnathan handed me a tissue from his pocket.

"Thank you," I said, taking the tissue and wrapping it around my finger. As I walked along the rows of flowers I noticed my head began to spin. I looked at the empty glass in my hand and realized I had drank quite a bit since I had gotten here.

I sat the glass down and stumbled a bit when I squatted to the ground. I put my hand down to steady me, but something inside was screaming at me that this wasn't the alcohol. I looked up to see uncle Johnathan still looking at some of the flowers with a smirk on his face.

I swallowed hard as I realized I was beginning to have trouble breathing. My eyes lit up and my tattoo began to burn as I realized what was happening. I tried to stand up and launch myself at him, but I fell to the ground with a thud.

"Oh Mel," uncle Johnathan said, "Looks like you've had a little too much to drink. Let me help you up." He grabbed my arm but I jerked it away.

"Wh...," I tried to form words but my tongue felt like it was covered in bristles and it was thick. I shook my head as everything began to spin.


I screamed his name in my head, trying to get some kind of help. I couldn't control my powers like this, and I sure as hell couldn't fight. I saw there for a few seconds when I realized something was terribly wrong. He didn't respond and that wasn't like him.

I looked up at uncle Johnathan to see him smiling down at me. A tear leaked out of my eye as I felt darkness coming over me. I tried to stand again, but fell on my face.

"Melody," he said as he picked my limp body up, "It's just better this way. I'm so sorry."

Fucking monster!

I tried to grab at the door frame as he walked us inside, but my arms felt like noodles. I closed my eyes as my vision became too blurry to see anything and I slipped into unconsciousness.

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