The Vampire Vigilante

Chapter 31

When we finally got ahold of our emotions, we both went to shower. I could tell Erik was still reeling from what had happened when we sealed our bond, so I decided to take the time to be gentle and loving rather than caving into my desire to make love to him all night.

I slowly scrubbed his back with one hand while rubbing his arm with the other. He hung his head down as I rubbed his shoulders while working the lather on the soap. I took the shampoo and slowly washed it in his hair as I stood on my tip toes to reach him. He did the same for me once I was done washing him and we got out together.

He sat on the edge of the bed in his pajamas while I wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning my head against the top of his shoulders.

"Tell me what you're thinking," I whispered, "I know it's a lot to take in."

"I don't even know," he replied, shaking his head, "It's just this insane mix of emotions."

"I know," I said, kissing his neck, "It will take a few days to get used to the feeling."

"I don't think you understand," he said, "It's different than your powers. It is like an overload of emotions; it is as if someone took my emotional dial and cranked it up on high."

I sat back, realizing now that even though I was used to my emotions being overloaded it was different for him in a way. He had no experience with any type of ancestral powers so this was all new to him.

I had to admit the emotions were strong. The feeling that I experienced when we secured our bond was surreal; it was like every cell in my body conformed to him. I looked at my hands and placed them near his back but not touching him. I watched as the blue mist began to develop on my hands and snaked out to touch him.

I pulled my hands back into my chest and held them tight, not wanting to make him feel any more than he already was. I held my breath as I stood up and sat in his lap. I laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"We are going to be okay," I whispered, touching his arm, "I promise." He took his hand and ran his fingers through my hair. "I know we will, love."

We finally decided it was time to get some rest and I snuggled up in his arms, wrapping the covers around us. Erik gave me a quick kiss on my forehead before I dozed off and dreamed of endless nights of us tangled up in each other.

I knew I was sleeping but I couldn't make myself wake up when I saw bright blue eyes staring back at me in the darkness. I tried to move but I was locked in place. I closed my eyes, attempting to force myself to wake up. I opened them again to be met with the eyes mere inches from me. I tried to conjure up some magic to push them away but nothing was happening. I opened my mouth to scream but was met with silence. I finally broke free of whatever was holding me down and took off running the other way. I quickly realized that I wasn't running at all, but just making the motions in the air. I looked over my shoulder to see the eyes still looking at me.

I turned around and stared deep into the eyes, unable to tear my gaze away. They were the same color as mine but had a more menacing look to them; I was honestly terrified but I couldn't get away.

I watched as blue mist seeped out from all directions, wrapping around my arms and legs. The burn from the mist seared into my skin and caused a sizzling feeling all over. Again I tried to yell out but no sound came from my mouth.

The ribbons of mist crawled up my body and eventually got to my neck before they wrapped around tightly, cutting off my air supply. I reached up to try and pull them off but it was no use. I could see the darkness getting even darker, and the eyes almost looking like they were smiling at me.

I jumped up in bed panting with sweat dripping off of me. Erik opened his eyes and sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. I looked around in a frantic trying to make sure those eyes were still only in my dream.

"Mel?" Erik said, "What's wrong?" He gently touched my arm and I almost jumped backward away from him until I came to my senses a little bit more. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "Just a bad dream. I'm sorry if I woke you up."

"It's fine" Erik said, rubbing my arm, "Come here." He pulled me back down to the bed and into his arms. I inhaled his scent and smiled.

What the hell kind of dream was that, though? I had never had one like that before. Was it a warning, or was it just something random?

I had a gut feeling it meant something, but the calming feeling Erik was giving me by holding me kept me from thinking the worst. I laid there for a long time before I heard him gently snoring again. I leaned my head over to see it was around six in the morning so I decided to go ahead and get up for the day.

I gently unwrapped Erik's arm from my waist and slid out of the bed. I walked over to the drawers and pulled out a sweatshirt and pants before I quietly snuck out of the room and down to the kitchen.

I had not cooked in a long time since I was a pre-teen with my mother. She was always baking and cooking just for fun. I tried to remember her blueberry muffin recipe, but I knew I would screw it up somehow.

Maybe they will be okay.

I looked around and found all of the ingredients I would need before I started mixing and baking. I found some eggs and scrambled those while the muffins baked. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and turned on some Fleetwood Mac as I danced and fixed up a nice breakfast. I decided to throw the dishes in the dishwasher while the muffins were finishing up and came across some pancake mix. I shrugged and began to drop some chocolate chips in with the pancake mixture before I poured a few into the skillet.

I was right in the middle of the chorus of Gypsy, using a spatula as a microphone, when I heard a chuckle come from the doorway. I spun around quickly to see Erik leaned against the door frame watching me. I blushed and turned the music down. "Sorry, I was hungry so I decided to make us some breakfast."

"That's what we have chefs for," he said, laughing as he walked over to me, "They called me when they heard someone in here being loud at six in the morning." I smiled up at him as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. "So sorry I was loud."

"What are you making?" he asked, sniffing, "It smells amazing."

"Secret family recipe," I answered, "Some blueberry muffins, chocolate chip pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Hope you like all of it." He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss. "It all sounds wonderful, my love."

The timer to the oven went off so I carefully pulled the muffins out and set them on the stove to cool off for a bit. I then began to plate some food, making sure I didn't let anything touch. I always wanted to be a cook at some point in life and I was always told I was pretty good at it.

"Here you go," I said, handing him a plate. He took it with a smile and I grabbed mine, making sure I moved all of the extra to the side so that the chefs would have room to do their morning cooking for everyone else.

I was expecting us to go back to Erik's room to eat, but he went to his office. I followed him as he unlocked the door and we walked inside. He flipped the lights on and sat behind his desk, opening his laptop and doing some clicking on it.

"Sorry," he mumbled between bites, "I have a few things to catch up on this morning before we head to your home."

"Take your time," I replied, "I'm just enjoying this food. And the view." He peeked around the computer at me with a smile, afterwards typing away again. I finished my breakfast and decided to look around the room at all of the books. I went to the left side of the room and pulled out a few, flipping through them.

A lot of them were memoirs of ancient kings and queens, along with some war story books. There were also some autobiographies and books written by previous councils. Either Erik was into history or his father was.

"It was my dad," he answered my thoughts. I closed the book and looked at him. I chuckled once I realized that he had been listening in on my thoughts. "I didn't take you for the history guru type." He shrugged his shoulders, leaning back. "I mean, I enjoy it but my dad was a total whiz at anything history. He was obsessed with learning everything about our kind and how those like you evolved and came to be."

"So," I said, "He was obsessed with me is how I take it? Since he was all gung-ho on figuring out the murder of my parents and my powers."

"Sort of," Erik replied, "I mean, it was more like trying to figure out why some of those ancient blood lines of vampires had abilities while the rest of us don't." I nodded as I put one book back and picked up another.

I decided to act like I was reading deep into the book while I started to probe Erik's mind. I could feel his eyes staring a hole into the back of my head while I skimmed across the words on the page.

I was pretty sure he knew I was trying to figure out what he was thinking when I heard him thinking about bending me over the desk.

I licked my lips as a smile slipped across my face. I heard his chair lean back and he closed his computer. I snuck a look over at him and saw that he was leaned back in his chair, hands on top of his head, with his legs spread on either side of the chair.

He is dripping in desire.

I felt a tingle run between my legs and I decided to play the game. I heard the lock on the door click as I thought it in my mind. Erik made a small chuckle as I stood still in my spot. I closed the book gently and then looked at him with a smile, my tattoo on fire and eyes glowing. I slowly sauntered over to the desk and grabbed his computer, setting it on the floor far away from the desk; I didn't want to end up moving the desk and crushing it.

I slowly walked behind him and put my hand on his shoulder before I slowly moved it down his chest. I did the other hand the same way, making Erik's head tilt to the side. I leaned down and kissed his neck slowly, feeling the chill bumps raise on his skin.

I then walked in front of him and sat in his lap facing him. His eyes were already glowing so I knew I could do what I wanted to do at this point. I took my hands and tangled my fingers in his hair, afterwards giving his head a gentle pull to expose his neck. I felt him stiffen underneath me as I let my fangs slide out and tickle the side of his neck. I then took my tongue on his jaw and gently licked until I was at his mouth. Once I landed my lips against his he began his work.

His lips smashed against mine as he put his hands on my hips, holding me against him. A moan escaped my mouth as he ran his hands over my backside. He then took his hands under my shirt and pulled it off, exposing my bare chest.

He put one hand at the back of my head and the other around my waist, pulling my head back and sitting up as his lips trailed down between my breasts and to my stomach. When he moved his face away from me I took my hands on his chest and slowly moved them down, putting them under his shirt and pulling it off. I leaned back and took a good look at his perfect upper body, biting my lip as I thought of how delicious he looked.

Erik then picked me up and sat me on the desk after I moved everything out of the way with my thoughts. He quickly yanked my pants and underwear off as my core burned with intensity. He shimmied his pants and underwear down to his ankles, exposing himself. I looked at him and let my mouth open just a little before he plunged into me.

A low moan came from my lips as I threw my head back while he pounded in and out of me. I put my hands on his thighs as he kept up the quick rhythm, digging my nails into his skin with pleasure. He then pulled out and flipped me over on my stomach against the desk. He went inside of me with an urgency as a loud yell came from my mouth.

"I love it when you get loud," he panted. He slowed his rhythm down but kept the intensity the same with every push he gave me. I grabbed the edge of the desk and dug my nails in as I felt my climax growing. Erik could tell it too so he sped up and kept pounding me against the desk.

"Don't stop," I moaned, feeling myself about to plummet over the edge. He wrapped his arm around my chest and I felt my release begin as Erik growled with ecstacy. I let out a cry as I felt his climax mix with mine, our bodies shaking as the high died down.

I collapsed against the desk, a hot and sweaty mess, as he fell back into his chair. I could hear his breathing start to slow down so I turned around and pulled my pants back on. He did the same as I smiled at him. He pulled me into his lap again and gave me a long, romantic kiss.

"I will never, ever grow tired of that," he whispered, "I love you."

"And I won't either," I breathed, "I love you too, Erik."

He looked at me with adoring eyes before giving me a quick smack on my butt. "We need to get ready. We have to leave in an hour to make it for brunch with your uncle."

"Oh, shit," I groaned, "I almost forgot. I have no idea what to wear."

"You'll look amazing in anything," Erik replied, smiling, "Don't stress it." I got up out of his lap and put my sweater back on, shuffling to the door.

I ended up wearing a dark blue pants suit with some small heels. Erik wore a pair of black slacks and a baby blue button-down shirt. I felt like we complimented each other well.

"What do you think about wearing this?" Erik asked before we went to the car. I was putting on my shoes at the edge of the bed so I looked up to see that he was holding my crown. I grimaced for a moment. "I don't know, I wouldn't want to intrude on his throne or anything."

"It's not the queen's crown," Erik said, "It's yours. I don't think you would be intruding." He handed it to me and I just held it in my hands, looking at it. I sighed and walked over to the mirror, placing it on top of my head.

I had my hair down and wavy, so I tucked some pieces of hair behind my ears to hold the crown in place. I turned my head from side to side, looking at myself.

"It looks perfect," Erik said, leaning against the doorframe, "I think you should wear it."

"Alright," I replied, shrugging, "But if he looks at me in any way that questions it, I am taking it off."

"Deal," Erik said, chuckling as we walked out.

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