The Vampire Vigilante

Chapter 23

I sat up on the couch and put my finger to my lips, telling Mitch to be quiet. I walked over and locked the door before I turned around to look at him.

"It's King Malachi," I whispered, "He's the one who did this to me." I pointed to my face. "I guess he found me again."

"Aw, hell," Mitch said, putting a hand on his forehead, "Okay, what do we do?"

"I need a favor," I answered, "Do you have any blood in here?"

"Um," he opened a small mini-fridge next to his desk and pulled out a couple of bags of O negative, "Will this work?"

"Perfect," I replied, ripping the bags open. My fangs slid out and my eyes glowed as I drank both in only a few seconds.

"Whoa, girl," he replied, looking at me, "Your eyes are something else." I looked up at him and smiled. "Yours must be contacts. They look real."

"Yeah," he laughed, "I have a bunch of different colors. I like to be unique." I licked my lips, cleaning the blood off of them before my tattoo began to burn and I held up my hand, showing some mist forming a ball. "I can protect us. Just follow my lead and do NOT let him see you." Mitch nodded and I went to slowly unlock the door. We crept along the floor bent down as we came to the edge of the stairs. I peered out to see bodies pulled apart everywhere. Malachi was standing in the middle of the dance floor with about 25 guards all around him.

"Melody!" he called out, "I know you're in here. I can smell you." I took a deep breath and let the mist engulf my body.

Finish him.

I looked at Mitch and mouthed at him to stay where he was before I jumped over the balcony of the stairs, landing right in front of Malachi.

He smiled a devious smile. "There you are. Why don't we leave and head back to the warehouse?"

"Not a chance," I replied, balling up my fists, "You're done, Malachi." He threw his head back and laughed. "You think I'm scared of you, little girl? Haven't you had enough punishments already?"

"I have," I said, holding my head up straight, "That's why today is your last day on earth."

"I highly doubt that," he replied, motioning his hands to his guards to attack. I held my hands up and they all stopped on a dime, frozen in place. Malachi looked around, slightly frantic. I let the mist trail from my arms to the floor, snaking around all of the guards and lapping at their legs. It was like fire almost; it burned them wherever it touched and they yelped out in pain.

"Malachi," I said, "Why don't you just surrender yourself to the council already so I don't have to waste an ounce of energy on your pathetic death?"

I looked up behind Malachi as the door ripped open off of it's hinges and Erik walked into the room. He stopped once he saw me and smiled.

"Looks like Mel already has you where she wants you," Erik said, walking over to Malachi, "So just give it up already."

"That would be too easy," Malachi said, laughing. He reached out a hand and grabbed Erik by the throat, slamming him on the ground. I could tell I was getting weaker as I held my powers in place keeping the guards back, but I wanted to help Erik too.

Erik freed himself and started punching and kicking Malachi, sending him against the floor. They kept fighting for what seemed like forever, but it was only a few minutes. Malachi then pinned Erik on the ground and slammed his head against the floor a few times. He forced him to look at me as he tried to rip his head off.

"No!" I screamed. I couldn't let my walls fall down on the guards, but I could not let Erik die. I made my choice without hesitation and dropped my arms before I launched myself at Malachi.

I grabbed him with such force that I cracked the wall when I slammed him into it. I pushed my fingers into his eye sockets, causing him to scream in pain. Someone then grabbed me by my hair and yanked me backwards across the floor. I hit the DJ system hard before another vampire was on top of me with his hands at my throat. I put my hands on his chest and pushed, sending him across the room with my powers. I watched as he landed on a piece of broken wood, killing him instantly as it pierced his heart.

I turned to see Malachi trying to come at me again. I grabbed his arm and spun him around, dislocating his shoulder. I slid backwards on my feet with one hand on the ground as I watched him attempt to put his arm back into place. I turned around and saw Erik tearing vampires apart left and right. I looked back at Malachi but was a second too late as Idna came at me with a piece of broken wood from a table. I dodged, but she struck me in the side. I yelled out in pain as the wood splintered into my side.

I reached around and grabbed her shirt, yanking her down to the ground. I leaned down and slid my fangs out before I ripped her neck out, trachea and all. Her body went gray and her face blank. I stood up and pulled the piece of wood from my side with a grimace.

You can't keep going for much longer.

I saw another 3 male vampires coming for me slowly. I took stance and readied myself for their attacks. The first one came at me arms outstretched, so I met him halfway and grabbed his forearms. I twisted them both, breaking them. I then took my right foot between our arms and kicked his head away from his body, sending it into the wall. I let him fall to the floor before I ducked to avoid the next one from grabbing me. I then jumped in the air as the third one came, grabbing his head in the air mid-flip before I ripped his head off. The second one came back at me, grabbing my back and throwing us both to the floor. I kicked my leg up, hitting him right in the crotch with my heel. He stiffened in pain and I rolled to face him. I then took both of my hands on the sides of his head. I used my powers to cause his vessels in his brain to burst, instantly killing him.

I pushed him off of me and looked around the room for Malachi. He was barricaded in the corner surrounded by guards. I pushed my hands out toward the ground, causing what little power I had left to creep towards him. It snaked around the guards' feet before it got to him. I watched as the mist trailed up his legs, causing him to yell out in pain as the fire began to take effect. I smiled as the guards tried to pull it off of him but became injured in the process.

I was almost up to his neck, about to rip him in half, when I felt a sharp pain in my chest and the mist evaporated. I felt a warmth flowing down my body and looked down to see a huge metal pole from one of the barstools protruding from my chest.

Everyone stopped fighting as my knees hit the floor. I grabbed the pole and tried to pull, but the pain was too much.


Erik's voice seemed like it was far away until I noticed he was running over to grab me before I hit the ground. He had one arm around my back and the other on the side of my face.

"Erik," I whispered, "What happened?"

"You're gonna be fine," he said, tears streaming down his face, "You're okay. I'm here."

"I'm so cold," I replied as I began to lose feeling in my legs. He stifled out a sob as he stroked the side of my face.

"Please, no," he whispered, kissing me on the forehead. The numbness crept up my legs to my torso as I tried to reach up and touch his face. He held his face to mine as I felt my lungs filling up with blood.

"I love you," he said, crying, "I'll always love you."

"I love you," I croaked out, "Don't leave me, please."

"I'm right here," he said, holding me tighter.

This is it. The end. You're done.

I felt my vision failing me as the blackness seeped into the corners of my sight. I looked up at Erik as I felt my eyes growing dull. I smiled up at him. "Thank you."

I felt my arm drop that I had on his face and the numbness had taken over my entire body. I tried to catch my breath, but it was no use.

After everything I had been through, after all of the love I had felt with this man, Malachi won. He got what he wanted this whole time: my death. The tears seeped out from the corners of my eyes as defeat rushed over me. The pain was nothing compared to the feeling of failure. I wanted to jump up, pull this stupid rod out of my chest, and stab it right through Malachi's face.

But you can't. And you won't.

I choked out a sob as my vision became harder to focus on. I just wanted one more day with Erik; one more day of pure bliss. But I wasn't going to get that.

I had nothing.

I tried to swallow the tears back, but I felt my body filling with blood as I began to taste it in my throat. I decided it was time to stop fighting as I closed my eyes one last time in the arms of my one true love.

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