The Vampire Vigilante

Chapter 24

Maybe death wasn't the worst thing to happen. I felt literally nothing, so that was a plus. My body felt like I was suspended in air, defying gravity. My soul smiled inside as I felt warm and toasty.

You are finally safe.

I wondered if heaven was real. And if so, would my parents be there? The thought made my soul even warmer.

I realized that it wasn't just my soul that was warm, but my skin was warm.


I didn't feel connected to my body, but at the same time I did. It was a really weird feeling. I started to come to my senses a bit more once the euphoria wore off when I realized something crazy: I was only sleeping.

Oh no, I can't still be alive. I'm dead for sure.

The pole had went straight through my heart, so I knew there was no coming back from an injury like that. But something just felt different; like I was almost alive.

I decided maybe I could try to open my eyes and see if it was a real feeling or not. When I did open them, it was the most insane experience.

I was staring at the blue sky. It was a perfect summer day with the warm beams of the sun shining down on me.

Is this the afterlife? If so, I really like it.

Summer was always my favorite time of year. I could sit in the sun and soak up the rays for hours unbothered.

I still felt somewhat connected to my body, but at the same time I didn't. I sat up and realized I was in the middle of a beautiful grass meadow. The smell of hibiscus and cherry blossoms filled my nose and I smiled, remembering the ones we had planted at my home so long ago.


The word rang in my head as I stood up, realizing my parents had to be here somewhere. Surely if I ended up here in the afterlife they would be here too. I looked at my hands which were perfectly unharmed, unlike what they looked like a few moments ago.

I wonder how long I've really been dead?

I shook my head and started walking across the field. There was only one thought in my mind right now, and that was to find my parents.

I walked slowly through the forest before I came across a clearing. There was a small pond in the center of the clearing with the edges covered by treetops. I then looked over to see the backs of a couple sitting on a small metal bench near the pond, holding each other tightly.

I recognized right away who they were, and my emotions got the best of me. Tears began to stream down my face as I saw my mother's long black hair and my father's arm snugged tightly around her shoulders.

What do I even say? What do I do now?

I began to forcefully walk across the grass toward them. They must have heard me, because they stood up quickly and spun around to meet my stare. I was about 15 feet from them at this point, and when I saw their warm faces I couldn't contain myself anymore.

"Mom?" I sobbed, "Dad?"

"Oh honey," my mother said, closing the space between us with my father right behind her. Her arms wrapped around me with my father on the other side, doing the same. I held them and cried. I cried so many tears that eventually I had no more to cry.

When I finally stopped crying I wiped my tears and took a step back. "I can't believe it's you."

"We can't either," my dad replied, "We have longed for that moment to embrace you for years."

"I just wish it were under different circumstances," my mom added, looking down. I bit my lip and looked down at the ground as well. "I'm sorry I failed."

"Failed?" My dad laughed, "Oh my sweet child. You aren't finished on earth just yet." I looked at him with a confused face. "What do you mean? I died."

"You see the pond?" My mom said, pointing to the water,"That is the portal between this world and earth. Only Royal families reside here after their death. They can always return, but they only have 1 chance to return. Most of us do not decide to return; we believe once it is our time to go that's it."

"But you," she continued as she put her hands on my face, "You, my dear daughter, are chosen by the Originals to return with powers unknown to earth." My dad motioned for me to sit on the bench, and I did so between them.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, "I already have powers that are crazy strong and they are unlike anything I've ever seen."

"Why do you think Malachi has kept you all these years?" My dad asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's because he wants them for himself," my mom whispered, looking at my father, "His main goal that night he came to our house was to take you. Unfortunately, we were only stepping stones in the way."

It all came to me at that moment. My powers and abilities were the reason my parents were dead.

"I can't go back, I croaked, "If I'm the reason you both are dead, then I deserve to be dead as well."

"Nonsense," my mother said, smiling at me, "Look across the pond."

I looked up and saw all of the powerful Royal families emerging from the tree line. The ones who had died in battle, passed from unknown causes, and the one female Original in the middle.


She was the first vampire that stepped foot on earth hundreds of years ago. We had all read about her in early school; she was the first vampire but she was born to humans.

"Their powers reside within you," my mother continued, "Somehow it has skipped all of the heirs and landed directly in your lap. You're the one who they have chosen to unite the kingdoms."

"Mom," I whispered, "I can't do that. I don't even know what I'm doing half of the time."

"You are wise beyond your years," she said, putting her hand on the side of my face, "You have proven that." I sighed and looked across the pond. "So what do I do now?"

"You'll see," my father said as I watched Iris walk across the top of the water towards us.

She came up to me with a smile across her face. Her eyes a shocking blue color and she began to emulsify blue mist from her body. It was like mine, but much more controlled. There was a vibrating noise coming from her signifying that her powers were humming.

Her hair was so blonde it was almost white, and she was tall and slender. Her lips were a perfect shade of ruby red and she was wearing a light blue, older styled formal dress.

"Melody," she said, taking my hands in hers, "It is so nice to finally meet you." Her accent was a thick English accent, and her voice was light and airy.

"It's nice to meet you as well," I whispered, bowing my head to her. I looked up into her icy blue eyes and I felt her power transferring to me through our hands.

"Melody," she said, "You have been chosen by all of us to inherit this great power passed down through the Royal families. With this power comes great responsibility. We all believe you are up to the challenge, but we need you to understand that this is bigger than anything the world has ever seen.

"You will be able to do anything you can imagine with your thoughts. These powers will allow you to be connected with our world and earth, giving you even more capability to unite the kingdoms like it should be. You will grow with your powers; abilities will come with age and understanding.

"Melody Raines, do you accept these responsibilities as I have explained?" I looked over my shoulder at my mom and dad, who were beaming with pride.

This is the right thing to do.

I nodded my head. "Yes, Queen Iris. I understand what I have to do, and I accept." Iris smiled and gripped my forearms, causing her mist to seep up my arms and engulf my body. I then felt my tattoo light on fire and my own mist began to show itself. The two powers united, causing a bright flash of light before it simmered down. Iris let go of my arms and stepped back before she bowed. I looked at the Royals behind her, who were bowing as well. I turned and smiled at my parents as they walked slowly toward me.

"We are so proud of you," my mother replied, giving me a big hug, "We know you will do amazing things."

"And know that we will always be here watching and protecting you from this side," my dad added, hugging me as well.

"It's time," Iris stated, "You must go before Malachi has his way with your soulmate."


"So it's true," I whispered, letting go of my parents and looking at Queen Iris, "Erik and I really are soulmates like those in the past?"

"Yes," Iris replied, smiling, "You are. You know to complete the bond you will need to feed from each other. Just know that it brings a risk as well. You will be connected spiritually and able to contact through a mind-link."

"Yes ma'am," I said, "I read about it." I squeezed my mom and dad's hands before I turned and looked at Iris. "What do I need to do now?"

"Just walk into the pond," she answered, "And you will be transported back to your body on earth." I started to slowly walk to the edge of the water before a tear leaked out of my eye. I turned and looked at my parents again. "I love you both so much."

"And we love you," my dad replied, "We will always be here watching over you, my dear."

"Yes," my mother added, tears forming at the corners of her eyes, "Always, my sweet Mel." I wiped my tears one last time before I looked back at the pond again.

Here we go.

I took a step into the water and began to descend down into the pond. I felt my breath becoming shorter as I got deeper. Once my head went under, everything went dark.

Please let me wake up.

The sensation of getting back 'into my body' was insane. I could feel myself laying on the ground, and I knew the instant my heart started beating again. It was loud as hell; I could feel it in my ears like when you have a fever.

I took a small breath and exhaled deeply. I was terrified to open my eyes and see Erik hurt or dead, so I decided to just lay there motionless for a little longer. I could feel the pressure of the pole still in my chest, but I had no idea how I was alive with that thing still sticking in me.

I decided to sit up first and keep my eyes closed. I slowly sat up and stretched my legs out. I then opened my eyes and was surprised to see that nobody had noticed I was alive.

Erik was in the corner tied to a chair with some silver wire. Malachi was on the other side of the room with his back to me talking to his guards that were still alive. There were only a few left, but they weren't paying attention to anything but the words coming out of his mouth. I looked back over at Erik and noticed he was either dead or unconscious with his head hanging down. I looked closer and saw he was still breathing, so I mentally breathed a sigh of relief.

I then attempted to stand up. It was hard since there was a 6 foot metal pole sticking through my back and chest, but I managed to stand. I grabbed the pole in the front with both hands and added a little power to pull it out. I looked down to see there wasn't a gaping hole there, surprisingly, but it healed up immediately when I removed the pole. I then looked directly at the back of Malachi and dropped the pole with a loud clanging noise as it bounced on the floor.

He froze and stopped talking as his guards looked at me in shock. I smiled and waved, still feeling like I was on cloud nine. Malachi slowly turned around and when his eyes met mine sheer terror spread across his face.

I reached my right hand up and twisted it, breaking the necks of all of his guards. He looked around in a frantic as he tried to find a way out. I looked over at Erik, who seemed to be coming back to consciousness. I watched the silver wire break and his body thumped to the ground as he groaned. I looked back at Malachi and stretched my finger out, making the motion for him to come over to me.

He had no other choice so his feet began to move toward me. He tried to stop them, but it was no use with my powers. Once he was only a few inches away from me I peered into his eyes as my tattoo began to burn with intensity all the way down my spine.

My spine?

I shook off the thought and slid my fangs out to show him I wasn't playing around anymore.

"You have upset our ancestors," I growled, "And they told me to make you pay the price." I grabbed him by the nape of his neck and forced him on his knees. "You tortured me for years, killed my parents, and spread lies about me to the whole vampire community. You are a poor excuse for not only a vampire, but a man in general.

"You are a terrible King, and I am here to not only strip you of your title but of your pathetic life. I do not believe you deserve to be tortured, because I am a better ruler than that. I will make sure your death is quick and painless. Is there anything you would like to say before I turn you over to our ancestors?"

He looked at me with a look I had never seen; it was almost sad. He really knew this was the end and now he was regretting everything he had ever done.

"No," he whispered, "Just get it over with." I blinked and broke a few fingers, causing him to scream out in pain.

"Okay!" he breathed, "I'm fucking sorry. Is that better?"

"I don't think you meant that," I said, breaking his left leg. He was still forced into the position on his knees, so the pain caused him to break out in a sweat as he yelled out.

"Melody, I'm sorry!" he yelled ,"I'm sorry I killed your parents! I'm sorry I did what I did to you. I'm so, so sorry." I linked in his mind and saw that there was a small sliver of regret, so I shrugged my shoulders.

"Whatever," I huffed, "I've had my fun. Hope you have a good life on the other side."

I grabbed his head and snatched it completely off, holding it almost like a trophy. His body slumped to the ground and I grabbed his head with my right hand by his hair as I slowly walked over to Erik, who was still trying to sit up groggily.

I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him a boost of energy, causing the silver to metabolize quicker. He shook his head and stood up. He opened his eyes and looked at me in awe, surprised I was standing in front of him.

"We did it," I said, smiling as I held up Malachi's head.

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