The Vampire Vigilante

Chapter 22

I slowly opened my eyes when I heard the door unlocking again. I lifted my head up and coughed into the floor, spewing blood everywhere. There was dried blood all around me; a mixture of mine and Malachi's. I looked up to see that woman, Idna, walking through the door. She glared at me as she threw down a plate of rice.

More like a spoonful.

I kicked it away with what part of my foot would reach. "I'm not hungry."

"Suit yourself," she replied, snatching the plate and beginning to walk out.

"Wait," I said, "Can I at least get a bathroom break?" She rolled her eyes and huffed. "Let me ask his Majesty." She left, locking the door behind her. I hung my head down as I attempted to sit up some and straighten out my back. She unlocked the door and came back in with a set of keys. She started to unlock the shackles on my ankles. "If you try anything stupid, just know it won't end well for you."

"Yeah, yeah," I replied, rubbing my wrists as she unlocked them, "I know the drill. This isn't my first rodeo." She yanked me up by my arms and walked me through the door to outside.

It was a room in another building. It appeared to be some type of warehouse. Everything was brick with a metal roof, and several doors on either side. I turned and saw that the room I was in was just one of the rooms in the warehouse.

"Keep walking," Idna commanded. I looked forward as she shoved me through a door and down another hallway. It seemed like a hallway you would see in an older office building. We stopped at the women's bathroom and she walked us in. There were metal stalls and she pointed to one of them. "Hurry it up." I looked at her and went into one of the stalls. I held my breath, waiting for her to leave.

"Can I at least have 5 minutes of privacy?" I asked, holding it as tight as I could.

"His Majesty told me to not let you out of my sight," she answered, "So that's what I'm doing."

"Please let me take a shit in peace," I growled. I could see through the crack in the door that she made a disgusted face before she walked to the door to the hallway.

"Fine," she grumbled, "But don't try anything slick. I'll splatter your brains on the wall." She slammed the door behind her and I was finally alone to pee in silence.

Once I was finished, I went to the sink and turned on the water. I let it run as hard as it would go as I tried to find some type of window.


I shook my head in defeat as I washed my hands and turned off the faucet. Before I opened the door I tried with all of my might to get some of my power to surface, but it was still no use since I had only been out of the silver chains for a few minutes. I opened the door and Idna grabbed me by the arm, dragging me down the hall. She had long legs and it was hard to keep up with her, especially since every step still sent pain shocks through my veins.

Once we got back to the room and she shackled me down, she looked up at me. "I don't get what the big deal is with you. You haven't shown anything special that I can see." I shrugged my shoulders. "Guess you'll just have to find that out later."

She locked the last latch and pinned me down on the ground by my throat. "You listen here, little bitch. My life is at stake here. I told Malachi I would capture you in turn for my life, so don't you fuck it up for me." I turned my head side to side, trying to get a gulp of air. She let go and smiled at me. "I don't think you stand a chance against him. I hope he tears you apart." She slammed the door behind her and locked it tight. I coughed up a few more spots of blood onto the floor and sat up.

Damn I wish I had that rice.

My stomach growled, which means it has been a couple of days since I was kidnapped. I had gotten a few sips of water from the faucet when I washed my hands, so that was sort of refreshing. I laid back on the floor and my mind started to race on ways I could get out of here.

Option number one was to use my powers, but that wasn't going to cut it since I was strapped down in silver. Option two was to just play dead and maybe I would get dumped at Erik's castle. Option three, which was what I ended up planning on taking, was to use Malachi to my advantage and strangle him with the chains once he got close.

It's gonna be hard to seduce him, though.

I sighed as I stared at the ceiling. I wished that I was back home with Erik; wrapped in his warm arms and having that feeling of comfort all around me, not sitting here on the cold floor waiting for my end. I decided to lay there and try to sleep until the next time I saw Malachi, but my mind would not turn off. I kept playing scenarios in my head of the best way to get him wrapped up in the chains to choke him out. The only problem was that these chains were not very long at all, so we would need to be in extreme proximity for me to get him where I needed him.

My mind finally started to slow down and I was drifting off to sleep before I heard the door unlocking. I opened my eyes and sat up instantly when Malachi's right-hand man walked through the door.

Cal was the one who was always the worst. He made me do the most horrific things, and was always the one doing the beatings. I usually wasn't scared of anything, but this man terrified me. He had long blonde hair that was curly, a blonde beard that was always shaved but had a 5 o'clock shadow to it, he was extremely muscular and tall, and had dark gray eyes.

"Ah," Cal said, "Looks like you couldn't run very far from us, sweet Mel." I shook my head in fear. "Cal, please just let me be."

"You didn't think I would not come say hello to my favorite princess?" he replied, smiling and shutting the door behind him, "I missed you so very much." Tears began to roll down my face as he started to unbuckle his belt.

"Cal," I whispered, "Please don't."

"Don't what?" he said, pulling his pants off, "Don't give you something that I know you enjoy?" I tried to scoot back away from him but the shackles held me firmly in place. He slipped his belt out of the loops of his pants and wrapped it around his hand, ready to give me a beating.

"I fucking hate you," I said as sobs escaped my lips. He lifted the belt above his head and gave it a sharp slap against my thigh. I squealed out in pain as he hit it again. He then took his hand against my cheek and pushed my face against the floor as he straddled on top of me. I felt his other hand run up my left leg and I closed my eyes tight because I knew what was coming next. I tried to take my mind off of what was happening by focusing on Erik.

I loved him so much. He was the most amazing person I had ever met, and to know that he loved me in the same way I did him made my heart want to explode. I knew that we were meant to be together; the Royal Family Journals even showed the depiction of what our soulmate bond was.

Not only was I deeply in love with Erik but I felt protective over him. And the thought of me not being there for him caused my tattoo to start burning with an intense pain. I opened my eyes and they were ice blue. I felt myself becoming stronger by the second as rage overcame me. I noticed that I had a small amount of blue mist trickling next to the ground beside me, so I decided now was my chance.

I gritted my teeth as I forced my powers to do what I needed them to do. The mist seeped quietly around the shackles that had my wrists and ankles bound. I felt as they loosened just slightly from the ground, giving me enough slack to finish the job. I shifted my body down to where I was eye level with Cal and I flipped us over, wrapping the chains that were attached to my wrists around his throat. I yanked the chains on my feet out of the ground and had enough slack in the chains on my wrists to get under him and pull them as tight as they would go.

I felt the metal breaking the skin of his throat and my rage consumed me even more. I forced my powers to their maximum potential and pulled even tighter, causing them to slice completely through his neck. I dropped his body to the ground as his head rolled and hit the wall gently. I looked at the shackles on my wrists and ankles and closed my eyes, causing them to break open and fall to the ground.

I looked over at Cal's dead body and realized I would need some type of blood to give me some energy back. I turned his head away from me so I wouldn't have to look him in the face as the blood dripping from his carotid landed on my tongue. It tasted horrible, but I knew it would give me what I needed to get the hell out of here.

I threw his head against the wall, crushing his skull. I stood there for a moment, letting my powers rejuvenate themselves. I knew that Malachi was somewhere on the other side of the door, so I had to make sure I was ready for whatever I was about to face.

I cracked the door open slightly and peered around to see that the warehouse was empty. The door straight across was open, more than likely where Cal had slipped in. I bolted through the door and across the warehouse. When I slipped through the door to outside, I pressed myself against the wall and looked all around. I had no idea where I was at, but I knew that I was about to run for the damn hills.

There was a fence on the other side of the driveway in front of me, so I ran and jumped over it. I went through some bushes and ended up coming to the back side of a small town after about one mile. I walked slowly through some of the alleys, looking for someone who might have a cell phone.

Thankfully you have a good enough memory and know Erik's number.

I noticed a bar a little ways down the street, so I ran toward it. I slipped in the door and noticed it was packed. I tip-toed to the bar and the bartender came over.

"Hey love! You look a little...flustered. You okay?" He was looking me up and down, and I'm sure I looked rough around the edges. I still had my dress on from the other night, and dried blood all over my face from getting kicked by Malachi.

"Do you have a phone I could use?" I croaked out. My throat was still on fire from getting choked.

"Of course," he answered, handing me a cell phone, "Do you need the police or anything?" I shook my head quickly. "No, thank you."

I grabbed the phone and started typing the numbers to Erik's cell phone. My hand started shaking before I hit the call button. I looked at the bartender. "Can you tell me what city we are in?"

"This is the La'Faye Bar," he answered, "In Hart."

Jesus, I'm nearly 200 miles away from Erik.

"Thank you," I whispered, starting to come down from my high. I hit the call button and held my breath, praying he would answer.

"Hello?" he answered, clearly in a frantic.

"Hi," I replied, starting to sob, "Please come get me."

"Where are you?" he said sternly. I heard him running somewhere or doing something loudly.

"Um, it's the La'Faye Bar in Hart," I answered, "Erik, I'm scared."

"I'm on my way," he growled, "Stay where you are. Tell the bartender to take you to Mitch. I know the owner."

"Okay," I replied, "I'll see you soon."

"I love you," he breathed, "I'm so glad you're alive. I'll be there as soon as possible."

"I love you too," I said, crying, "Bye." I handed the phone back to the bartender and he put it back in his pocket.

"Is there anything I can get you?" He asked, "A water or something?"

"I'm fine," I answered, crossing my arms over my ripped dress, "My...boyfriend is on his way to get me. He told me that he knows Mitch, and that I should stay with him until he gets here."

"Yes mam," he answered, "Come with me." He motioned to the other bartender that he was leaving and walked toward the right side of the dance floor. We started walking up a metal staircase to the back rooms at the top. We came to a hallway with a bunch of doors and he knocked on the last one on the left.

"Who is it?" I heard a voice ask. The bartender cleared his throat. "It's Jamie. I have a girl here who needs some help. Her boyfriend is on his way but he told her you would watch over her until he got here." I heard some footsteps on the other side of the door and it opened up.

The guy, Mitch I presumed, was tall and lanky. He had a very dark complexion, was wearing a shimmery purple top, and some black pants. His hair was shaved down short and he had blue eyes, almost the same color as mine.

"Who is your boyfriend?" he asked me, looking down with a sneer on his face. He wasn't impressed with me apparently.

"King Donovan," I managed to get out, "He told me to come up here with you until he got here." Mitch's eyes lit up and he started to smile. "Well! Looks like Erik finally found him a woman. Good for him. Thank you Jamie." He waved his hand and the bartender left, closing the door behind him.

"Can I get you anything?" he asked as I sat on the couch that was next to the door. I shook my head. "No, thank you."

"You may need some stitches," he replied, looking at my face, "Or a doctor. You bled pretty bad." I turned my face away from him and looked at the floor. "I'm fine."

"Well," he said, sitting down at his desk, "Alrighty then." He started shuffling some papers around and I leaned back, resting my head against the back of the couch. I closed my eyes and began to drift off to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of Mitch jumping out of his seat and screaming coming from the dance floor below. I heard glasses shattering everywhere and only knew that could mean one thing.

He found me.

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