The Vampire Vigilante

Chapter 12

When I opened my eyes I saw the most beautiful waterfall I had ever encountered. It was high up on the right with a crystal-clear pond at the bottom. There was greenery all around with lightning bugs lighting up the area.

The water was so clear it seemed to sparkle as the lightning bugs would touch down to get a drink. There were trees everywhere, keeping the area hid from the outside world. I looked up to see wildlife all around in the treetops as the owls hooted and doves cooed.

"This is where I go to just clear my head," Erik said, taking a few steps to stand beside me, "I wanted to show it to you." I took a ragged breath and sighed in relief. "Oh, Erik. I'm so sorry. I thought-"

"I know what you were thinking," he replied, looking at me, "And I can't blame you for that. But I promise you I will never give you back to him." He then took my hands in his and the electricity began to fizz with our touch. "Because I know you feel this too." He looked down at my hands in his and began to rub my knuckles with his thumbs.

"I-I don't know what this is," I said shakily, "I don't know what's going on with me." He then smiled before taking his hands away from mine. He then started a slow jog before jumping onto the side of the waterfall and gracefully climbing up to the top. He sat down on the left side and patted the ground next to him. I walked over to the side and took one jump to land next to his outstretched arm. I sat down cross-legged next to him and put my hands in my lap, fiddling with my nails. "This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

"It's a beauty," Erik replied, "That's for sure." He then looked down at my hands before looking at me. "Tell me what all is going on, because I know there is a lot you aren't telling me."

Don't tell him everything.

"Okay," I said with a huff, "So ever since I got here and have been training, I've just gotten stronger. I don't know how to explain it, because I haven't felt like this since that night when Malachi took me."

"I don't think you have reached your full potential," he replied, "I think there is more for us to find out about you. I mean, just look at you." I looked up at him to see he was smiling and his eyes were burning gold.

"Your eyes," he said, putting a hand on my cheek, "I have never seen anyone with your eyes. Not to mention that thing that happens when you get upset."

"What thing?" I asked as he took his hand away. My face was sizzling where he had just touched.

"That blue mist," he answered, "It's amazing. I think that's your power, whatever it is going to evolve into." I smiled at him as he looked at me with those beautiful eyes. "Maybe you're right. I guess we will just have to find out."

"And," he said, standing up, "I have one last request from you." I stood up to face him. "What's that?"

"Don't leave," he whispered, "Just hang around the castle for a few months after this ball." He took another step closer to me before looking down at me.

This is a look I have only seen in my dreams.

I felt my lips part as his face inched closer to mine. I was stuck to the ground, unable to move. He was really about to kiss me. I closed my eyes as he closed his, coming even closer. I stood like that for a few seconds until I realized he wasn't in front of me anymore. I opened my eyes to see he had jumped down into the pond below, clothes and all. I looked down with a face of confusion as he floated on his back, laughing.

This man is really getting under my skin.

"It was getting a little too hot up there for me," he called out, "Care for a swim?"

I could imagine how it would feel submerged in water wrapped up in his arms, and I decided now was not the time for this.

If he wants to play hard to get, let's play.

I jumped off of the waterfall to land on the edge of the pond, staring at him with a smile. "I'm good, thanks."

"Your loss," he replied, smiling as he swam to the edge. He held out his hand for me to help him, but I knew exactly what he was doing. I took his hand but stood in place when he tried to pull me in.

"Good lord, girl," he laughed, finally getting out, "I guess you are strong." I smiled at him mischievously as he shook his head, water dripping from his clothes. I looked him up and down to get a good look at the muscles under his shirt that was stuck to his skin and realized I was throbbing between my thighs. I bit down on my bottom lip to keep my excitement to myself and took a step back. I looked up at him to see a smile playing at the corners of his mouth as his eyes flashed their golden color.

"I guess we should head back," he said, walking back to the jeep, a smile still plastered on his face. I followed him with a look of victory.

Once we headed back, he started a different playlist of music. This one included some music that was new; rap, rock, and pop. I sang along as Miley Cyrus's song Flowers played. It was currently Maya's favorite song, so we listened to it on repeat when we went to get a dress.

When we got back to the castle, he pulled around to the back and parked. Instead of getting out, he sat in his seat for a minute looking out in front of him. "Thank you for coming with me."

I sure would like to come with you.

"Anytime," I replied, looking at him, "It was nice to get away for a little while."

"It was," he said, slowly looking at me, "I hope we can do it again one day soon." I smiled and put my hand on his thigh. "So do I." His eyes flashed golden as he looked at my hand, then back at me again. I could feel the electricity building between us; it was magnetic. My hand was sizzling as it sat on his leg for a few more seconds then I pulled away before getting out.

Erik-1, Mel-2.

I walked slowly back to my room, going through my head what had happened between us. There was definitely something there, and I had a feeling it was going to explode sooner rather than later.

I opened the door to my room with a sigh before I shut and locked it behind me. I leaned my back against it as I closed my eyes, looking up at the ceiling. It was obvious I had feelings for him, and I was beginning to believe his affection for me was just as strong as mine was for him.

I decided to take a shower before crawling into bed and turning on a good movie to fall asleep to, dreaming of the moment when our lips would finally meet.

The next few days went by as normal, even though I couldn't stop thinking about Erik and how we almost had a perfect moment.

Until he blew it.

I wasn't mad, though. I knew he was playing with me, so I decided to play back. I had noticed he would mingle around with soldiers while I was practicing, so I started wearing just a sports bra and some short Nike shorts. I had beaten every solider, some even twice. I could feel his stare on my back as I fought and dodged attacks with ease. Once or twice I decided to test my abilities, thinking of easy ways to take my opponent down.

I was fighting one soldier, Damien, who was slightly larger than Erik. He moved with amazing agility, making it almost difficult for me to keep up. He was backed up into the corner and I was in the opposite corner. I looked at his left calf muscle.


He fell to the floor in agony. I squinted my eyes at him to make the muscle in his leg tense up more, causing him to lay down and clutch his calf muscle.

"Ah, shit!" he yelled out, "Fucking leg cramp!"

It would take some time for the muscle to stop hurting even after I stopped it with my thoughts, so I decided to try and help.

"Do you need a hand?" I asked, getting down on my knees next to him.

"No," he breathed, smiling up at me, "But you got lucky this time girl. I was about to finally get you." I laughed and shook my head. "I don't think so!"

The rest of the morning went on without any extra attacks. I went into the dining hall to grab some lunch with Rex before retiring to my room for the afternoon. We sat down at the table with our plates like we did almost every day.

"So," she started, "Anything new with lover-boy?" I smiled and shook my head. "Nope, I haven't seen him since this past weekend." She made an unimpressed face and continued eating. "Did you get something to wear tomorrow night?"

"I did," I answered, "But nobody knows what it looks like besides me and Maya. I plan to keep it that way."

"What do you think Erik will do?" asked Rex, "I mean, I think he would like you in any outfit but this is different."

"He will like it," I answered, thinking of the way the front dipped down low between my breasts, "Or that's the plan, anyway." Rex threw her head back and laughed. "Tomorrow night will be interesting I believe." Her face then turned somber as she put her silverware down. "Another thing I wanted to talk to you about was Malachi." I stopped eating and swallowed my food before I set my silverware down as well. "What do you mean?"

"I mean," she said, rubbing her forehead, "We won't let him get to you. You've grown on all of us, and we all really enjoy you being here. It's like a breath of fresh air. I know I'm not the nicest person, but it's just who I am. I just want you to know I've got your back. And so does everyone else."

I smiled at her, even though she was looking down at the table instead of at me. "Thanks, Rex. That means a lot."

"Okay," she replied, "Enough mushy shit. I have some soldiers to get ready for tomorrow. We will all be stationed at different entrances and windows, prepared for whatever the hell happens." She then took her plate to the kitchen and left.

Definitely not the person for deep conversations.

I shook my head with a chuckle as I took my own plate to the kitchen before heading up to my room.

"Hey, you!" Maya squealed as I walked in my bedroom. I jumped, startled that she was in there waiting on me. "Jesus, Maya. What the hell are you doing?"

"I just wanted to tell you about the plans for tomorrow," she answered, handing me a piece of paper, "These are the times and agenda for getting you ready."

Makeup: 3pm

Hair: 5pm

Dress: 6:30pm

Final touches: 7pm

Ball: 8pm

Damn, this thing is planned to perfection.

"Wow," I said, reading over the time sheet, "This is serious." I sat down on the bed, staring at the paper but not really reading it anymore.

"What are you thinking?" Maya asked, sitting beside me and putting an arm around my shoulders. I put the paper to the side and held my head in my hands. "I'm just nervous, I guess. I don't know how I will react when I see Malachi there."

"I'll tell you how you're gonna react," Maya said, jumping up. She threw some punches in the air and squinted her eyes, making some weird noises with her mouth. "You're gonna do some of this freaky eye shit that you do and make him pee on himself, then you're gonna kick his butt." She then stood up straight and proud as she smiled at me.

"That sounds great," I replied, laughing, "But I'm sure he will have his guards all around so there won't be much of him getting his butt kicked."

"Well, we can try," Maya said before she pulled a dress out of the closet, "Because King Donovan decided I get to go too!" We squealed in excitement like little girls before she unzipped the cover to expose a brilliant, dark blue dress. It was made of silk material and fitted all the way down without a slit on the side. It was simple with some jewels around the breast area, strapless, and fit her personality perfectly.

"It's beautiful, Maya!" I exclaimed, "I'm so glad you'll be there with me." I breathed a huge sigh of relief, thankful I would have a friend there with me.

"Well," Maya said with a sigh, "I have to get the last of the preparations ready for tomorrow night. They aren't allowing anyone in the ballroom until tomorrow night, so you'll have to take the back way to the kitchen if you need something. Or you can order them to bring it to you!"

"Sounds good," I said, "I'll see you tomorrow!" Maya blew a kiss to me before she skipped out of the room. I walked over to the closet and unzipped the dress bag of mine, stretching out the fabric and running my fingers over the chest area.

You've got this.

I zipped up the bag and went into the bathroom, playing with my hair to try and figure out how I would wear it. I remembered my mother always wore hers slicked back in the front with a lot of volume to it and straight down the back. It always made her look regal, so I decided mine would look similar to it. I didn't have her jet black hair, but I knew it would make me look like her to remind Malachi who he was messing with.

I stared long and hard in the mirror, trying to figure out what I was going to do tomorrow night when we saw each other. The thought of seeing Malachi in person again made my stomach turn into a big knot, and I leaned my head back to ease the pain. I had to keep reminding myself that Erik would never let me get hurt again, but it was hard to completely believe that after all of the pain Malachi had put me through.

You're different now.

I looked back in the mirror to see my eyes were icy blue and the mist was starting to swirl around. I smiled, almost maliciously, knowing that he didn't stand a chance against me now.

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