The Vampire Vigilante

Chapter 11

I walked out of the dressing room and Maya's jaw hit the floor. I went to the full length mirrors at the end and looked at it from every angle possible.

"Melody," she said, slowly walking up to me, "It's perfect. THAT is the dress."

"I have to say I agree," I replied, smiling, "It's amazing."

The dress hugged every curve in the best way, made my breasts look fuller, and complimented my eyes perfectly. There was a slit up the right side that stopped mid-thigh and the soft material was so comfortable. The glitter to the dress made it sparkle, but not too much.

"King Donovan won't be able to take his eyes off of you," Maya said. I smiled, hoping that would be true.

"Alright, let's get it and leave," I replied, going back into the dressing room. I put it back on the hanger and got dressed. Then I noticed the price tag.

"Oh," I said sadly, "Maya this is too much." She came in and looked at the tag. "Melody, I told you he said he didn't care about the price. He drops money on suits in here like it's nobody's business."

$18,000 sure is a lot for a dress.

I sighed, knowing I wouldn't win this battle. I took the dress up to the counter where a lady was standing at the checkout. She looked exactly like you would expect a Karen to be: short, spiky blonde hair and her nose turned up at us.

She took the dress, looking at the price tag. She snapped her eyes to me. "Are you sure you can afford this?" I was flabbergasted.

"Yes," I answered through gritted teeth, "I can afford this." She rang up the dress and put it in a bag. "With taxes that will be $19,247.63." I handed her the card and she looked at it suspiciously. She then took of her glasses. "Where did you steal this from?"

"Excuse me?" I asked, "I didn't steal anything. A friend is buying this for me."

"And your 'friend'," she replied, making hand gestures, "Is King Donovan himself?"

"As a matter of fact-", I put my hand up to stop whatever the rest of Maya's sentence was going to be.

"He is," I answered, crossing my arms, "Is that a problem?" She started typing in the computer before picking up her phone. "Let's just see if you're telling the truth. I have never seen you before, and from the looks of it you don't quite fit in with his Majesty." I rolled my eyes as she started dialing numbers.

"Yes, is this his Majesty, King Donovan? This is Margie from Bellmonth's and I have a stolen card of yours here."

This is going to be good.

I smiled as I listened to him on the other end.

"If you're referring to Melody, who I gave my card to this morning, she is allowed to use it. And if you refuse service to her or she informs me of any ill behavior you have shown her, I will be sure to take my business elsewhere. Now run the damn card, please."

The tone in his voice on the other end sent chills through my body. I clenched my muscles to keep myself from loosing it right then and there.

"Y-yes sir," Margie replied, "So sorry to bother you, your Majesty." She hung up the phone and inserted the card in the chip reader. "I am terribly sorry about that, miss Melody." The machine beeped, indicating the transaction was complete. She handed me the dress, which I snatched from her before giving her an icy look. She handed the card back to me with unsteady hands before Maya and I left without speaking another word.

"That was crazy!" Maya exclaimed as we drove back to the castle.

"It was stupid," I grumbled, still pissed at Margie's attitude, "I hate it when people judge you by your looks."

"Well," Maya said as she slurped her smoothie she got when she went through the Smoothie Shack drive through, "That dress is perfect on you no matter what hell we went through to get it. And your ass looks good too. Erik won't be able to keep his eyes off of you."

Maybe his hands too.

I rolled my eyes as I smiled, knowing she was probably right. When we pulled into the castle, it was nearly 4 in the afternoon. We had spent more time in the boutique than I thought, plus we had stopped for some jewelry and shoes. And smoothies.

We parked the car and got out. We both giggled like school girls as we ran up to my room. I put my dress in the closet and stood back after I unzipped it to look at it again.

"It's so beautiful," I breathed, "I'm actually excited for this ball."

"I am too!" Maya exclaimed, "You're gonna rock it." I put the shoes next to the dress to see that they matched perfectly. They were stiletto's, which I was a little worried about. But they were just so perfect I couldn't resist. They were silver and had crystals along the straps around my ankles. The silver brought the glitter out in the dress and accented the crystals along the plunge in the chest. I chose some diamond teardrop earrings that almost reached my shoulders, along with some diamond bracelets to layer on each wrist.

Another $2,000. Maybe he won't be mad.

"I think I'm gonna get some rest," Maya said as she stretched and yawned, "I'll catch you later!"

"See you!" I exclaimed as she left. I realized I was pretty tired myself, so I decided to get into some more comfortable clothes and catch a quick nap. I pulled out some Nike shorts and a t-shirt before I started to undress. I heard a clink on the floor and turned around to see Erik's black card had fallen out of my pocket.

You'll have to take that back to him.

I groaned and put my hand on my forehead, dreading another interaction with this man. I put my comfortable clothes on and laid across the bed on my back while I looked at the card in my hands. I grabbed the phone and dialed Erik's number.

"Well, well, well," he said, answering on the third ring, "If it isn't the credit card thief." I chuckled. "She didn't believe we were friends so she just took it upon herself to call you. I hate she bothered you."

"It's no big deal," he replied, "And I hope you found the perfect dress. I'm sure it will look stunning."

You have no idea, your Majesty.

"You will have to wait and find out," I said, trying to sound secretive.

"I guess I will," he said, his voice dropping a few octaves lower and making my insides throb.

"So," I said, changing the subject, "I forgot to give Maya your card back. I was wondering if you wanted me to slide it under your office door if you are busy or what you needed me to do with it."

"As a matter of fact," he said as I heard a chair scoot on his end of the line, "I was about to head for a drive. You're more than welcome to come and you can give it back to me then."

A drive?

"Um, a drive?" I asked. He chuckled a bit. "Yes, a drive. I do own a car. And a license."

Duh, you idiot.

"A drive to where?" I asked, thinking about the clothes I was wearing.

"Nowhere really," he answered, "Just wear something warm. The top will be off of the jeep."

"Okay," I said, holding my breath, "I'll meet you outside?"

"I will pick you up from the front doors in 10," he said, "See you in a minute."

"Okay," I whispered, hanging up the phone. It was going to be just us two for who knows how long. I decided to put on the clothes I was wearing earlier, afterwards putting my hair up in a messy bun. I touched up my makeup and pulled a few strands of hair around my face to frame it. I also put on a spritz of Midnight Romance by Ralph Lauren. I had smelled it at the shops while looking for shoes so I decided I needed it.

Hopefully Erik will think you smell irresistible.

I slipped on some Vans and headed out of the door with the card. I slowly walked down the steps outside to see him leaning against the passenger door of a black jeep with the top off.

He was wearing some light-washed jeans, brown boots, and a black t-shirt. His hair was tousled around like he had not brushed it and he was wearing a pair of black Ray-Bans.

Okay, this man gets hotter by the second.

I smiled as he looked me up and down before smiling back at me. He opened the passenger door and motioned for me to get in.

Once inside the jeep, I noticed it was spotless. He had leather seats, no back seat, and a set of speakers behind the front seats. It was an automatic with everything blacked out; rims, tires, all of it.

It makes him even more desirable.

"What music do you like?" He asked, getting in. I shrugged my shoulders. "Really anything. I'm not picky."

"Alright," he said, smiling, "I hope you like Van Halen."

We drove off as Panama by Van Halen blasted through the speakers. I was surprised to see this side of him; carefree, easy going, and just enjoying himself. He hit the steering wheel to the beat of the song as he sang along, his hair blowing in the wind as we increased speed. I finally decided to enjoy myself as well, singing along when it switched to Back in Black by AC/DC.

When the song was over he turned the music down and I realized he was laughing.

"What?" I asked, smiling as I tucked some loose hair behind my ear.

"You," he chuckled, "I have never met someone who can sing that word for word at the octaves that Brian hits." I laughed. "My dad loved all of the old rock. It's all we ever listened to."

"How much do you know about pop?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I shrugged my shoulders. "Depends on the year. What you got?" He pulled out his phone and clicked on Hey Ya! by Outkast.

"Oh," I said, turning the volume up, "I know this one for sure."

We rode around for about an hour, taking back roads into town. When we finally got into the congested part of the area he turned the volume down and looked at me. "You hungry?"

"I could go for a snack," I answered, realizing I was actually starving. He looked in his rearview mirror before merging into the turning lane. "I know a great spot for the best burger you have ever eaten in your life." We pulled into a small burger joint and went through the drive through.

"What would you like?" He asked, looking over at me. I squinted my eyes to see the menu. "Um, just a burger is fine. No onions, please."

"Onions are the worst," he replied, chuckling as we pulled up to the intercom to order. A woman came across the speaker to get our order.

"Yes ma'am," Erik said, "Can I get two of your number 1 combos with..." He looked at me. "...what do you want to drink?"

"Coke please," I answered.

"With two cokes," he continued, "Mel, you want a milkshake?" I nodded quick. "Chocolate please." He smiled at me and then turned back to the intercom. "And two milkshakes."

"Alrighty sir, your total is $17.66. Please pull around." We got to the window when I realized the card was still in my pocket. I pulled it out and handed it to him. "I guess you need this back, huh?" He laughed. "Yeah, I'll need it for my tuxedo this week."

"I'm sorry my dress was so expensive," I added, "But Maya wouldn't let me put it back. Seriously, I'll pay you back." He shook his head. "Mel, I meant what I said when I told her the price didn't matter. I wanted you to get the dress you knew would be perfect. And the other stuff that went with it."

So he knows exactly how much you spent already on the shoes and jewelry.

"So," I dragged the word out, "You're not mad?"

"Of course not!" He exclaimed, "I don't think I could ever be mad at you." I smiled at him as the worker opened the window and passed our food to us.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, bowing her head, "Your Majesty! Here is your food, drinks, and shakes. I hope you're having a wonderful evening. Is there anything else we can get you?"

"That will be all," Erik answered, "And I'm having a great evening. Hope your day is going well." He handed her a twenty dollar bill. "Keep the change. Thank you."

"Thank you, your Majesty," she said before we pulled away from the window and parked in a stall. It was kind of like a sonic without the ordering parts of the stalls. I handed Erik a bag of food then I opened mine.

"Get ready for your taste buds to explode," he said, unwrapping his burger.

I know something that could make them explode.

I unwrapped my burger and took a bite. This was definitely the best burger I had ever eaten.

"Oh my god," I said between bites, "This is amazing!"

"I would never lie," Erik replied, smiling at me. Once he finished his food he took each finger and licked the lingering sauce from them.

Oh, no. Here we go.

I clenched my legs together as the heat started to build between my thighs. I did not want this to happen right now.

"You ready?" He asked, grabbing the gearshift. I put my empty bag in the trashcan and nodded, scared that if I talked I would make a noise I couldn't take back.

We drove back out of town and took a different way back home. We were climbing higher and higher in the mountains as Closer by Kings of Leon thumped in the speakers. After we came to a clearing, Erik took his sunglasses off and we took a trail through the forest.

"Close your eyes," Erik said, "But make sure to hang on to the grab bar."

I like it when he bosses me around.

I closed my eyes and held onto the grab bar with my right hand and the center console with my left. He was right to tell me to hang on, it was extremely rough terrain we were going through. He switched the song from Closer to Yellow Ledbetter by Pearl Jam as the jeep rolled to a slow stop. He turned the music down a little as I heard him sigh.

Uh-oh. This doesn't feel right.

I listened to my surroundings, blocking out the music. I could hear some running water, crickets chirping, owls hooting, and birds flapping their wings.

Too quiet.

"Erik," I whispered, "Please tell me this isn't a trap."

Everything had been going so well; it made sense that he would choose this opportunity to give me back to Malachi. He made me trust him, have feelings for him, and believe that somebody cared about me.

I can't believe this is happening.

Tears fell from my eyes as I kept them clenched shut. I felt him get out of the jeep right before he opened my door.

"Take my hand," he said sternly, "But keep your eyes closed." I reached out my left hand shakily before he took it and helped me out. He walked me up a small hill before we stopped. The water was louder at this point, and I knew it was over.

So much for your happy ending.

He put his hands on my shaking shoulders as he stepped behind me. "Open your eyes, Mel." I look a huge breath before I opened my tear-filled eyes, ready to face Malachi again.

When I opened my eyes, my hand flew to my mouth to keep my jaw from hitting the mossy ground.

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