The Vampire Vigilante

Chapter 10

"How the hell are we going to explain this?" I asked, frantically looking at Maya, "Erik is going to be furious."

"Oh nonsense," she said, coming over to me, "Just write him another little love letter and apologize." I rolled my eyes and sat on the floor with my head in my hands.

You have to tell him you broke the door. Don't want a bedroom without privacy.

"Ugh," I groaned, laying on my back on the floor, "Why is life so difficult?" I looked up at Maya, who shrugged. Bless her, she was so innocent looking.

"Just tell him you opened it too hard or something," she suggested. I bit my lip and nodded. "That would probably work."

"And then there's the bathroom," she said, making a face like she was trying to apologize, "You could say you went a little crazy, I guess."

"Is there like a janitor here or something?" I asked, "Like a repair-man?"

"John," Maya answered, "He's the mister-fixer-upper. But he would tell King Donovan in a heartbeat that your bathroom was messed up."

"Do you think you could sneak in there and get some super glue?" I asked, sitting up. Maya's eyes lit up like the fourth of July. "Oh, goody! I've always wanted to do something sneaky."

"Okay," I said, standing up, "So here's the plan: I will distract him somewhere for a few minutes while you sneak in there and get some superglue. When we get that, we can fix the mirror. Problem solved." She clapped her hands. "I like it! Let's do it." We snuck out of my bedroom and went down the hallway, looking for John.

Of course, John was outside fixing up some of the dummies that I had destroyed. I could hear him grumbling under his breath as I walked up to him.

"Um, Mr. John?" I asked, "I was just in the bathroom near the library and it's not working properly. Do you think you could take a look at it? Maya told me that you were the one that could fix it." He huffed before he looked up at me. At first, his face showed irritation.

I'm sure he is, having to fix all of my destruction.

But then his face turned white as a sheet. He immediately stood up and bowed. "Of course. If you will come with me and show me the problem, I will do my very best to fix it."

What the hell?

I walked him up to the bathroom and attempted to flush the toilet, 'accidentally' breaking the flush valve in the process. The handle was limp as I tried to push it down.

"Appears to be a simple fix," he stated, "Shouldn't take me more than a few minutes." He then pulled some tools out of his satchel he was carrying around and went to work. I walked out into the hallway and listened for Maya's footsteps. I strained my ears as hard as I could until I heard her tiny footsteps going up the stairs toward my bedroom.

"All finished," John said, flushing the toilet. I smiled at him. "Thank you." He bowed again. "Anytime, your Majesty." He then walked away, leaving me standing there dumbfounded.

Your Majesty?

He must have thought I was here with Erik or some nonsense, so I brushed it off. I then closed the door and made it look like I was actually using the bathroom before I came out and walked to my room.

Maya was waiting for me in my bathroom when I hurried in. We immediately got to work, gluing the pieces of glass back onto the back of the mirror. When we were finished, you could tell it had been broken and fixed, but it wasn't lying in the floor in pieces so it was an accomplishment in my opinion.

"Now about the door," Maya said, making a worried face.

"I'll take care of it tonight," I replied, "I will just tell Erik I opened it a bit too hard." She shrugged and handed me the super glue. "Better keep this handy, just in case." I laughed. "Yeah, for sure." I then stuck the super glue in the cabinet below the sink in the bathroom and went back to the bedroom.

"I hate to run," Maya said, chewing on her lip, "But I was kind of in the middle of laundry on the other side of the hall before all of this happened."

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, "If anyone gets mad please let me take the blame. It was my own fault I made this mess anyway. You didn't have to help."

"That's what friends are for," she replied, smiling, "I'll always be here for you." She then gave me a big hug and left. I looked at the big, gaping hole where the door used to be before I groaned looking and what was left of it in the floor.

I walked over to the phone next to the bed and dialed Erik's number.

"Hey, Mel," he said in a voice that melted my insides, "What's up?"

So we are going to act like the electric touch didn't happen. I'm cool with that.

"Hey," I said, definitely not in a voice that was about to melt anything, "Um, I have a little problem. And you have to promise not to be upset." I could practically hear his teeth grinding. "What did you do?"

I was taken back by the tone in his voice. He had never talked like that before. There was no emotion; just cold.

"I...", I trailed off, "I, uh, I broke my bedroom door." He sighed in what sounded like relief. "I thought something was really wrong. Don't worry, I'll send John over to fix it."

John is really going to be mad now.

"I don't think you understand," I replied, chuckling a little bit, "I didn't just break it; it's smashed. I will need a whole new door, if possible." Erik burst into laughter. "My goodness, girl. What made you so angry you killed my door?"

Que the shivers and wet underwear.

"I just pushed it," I answered, trying to laugh through what was going on between my thighs, "I didn't think I had pushed that hard, but apparently I did."

He made a tsk sound, "What am I going to do with you? Breaking all of my stuff."

I can think of a few things.

The dam was about to explode down below, so I had to make this call end quick.

"I know, I know," I said, laughing nervously, "I'll replace it when I get out of here, don't worry. But look, I have to run. I think Maya was just calling me."

"Alright," he said, his voice back to normal, "I'll talk to you soon. Bye, Mel."

"Bye," I said, hanging up the phone as quick as I could. I made a sprint for the bathroom as those words played over and over in my head: What am I going to do with you?

I closed and locked my bathroom door before I ripped off my leggings and underwear. I tore my shirt off and started running the water in the bath. I had barely put the plug in before I jumped in and spread my legs wide.

If this man could almost send me over the edge just by talking, I could only imagine how my body would react with him touching me in all the right places. My hand slid down between my legs and I began massaging. In my head, his hand was there instead of mine. I slowly dipped a finger inside as he did in my mind. He then dropped his head down to get taste.

That's it baby, right there.

I imagined the words coming out of his mouth, gruff and full of want. I took my free hand down to massage while the other moved gently back and forth. I bucked my hips in motion with his hand and tongue as I nearly reached my climax.

Come for me, Mel.

His words rang in my ears and I felt my release clench down. I bit my bottom lip hard to suffocate the scream that came from my throat.

I took my hands and placed them on either side of the tub when I was finished, shaking from the climax that I just endured. I let my head fall back as the water finally reached where it was nearly at the top and I turned off the faucet with my foot.

I stared at the ceiling for a long time before I took some soap and washed myself off. I got out of the bathtub to look at myself in the mirror.

My cheeks were beet red and I still had goose bumps all over my skin from what just happened. I stared in the mirror for a long time, thinking about the times I had actually been touched.

They were't pleasant; it usually involved me being chained up while Malachi's men did whatever they wanted. I leaned my head back, looking up at the lights above the sink while I tried to push those memories to the farthest part of my mind.

I eventually decided to go back into my bedroom and grab a new set of clothes that included a new pair of leggings and a cropped t-shirt.

Looks like you need Maya to do some of your laundry.

She had asked several times in the past week for my dirty laundry, but I felt almost ashamed to ask my friend to wash my clothes. I had noticed that people usually set their dirty laundry in the basket outside of the door, so I finally decided I would need clean clothes sooner than later. I set the basket outside of the door to my room before heading back downstairs. It was nearly lunch and my stomach was growling.

I went downstairs to the dining room to find Rex and a bunch of other soldiers hanging out, waiting for the lunch buffet to be served. I tip-toed over next to her.

"So, what's for lunch?" I asked as the chef began bringing in trays of different foods. She shrugged. "Never know during the week. Depends on Rick's mood."

Rick must be the head chef I keep running into.

I nodded, watching as waiters assisted the chefs bringing in tray after tray.

"I hope you plan on resting today," Rex said, "Because I know what you can do. No more easy days." I held my breath for a moment, remembering how exhausted I felt when I went to bed last night.

"I would not wish for anything less," I replied through gritted teeth. I cut my eyes to my left to see Rex had a small smile on her face. I looked back as the chef held out his left arm, indicating everything was ready. I stood last in line, letting the real soldiers get their plates first. After they were finished, I grabbed a plate stacked high with proteins and carbs and headed to my room.

Once I was in my room I turned on the TV and decided to rest up for whatever fresh hell awaited me in the morning.

The next few days were filled with training. Rex pushed me to my limits most days and I had to restrain myself from showing any more of my abilities before the time was right.

Saturday had now came which meant two days off thankfully. I had not seen or heard from Erik since that phone call, but he did send John to my room to replace my door.

I woke up with the sound of birds chirping outside of my window. Before I fell asleep the night before I decided to let some moonlight in to get some good rest. I stretched my arms out, realizing that the sore muscles were starting to get better each day of training as my body was becoming accustomed to the work.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up when there was a knock at my door. I glanced at the clock and it was almost 9:00.

"Who is it?" I called out.

"It's me!" Maya answered, "Let me in!" I peeked around the doorway of the bathroom.

Unlock the door.

The lock on the door clicked and Maya came in. She stopped once inside the room, looking at me then the door behind her. "I don't know if you will ever stop surprising me." I laughed as she shut the door behind her. I was in the middle of washing my face so she came in the bathroom and jumped up on the counter.

"What's with the clothes?" I asked, noticing she was wearing regular clothes. She had on some dark wash skinny jeans, a Led Zepplin t-shirt, an off-white cardigan, and some Vans slip on shoes.

She clapped her hands quickly and squealed, "That's what I came to talk to you about: we're going shopping!" I looked at her in shock after drying my face with a towel.

I hate shopping.

"Oh yeah," I mumbled, "I need a dress for next weekend." I then realized something important: I had no money.

"And how exactly do we plan to get this dress?" I asked, putting on some concealer, "I don't have a penny to my name." She giggled and pulled out a black credit card. "It'll be a gesture of King Donovan, of course." I rolled my eyes and kept putting my makeup on.

"No-limit black card," she said, twirling it between her fingers, "Big money. He told me to tell you to spend whatever, as long as you find the perfect dress." I snatched the card out of her hands and threw it on the bed before I put on a pair of skinny jeans and a sweatshirt.

"Oh lord," she said, standing with her arms crossed, "Who pissed in your cheerios this morning?" I pulled my hair back in a messy bun with a sigh. "Nobody, Maya. I just...I haven't seen or heard from him since Wednesday."

"Aaaand?" She dragged the word out. I rubbed my left arm with my right. "I guess I kind of miss him." Maya giggled. "Oh you two love birds crack me up." She stuck the black card in my back pocket. "Come on, let's find you a dress."

We went around back to a garage where she clicked her car keys and we got in her vehicle. She had a cute little Volkswagon Passat. It still smelled new on the inside.

"This is nice," I said, rubbing the leather as we backed out and drove along the driveway.

"Thanks!" She exclaimed, "I had been saving up for a long time to get this. King Donovan does pay well."

I bet he does.

I shook my head as I looked out the window. We came to the gates as the guard automatically opened them without stopping us. We drove down the gravel road for a while before turning left onto the highway. After about 20 minutes of riding and listening to Nirvana we made it to town. We drove around the square and pulled into a parking spot in front of the dress shop, Bellmonth's.

I had heard of this place before when my mother used to buy dresses. Apparently it has some of the most high-end fashion, of course with hefty price tags.

"This place is expensive," I said nervously as we got out of the car. Maya clicked the lock button on the clicker to the car. "Like I told you, King Donovan said price doesn't matter as long as you get what you want." I rolled my eyes as we walked in.

There were beautiful dresses on the walls on either side, along with several circular racks scattered on the floor. They were arraigned by color and style.

"Ignore the looks we are going to get," Maya whispered as we started with the neutral colors, "We don't exactly appear to fit in here." I looked around to see several women shopping with bodyguards. They were all dressed perfectly in their designer outfits, while Maya and I were in our regular clothes.

Oh, we look poor.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe the black card will change their minds." Maya giggled as she dug through the rack behind me.

"So what are you thinking?" She asked, pulling out a silver dress. It was strapless and simple, with a slit up the left side. It had a shimmer to it as well. It was beautiful, but not something I had in mind.

"So the color theme is lilac and grey," I said, pulling out a white dress and handing it to Maya, "So I was thinking maybe something that blended in but still stands out." Maya pulled out another dress that was a deep purple color. "I think that sounds perfect!"

We gathered up a few more dresses and headed to the back to find a changing room.

A man dressed in a black suit was standing in front of the hallway that held the dressing rooms. "Would you like a room?"

"Yes please," I answered with a smile. He took the dresses from Maya and went to the back right room, unlocking it and hanging up the 5 dresses I had picked out to try on. I went inside and decided to try on the silver dress first.

It was nice, but it wasn't my style. It was fitted to the ground and my toes peeked out from the bottom. I slipped out of the room and showed Maya. She waved her hand, saying it was so-so. I shook my head and went back in the dressing room. I tried on the white one next. It was gorgeous, but white wasn't a color I was interested in.

It was one shoulder with a cut out right between my breasts. The strap was lined with crystals, and it was fitted until my knees where it fanned out in silk layers.

Mermaid style is not for me.

I stepped out of the dressing room to show Maya, who instantly shook her head. "I don't like the white; we're not getting you married." I laughed and went back in the room to keep trying them on.

After trying on at least 6 more dresses, I came out of the dressing room and sat down next to Maya with a huff. "I'm never going to find a dress."

"Oh nonsense," she replied, "You'll find one you like, I promise."

I was just about ready to leave when I saw the man taking some dresses out of another room and I spotted the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. It was black and sparkling, fitted to the hips where it then flowed out into a semi-long train. It had a plunged neckline with diamond-shaped sequins lining the v and wispy feathers on the shoulders.

"Is someone buying that?" I asked quickly, standing up and walking toward him.

"No ma'am," he answerd, "I was just about to take it back to the rack. Would you like to try it on?"

"Yes, please," I replied, taking it from him. I darted back into the dressing room to slip it over my head.

This is the one.

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