The Vampire Vigilante

Chapter 9

The rest of the day was uneventful. I decided to hole up in my room and relax until dinner. I had thought long and hard about the Midnight Ball, but my gut was telling me to not even chance letting Malachi see me.

Once 6:00 rolled around, my stomach felt like it was going to eat my backbone. I had not realized how hungry I was until my stomach growled loudly. I was only wearing a bra and some biker shorts, so I threw a sweatshirt on and some house shoes before going downstairs to grab a bite to eat.

I was just about to go into the dining hall to see what type of food was on the buffet style when I rounded the corner to see Erik having a large dinner with several guests. I stopped in my tracks and my eyes grew wide when his gaze locked onto mine. He was wearing a black dress shirt and black slacks, looking like he did the first time I met him, other than the top of his shirt was buttoned tonight.


I mouthed a 'sorry' and retreated back to the kitchen. I looked in the fridge and pulled out some sandwich meat to make a sandwich. I found a slice of cheese, some rotisserie style turkey, and mayo. I fixed it up and grabbed a bag of Doritos before I spotted an unopened bottle of wine in the corner. I snatched it before sprinting back to my room, hoping that Erik was the only one in the dining room that saw me since I looked a hot mess.

I sat on my bed and ate while I watched some scary movie on the Sci-Fi channel. When I finished my dinner, I pulled out a note pad and a pen from the bedside table and began to write.

Sorry for the intrusion tonight.

I have thought long and hard about this Midnight Ball, and if you can assure my safety I will attend.


Growing up, nobody called me by my full name. Hearing Melody instead of Mel was almost foreign to me until I came here.

I looked at the clock to see it was around 7:30. I folded up the note and walked out of my room to the door of his office.

It was quiet on the other side, so I figured he was still in his meeting. I took a big breath, holding the note tightly, before I mustered up the strength and slid it under the door. I hauled ass back to my room and closed the door, locking it behind me.

Why do you lock it? You think he wants to come visit you or something?

I shook my head and got back in bed, drinking the wine straight from the bottle. Then my mind started racing as I immediately regretted what I had just done.

What will happen when Malachi sees me?

More than likely, all of his guards will drag me out of there and throw me back in that cold, damp, lonely room. I'll be right back where I started.

But Erik promised he wouldn't let anything happen, so I had to trust him. He hadn't given me any other reason to not trust him so far, so hopefully it wouldn't end badly.

Then the other thought in my mind gave me some light to shed on the subject.

What if he's scared of me?

Erik did say that we could plan this out to have him running home with his tail tucked between his legs, so I had to keep that mindset from this point forward. I was definitely stronger than before, and Rex's training would help me grow more powerful than ever before.

You have it inside of you. Remember what you did that night.

I did use my anger to basically destroy my parent's castle. Surely, if I was pushed to that point now, it would cause a similar effect.

You only have 11 days left, you better get your shit together.

I groaned as I rolled over as I realized how quickly the Midnight Ball was creeping up on me. But I had made my decision, and that was one I was going to stick with.

I fell asleep shortly after I forced myself to stop thinking about this stupid ball.

I woke up the next morning feeling sore. I had not been through that kind of training in a very long time, so I knew this was coming. I stretched, long and hard, to try and release some of the tension in my muscles. I felt a little better after that, so I decided to get out of bed.

I looked at the door to see there was a note on the ground in front of it. I opened it quickly, excitement running through my veins.


I must say I like the nickname, first of all.

Secondly, I am very happy you have chosen to attend the ball. It will be fine, I can promise you that. I will never let him lay another hand on you again.

I will be in touch with Maya so she can take you to pick out a dress.

Talk soon.


My breath was hung in my throat as I read the note over and over again.

I will never let him lay another hand on you again.

Just reading that excerpt sent chills down my spine. Not only did it give me goosebumps all over my body, but I noticed I was dripping between my legs and my nipples had grew hard. I leaned my head back and looked up at the ceiling.

Just imagine, if his writing can do this, what his body could do.

This man was going to be the death of me and my sexuality. I put the note in the bedside table and went to shower. Once I finished in the shower I threw on some leggings and a sweater before heading downstairs.

The ballroom was looking more elegant by the day. I could imagine all of the powerful vampires dancing around and drinking, enjoying the night. Then Malachi flashed in my mind at the top of the stairs as I looked at the rose bushes framing the entryway.

Nope, not going to think like that. Fuck him.

I walked into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee when I stopped in my tracks to see Erik standing in front of the coffee machine.

"Coffee?" he asked, without even turning around. I cleared my throat. "Sure, thank you." He poured some sugar and cream in my cup before turning to hand it to me.

Good lord, why must he do this to me?

He was wearing some pajama pants and a white t-shirt. His hair was messy like he had just gotten out of bed. And, of course, his pants showed his large bulge hitting the front. I took the cup from him and closed my eyes as I took a drink.

You had better bring up a subject to talk, or leave, before you water the floor.

"Long night?" I asked, leaning against the fridge. He hopped up on the counter and took a drink from his cup of coffee. "Always. I had to have a meeting with the Council about the ball. They like us to play by the rules." He looked up at me through his eyelashes and a smile formed on his lips. "But I don't always like to follow the rules."

Oh, sweet heavens.

"What do you mean, they want you to play by the rules?" I asked, clenching my pelvic muscles to try and stop the tingling that was happening between my legs.

"So I'm sure you have heard of blood clubs," he started, setting his cup on the counter before he hopped up there himself, "And I'm not a big fan of them, but I do like to enjoy myself at a good party."

I bit my bottom lip and his eyes glowed for a moment before going back to normal. "I'm not so sure I have heard about them." He ran his fingers through his hair. "So a blood club is basically a party in the front and buffet in the back for vampires. There are certain humans who know about us and get a thrill letting us feed from them. It's perfectly legal, with consent, but the Council doesn't like it advertised.

"I like to have them at the Midnight Ball for interested parties. Some people really enjoy them, and others do not. I've dabbled in them once or twice, but it's not really for me. But, as any good king would do, I cater to the crowd. So I was forming out the legal plan with them in order to have a small area set up in the back, away from the ball, so that people who want to feed can feed."

"So a lot of paperwork?" I asked, sipping my coffee. He nodded. "A shit ton of paperwork, unfortunately." There was a long pause before he took another drink of his coffee. "I'm glad you decided to come. Really, I am."

"I thought about it," I replied, "And I figured with the training I'm getting from Rex I should be able to defend myself if need be."

"There will be none of that," Erik said, sliding off of the counter and walking over to me, "Like I said, I can assure your protection." His face was inches from mine by this time, and I had to keep my cup between us so our bodies would not touch. He darted his eyes to the fridge and I looked over at it, afterwards realizing he was just trying to open it and I was blocking it.

"Sorry," I said, jumping to the side.

Why do I have to be so awkward?

I thought I heard him chuckle under his breath. Oh he was boiling my blood.

"Cream cheese?" he asked.

Let's just make this morning even better.

"Sure," I answered as he pulled a block out of the fridge. He shut the door behind him and went to the pantry to get some triscuit crackers. He sat back up the counter with the cheese and crackers on his right. He patted the spot of the counter on the other side of the food. I hesitatingly walked over and sat with him.

"What is this?" I asked, holding up the triscuit cracker, "It has a weird texture." He laughed. "Oh, so you're one of those people?"

"Excuse me?" I replied, looking at him like he was the crazy one. He kept laughing as he took a bite of cracker with cheese. "One of those kind of people who don't eat certain foods because of the way it feels." I shrugged my shoulders as I took the cracker in the cream cheese. "I guess I am." I put it in my mouth and realized it wasn't that bad.

"Okay," I said between chews, "It's not that bad." He bumped his shoulder against mine, sending sparks to my inner thighs. "See? I would never steer you wrong." I looked at him to see him smiling at me almost like a kid would. I smiled back and bumped his shoulder with mine. "So you're a snack person, I gather?"

"Ehh," he replied, shrugging his shoulders and smiling as he took another bite, "Yeah. You've caught me on that one. I usually end up in here a couple of times a night."

I sure would like him to snack on me.

"From the time I have been here," I said, "I have to say its becoming a habit of mine to wander in here when I'm bored." I reached for another cracker at the exact time when he did, and our fingers slightly touched.

But they didn't just touch. They practically sizzled.

It felt like that electricity when you touch someone who has been on a trampoline, building up the static. I instantly pulled my hand back, and he did the same. We stared at each other for a long time it seemed until a waitress came into the kitchen.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, "You're Majesty, I'm sorry to disturb you."

"No, come in," I replied to her, "I was just leaving." I jumped off the counter and went back to my room as quick as I could. I slammed the door behind me and went to the bathroom to gather myself.

What the hell was that?

I looked in the mirror to see my eyes were glowing and my tattoo was humming. I rubbed the back of my neck vigorously trying to get it to stop. Not only did it keep burning, but it was getting hotter. I put my hands on the edges of the counter, staring in the mirror. My breathing became ragged, sweat began to bead on my forehead, and when I looked down at my arms they were starting to radiate that blue smoke-like substance. I looked back in the mirror and gritted my teeth, unable to contain this any longer.

I flexed my arms and tightened my grip on the counter, cracking it. Right at that moment, while I was looking in the mirror, the mirror cracked as well; falling into the sink in shards.

I jumped backwards and fell into the shower, staring in shock at what had just happened.

Suddenly, my bedroom door flew open and Maya came running in.

"I heard a ruckus and came to see what the hell happ..." she trailed off as she looked in the bathroom at the destruction. I turned my gaze slowly to her, eyes still wide in shock. I felt my tattoo was no longer burning and there was no sign of the blue smoke. I shook my head and slowly stood up, looking at the mess I had made.

"Maya," I whispered, "I have no idea what the fuck just happened." She grabbed my shoulders and led me into my room where we sat down on the bed. I didn't notice until we had been sitting for a while that I had my hands stretched out palm up, staring at them.

"What's going on, Melody?" she asked, rubbing my back, "You can tell me." I balled my fists up then clasped my hands together. I then looked at the door, wishing it were closed.

The door closed as soon as the words went through my head.

We both jumped backward to the headboard of the bed and looked at each other.

"Did you...?" she asked. I nodded my head. "I think so." Her eyes grew wide and she put a hand to her mouth.

"Maya," I started, deciding to begin at the start, "I think there is something inside of me that is more powerful than everyone thinks."

"What do you mean?" she asked, scooting closer. I took a big inhale and let it out slowly before starting. "So I have been noticing when I get really mad or upset I have this weird blue mist stuff that just...I don't know, radiates? Anyway, it looks like it's coming from my skin or something and it follows whatever movements I make."

"Gotcha," she replied, "Blue weird smoke when you're pissy."

"So I've got that going on," I continued, "And of course I can't stop thinking about Erik."

"Wow," she breathed, "You guys have made it to first name basis?" I then reached over her and grabbed the notes from the drawer in the bedside table. She began reading and scanning through them, afterwards squealing with excitement. "I knew there was something there!" I gave her a painful look and lowered my hands, telling her to calm down.

"Okay, back to the story," I said, "So I can't stop thinking about Erik and now that I've started training I have noticed that this-" I held my hair up to show her my tattoo. "-has started burning more as I'm getting stronger."

"So when you get pissed," she replied, putting her hands in front of her like she's organizing something, "Your tattoo starts to burn and you have blue smoke coming from your body. Oh, and your eyes turn super blue; like the Caribbean sea blue." I nodded. "Yeah, you've seen my eyes so I figured I would leave that out." She smiled and winked. "I do pay attention sometimes."

"Anyway," I continued, "This morning I went to the kitchen to grab a quick coffee. Well, Erik was there. With all his sexiness. We just sat there and talked and started snacking on-"

"Each other?" she squealed, interrupting me. I put my hand on my forehead, almost amused because that thought went through my head as well. "No, Maya. Just food." She rolled her eyes.

"So as I was saying, we were just hanging out," I said, "And our fingers just barely touched. But let me tell you, when they touched it was like electricity. And I know he felt it too."

"So then you came and smashed up your bathroom because you were pissed you didn't bang?" she asked, looking at me. I shook my head and chuckled. "No; I looked in the mirror in panic mode because of the blue smoke that was swirling around and my eyes were blue as hell, and the damn thing just shattered. And the counter...I was holding on just a little too hard."

"Sooo," she dragged out, "What about the door?" I looked at the door again, wondering if that really was me or if someone had been on the other side.

"I have no idea," I answered, standing up, "I wonder if I could open it." Maya shrugged. "It's worth a try."

I stared at the door, willing for it to open. Nothing happened. I let out a huge sigh, almost thanking the powers above that it wasn't me who moved the door.

"Try that thing with your eyes first," Maya said, "Maybe that will get the juices flowing." I looked down at the floor.

This is stupid.

But like she said, it was worth a try.

I closed my eyes for a second, and then opened them to feel them glowing. My tattoo was on fire and I could see a small amount of blue mist around my feet. I looked up at the door and visualized it opening.

The door opened, but it flew off it's hinges and crashed into the wall.

I looked over at Maya in shock as the mist disappeared and my eyes went back to normal. Her mouth was open with her jaw practically on the floor.

What. The. Hell.

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