The Vampire Vigilante

Chapter 13

I spent most of the afternoon and evening in my room watching movies. I had called the kitchen and got some leftovers from lunch brought up to my room for dinner. I decided to pass some time and take a long, hot bath with the two bottles of wine they brought with dinner and dove into another book.

When I got out and looked at the clock, it was nearly two in the morning. I looked in the mirror and realized I couldn't sleep; my mind would not shut the hell up. I pulled on some pajama pants and a tank top and went down the hallway to find my way to the kitchen.

I went to the end of the hall and to the left before I found the back staircase. I slowly walked down the steps to the back hallway of the castle before going through the dining room and into the kitchen. Everything had finally died down from the commotion of the day so I had the whole kitchen to myself.

I went to the freezer above the fridge and dug around to find some ice cream. There was a tub of cookies and cream in the back, so I reached as hard as I could and grabbed it with the tips of my fingers. I shut the door to the freezer and nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw Erik right on the other side of the door watching me with a smile.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, dropping the ice cream and watching it splatter everywhere. He burst into laugher as I glared at him.

"That's not funny," I grumbled as I grabbed a towel to start cleaning up my mess. He leaned down with another towel to help as he kept chuckling. "Oh, I thought it was hilarious." I smiled and rolled my eyes, unable to honestly be mad at him. We finished cleaning up the floor and stood up as I grabbed the ice cream tub and looked at him. "Do you want some?"

He reached out and took his thumb to wipe some ice cream that had landed on my cheek before looking me straight in the eyes as he slowly stuck his thumb in his mouth to taste it.

Oh, sweet heavens.

My core grew hot and I felt my underwear becoming wet. My legs were just about to buckle underneath me when I snapped my gaze away to find a spoon.

"I would love some," he said as he hopped up on the island in the middle of the kitchen, "Thank you." I grabbed two spoons out of a drawer and sat next to him, handing him his own spoon.

Wouldn't it be nice to share a spoon?

I bit my bottom lip as I stuck the spoon into the ice cream, taking a huge bite and trying to cool down my insides. I peeked over at him to see a huge grin slapped on his face. He knew what he was doing, and he was doing a damn good job of it. I decided that I was sick of it, and I was going to show him I could play this game better.

If you can keep your composure.

I stuck my spoon into the ice cream and got a small amount. I looked at him as my eyes started to shine. I gave him a seductive look as I leaned over a little, letting the tops of my breasts push against the thin tank top I had. I pointed the spoon at him. "Why don't you try this bite?"

His eyes turned gold fast; I could see in his face my plan was working. His jaw clenched as the muscles in his arms flexed.

Got you.

He reached out slowly and took a bite, afterwards licking his lips. "That's delicious." I smiled as I stuck the spoon back into the ice cream and took a bite myself. "It is, isn't it?"

I watched him as I took another long, slow bite, letting some of it melt and drip down my chin. I took my finger and wiped it away before I put my finger in my mouth and sucked the leftover ice cream off.

His eyes watched my every move with intensity; he was stuck in his spot. I decided that was enough for now as I got up and put my spoon in the sink. I was about to turn around and leave when I felt him against my back. His hands were on either side of the sink, holding me in place. He leaned his head down to put his nose in the crook of my neck, his breath on my skin giving me chills all over.

"I would be careful, if I were you," he said in my ear with a low, gravelly voice, "You're playing with fire, Mel." He then took his lips and brushed them against my neck. I shuddered in ecstacy, gripping the sink with both hands.

You're about to break the sink.

I let go and turned around to face him. "Let me guess, you play with fire and get burned?" He looked down at me with a sultry smile playing against the corners of his lips. "Exactly."

I touched his forearms gently, causing a spark of electricity between them and my hands. "Good thing I'm not scared of a little heat then." With that, I slid out from under his right arm and walked out. Once I got to the back hallway, I sprinted back to my room.

I shut the door behind me and locked it as I gasped for air. I couldn't believe I just did that. What if he didn't like it? What if it really did make him angry?

He didn't just like it; he loved it.

I quit arguing with myself in my head and ran my fingers through my head as a big smile broke out across my face. I walked lazily over to the bed and snuggled up in the covers, pleased with what I did. I looked over at the clock and decided it was time to get some rest.

Tomorrow is a big day.

I woke up to a loud knocking on my door. I groaned and rolled over to look at the time.

9:00. Can't I get a little more sleep?

"Who is it?" I grumbled.

"Breakfast, dear," an older lady called out, "I will just leave it at your door."

"Sounds good," I mumbled as I rolled back over and pulled the covers over my head. I dozed back off for about another hour when the phone rang.

"Grrr," I growled, just wanting some more sleep. I let it ring, avoiding whoever was trying to get in touch with me. After it rang another couple of times it finally stopped. I snuggled back down in the bed for a few minutes before it rang again. I jumped up and snatched it, pushing the answer button.

"Yes?" I hissed. Maya was laughing on the other end. "Jesus, Melody! Cranky this morning. Late night?"

"Yeah," I mumbled, replaying the scene from last night in my head, "What's up?"

"I just wanted to remind you we have to be ready at 3 to get all dolled up," she replied, "We will be getting ready in the large powder room down the hall. Do you know where it is?"

"No," I answered, "Will you just come up here around 2:45 and get me?"

"Sure!" She chirped, "I'll see you soon!"

"Okay," I said, rubbing my eyes, "See you soon." I hung up the phone and rolled back over in bed as I listened to some clanging outside. I sighed, realizing it was too noisy to try to go back to sleep now.

I sat up in bed and stretched. I turned and looked at the clock to see it was 12 already. I walked to the door and opened it, afterwards pulling the food inside and getting a few bites. After I finished eating I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Maya had picked me up a facial care set, so I put some gold dark spot correctors under my eyes and turned the bathtub faucet on. I dropped a few drops of rose oil into the water before squirting some rose-scented bubble bath under the faucet. Once the water was at the level I wanted, I undressed and stepped in.

I sank to my nose in the bubbles, letting the rose oil do it's job and relieve my anxiety.

You only have 2 hours left before you can back out.

I groaned, realizing how quickly the time was sneaking up on me. I decided to quit dreading tonight and imagined what Erik might be wearing. He would look amazing in anything, but I'm sure he would be in full attire tonight as the host for the ball. It had been so long since I had been to any type of ball I wasn't sure I could even remember all of the dances.

Hopefully Erik won't ask for a dance.

I glanced at the clock I had moved to the counter to keep up with time and saw it was nearly 2 in the afternoon. I soaked in the bathtub for another 15 minutes before I got out and wrapped myself in a bath robe. I drained the water and went to the counter before I took the dark spot correctors off. I washed my face and put some moisturizer on, remembering that Maya had said it was the most important part of the skin care regime.

I went to the closet and slipped on some leggings with a button up shirt. I brushed out my hair and pulled it into a slick ponytail before I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," I called out, unlocking the door. I reached in the closet and pulled my dress out.

"You ready to get beautified?" Maya exclaimed as she ran in and pulled her dress out of the closet. I laughed nervously. "I guess so." We put our shoes in a bag and layered our jewelry in a jewelry organizer before we walked out of the room.

We went down the hall to the left and then to a door on the back side of the top of the staircase to the ballroom. We went down yet another hallway before we took the door at the end on the left. The room inside was huge; it had several makeup stations on the right and what seemed to be like fitting rooms on the right. There was an area in the back that looked like the pedestal with mirrors you use in a dress store so you can see every angle.

"Wow," I said in awe as a young woman with long black hair walked up to me, "This is amazing."

"Melody?" she asked, smiling as she held out her arms, "I can take your things for you. We will start makeup shortly." I nodded, handing her the dress, shoes, and jewelry. Maya handed her things to another woman while I stood there looking around the room. The lady that took my dress came back to me and led me to one of the makeup stations. "My name is Liz, and I'll be doing your hair and makeup today. Any ideas on what you would like?"

"Um," I answered, sitting down and looking in the mirror, "I'm not sure about makeup. My dress is black, so maybe a smoky eye of some type?"

"That would be perfect," Liz replied, opening a huge makeup kit, "I can add some jewels to the look as well to make you sparkle."

"I was thinking with my hair," I said, fiddling with my fingers, "We could do maybe something like a slicked back look with volume on the top and straight down the back?" Liz flipped through a magazine and came across a model who had the exact look I was wanting. "Something like this?"

"That's perfect!" I exclaimed, "Do you think it would look good? My dress is one-shouldered, so I didn't want to take too much away from the designs it has."

"I think it will look amazing," Liz replied, smiling, "Now let's get started. I only have one rule."

"And that is?" I asked as she started to match my skin tone with some foundation.

"No looking until we are completely finished," Liz answered with a smile. I smiled back. "Sounds great."

Liz had been working hard for a good hour while Maya, who was sitting next to me, talked my ear off about how she couldn't wait to see Erik's reaction to me tonight. I had rolled my eyes nearly 100 times when Liz finally took a step back and looked at me, beaming with pride. "Oh, Melody. This is some of my best work!" I looked down, blushing. "I can't wait to see it."

"Ladies, take 15." An older woman came through the room instructing the workers to take a break. I looked at the big clock on the wall to see it was 4:30.

Time is flying by. Not much longer now.

"Water?" Maya asked, handing me a bottle. I nodded and took a big drink. "I didn't realize it was so late already." I looked down at my hand holding the water and noticed I was shaking. I put the bottle down and clasped my hands together, trying to contain myself.

"You're nervous," Maya stated, scooting closer to me and putting her hands on mine to steady them. I nodded quickly. "I thought I could do this, but now I'm not so sure." Maya looked at me and took my chin in her hand. I looked deep in her gray eyes and felt tears building in the corners of my eyes.

"You are a badass," she started, taking a tissue and dabbing my eyes, "Malachi will never get near you again. You are so much more powerful than you give yourself credit for. And you know Erik will be by your side the whole night."

"And where will you be?" I asked, scowling playfully at her. She laughed. "Well I'm sure there will be some eligible bachelors there, so while you and lover-boy entertain each other I will be finding my own knight in shining armor." I laughed at her as the ladies came back into the room to finish getting us ready.

"Are you ready to start your hair?" Liz asked me as she pulled out a straightening iron, flat brush, and teasing comb. I nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

It took about an hour for my hair but Maya's was more difficult. She had an up-do with curls framing her child-like face. I waited for her hair to be finished before we were ready to get dressed. Liz took my dress into a changing room and I followed, carrying my shoes. She helped me slip into it and made sure none of the feathers were missing. There was a piece of fabric attached to the back of my shoulders to add to the train of the dress, so Liz placed an extra hidden pin on each side to make sure it held up all night. She helped me put my shoes on before she took a step back and smiled. "Melody, you look absolutely regal."

"Thank you," I whispered, looking down at the front of my dress. Liz then took out the diamond necklace, bracelets, and earrings I had picked out. She clasped the necklace around my neck while I put my earrings in. I slipped the bracelets on and shook them down to even out on my wrists.

"Hurry up!" Maya yelled from the outside of the door, "I'm ready to see my bestie!" Liz laughed as she opened the door and I looked up at Maya. Her eyes grew wide and she smiled a huge, open smile. "Melody!"

"What?" I laughed, "Do I look okay?"

"Okay?" she exclaimed, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the large mirrors, "You look like a freaking queen!"

I looked up at myself in the mirror and nearly fainted. I looked so much like my mother. The dress was phenomenal on me and made me look like a completely different person. My makeup was a deep smoky eye with crystals around the corners of my eyes. My lips were a deep red color with a hint of sparkle in the middle to give them a more plump look.

"What do you think?" Liz asked, walking up behind me. I turned around to look at the back which dipped down to right above my underwear line. "You did amazing, Liz. Thank you so much."

"You're very welcome!" she exclaimed, "I do believe I have one more surprise from you." I watched as she walked over to her station and pulled out a box that was wrapped with a bow. She handed it to me gently. "It's from his Majesty."

I slowly opened it and pulled out a note that was placed on top of something wrapped in a protective cover.

My dearest Mel,

I enjoyed last night. I look forward to more, if you will allow it.

I wanted to give this to you to wear tonight for your heritage. My father found it in the wreckage of your home many years ago. I am unsure as to why he held on to it, but I have had it in safe keeping until I found the owner.

If you do not decide to wear it, I understand. You can keep it for when you would like to claim it again.

I cannot wait to see you tonight.


I unwrapped the package and my breath caught in my throat. I pulled out my crown from when I lived at home with my parents. It was simple; silver with three diamonds in the middle of triangular shapes. It was small, but it was perfect. My father had it made specifically for me.

I felt the tears pouring down my face as I dropped the box and held the crown in my hands.

"Oh, Melody," Maya whispered as she walked up to me, "Please don't cry."

"'s my crown," I sobbed, "I thought it was lost forever." Maya rubbed my back and looked at me with adoring eyes. "Are you going to wear it?" I looked at her nervously and shook my head. "I don't think I can."

She then took the crown from my hands and set it gently on my head. "I think you can, and you will." I turned around and looked in the mirror, seeing my eyes flash blue for just a moment.

Your mother and father would be proud.

I turned back around to face Maya and saw that Liz, along with the other ladies, were bowing to me.

"Please," I said, "Don't bow. I..." I trailed off, lost for words. They all stood up and Maya looked at me, smiling. "Are you ready?" I looked in the mirror and a smile played at my lips. My eyes burned ice blue and my tattoo burned with intensity.

"Let's go."

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