The Vampire Ambassador

Chapter 2

I woke up to the sun beaming down in my face. I squinted my eyes and turned my head to shield it from the bright light. It felt like I had the worst hangover of my life; my head was dizzy and throbbing, my stomach felt nauseous, and I couldn't focus for shit.

I tried to rub my eyes but I stopped when I felt the dried blood all over my face and hands. I slowly sat up and held my hand against the back of my head that was pounding. There was dried blood all matted up in my hair as well. I looked down at the floor to see a huge dried pool of blood on the stones.

I need a shower ASAP.

The guard came and unlocked the door to slide some food to me. He was just about to close the door when I decided to interrupt him.

"Wait," I croaked out, "Can you ask if I could please have a shower?" He stopped for a minute and looked me up and down with a scowl spread across his face.

"I'll ask his majesty," he growled before shutting the door behind him. I went over and sat on the small cot that was in the corner of the room next to the toilet and held my head in my hands.

I sat like that for a long time before I heard the door unlock again and the guard held it open.

"You have 10 minutes," he said, "Come on." I stood up slowly and walked to the door. He grabbed me by the arm and drug me down the hallway the opposite way from the exam room. I was apparently in a cell in the middle of the hallway and as we walked down the hall I noticed 3 more cells on my right.

I tried to peer in the rooms but the guard was holding my arm too tight for me to get a good look. Once we got to the end of the hall we came to another metal door which he unlocked. The next hallway was made of the same type of stone as the rest of the basement or whatever the hell it was I was in. We went to the end and came to a door on the right where he pushed it open.

It was like a locker room; there were urinals on one side of the room, sinks with mirrors on the other side, and a large shower in the back with several shower heads. He pushed me toward the shower and closed the door behind us.

"Go on," he said with a malicious smile, "You have 10 minutes." I mentally groaned as I realized this guy wasn't going to leave me unattended. I turned the water on on the farthest faucet that was in there. I turned and looked over my shoulder as the guard watched me closely.

"Undress," he demanded, "Unless you don't want this shower?" I sighed as I slowly took my pants and shirt off. I gritted my teeth as I decided whether to completely undress or not.

"Go ahead," he said as I glanced at him, "Take it all off." I looked at the floor as I heard his belt buckle snap.

Fuck no. This is not happening today.

"Don't worry," he said with a chuckle, "I'm just looking." I turned my back to him as I slowly unhooked my bra and slid it off, followed by my underwear. I heard him make a noise as I stepped under the water but I refused to look.

There was a bar of soap on the edge of a little plastic soap holder, but I had no idea where it had been so I decided hot water would have to be good enough today. I tried my best to work my fingers through the mats of hair that had dried blood in it, and thankfully it worked somewhat.

"Fuck," the guard muttered behind me. I stole a peek over my shoulder to see he was actually jacking off right there watching me shower. I wanted to vomit.

I quickly started to wash my face and attempted to finish my hair in the hopes of getting back to my cell quickly. I turned the water off and stood there as I heard the guard huffing behind me.

"Can I please have a towel?" I asked through gritted teeth. I heard the guard shuffle away and finally release in the toilet with a loud grunt. I heard him zip his pants back up and buckle his belt before he threw a towel at me.

I dried off and put my clothes back on, wrapping my arms around me. I felt violated even though he didn't even touch me.

You could annihilate him.

I fought my thoughts because I knew what I could do at this point, but I couldn't give my plan away.

The guard grabbed my arm again and leaned down to whisper in my ear. "The next time you ask for a shower, know that I won't keep my distance." Bile built up in my throat with his words as he dragged me back down to my cell.

Once we got back to my cell he shoved me inside and slammed the door behind me. I was so angry in that moment I couldn't stop thinking about ways to kill him.

Pull from your connection with Queen Iris.

I sat cross-legged on the floor and placed my hands on either side of me. I focused my thoughts to the meadow and pond where I traveled when I connected with the world where my parents resided.

I felt the power flowing through my skin as the blue mist swirled around my palms. It hit me like a brick wall when I finally tuned everything out and focused only on my powers.

I sat like that for a while before I heard footsteps coming down the hall. I pulled my hands back, removing all traces of the mist and I stood up before I ran over and sat on the cot.

The guard opened the door and grabbed me, taking me to the exam room just like every other day. He injected me before he began to strap me in.

"You know," he said with a sickening smile, "You've got a pretty nice ass." I looked at him with threatening eyes. "I don't appreciate that kind of conversation." He reared his right hand back and punched me in the face. I turned my head to the side opposite of him and spit blood into the floor.

"I would watch that filty mouth of yours," he growled. He tightened the straps on my chest and made it just a bit difficult to breathe. He then got in my face and sniffed. "I sure hope you ask for another shower soon."

He then laughed and left the room, locking the door behind him. I spit another spot of blood onto the floor and sighed. I thought I would have been used to this after spending years with Malachi, but I guessed that my time with Erik softened the callouses.


My heart ached for him. I needed him; physically and emotionally. I longed to be safe in his arms and far away from this cruel environment.

I was deep in my thoughts when the door creaked open and the doctor came in. He locked the door behind him and slowly walked over to me.

"Oh dear," he whispered as he looked at my swollen and bloody mouth. He looked over where the camera used to be before he put some type of medication on a cloth and began to blot at my lip. I looked at him with worried eyes. He shook his head.

"Who does he have?" I whispered. He sighed and leaned down, acting like he was looking at something on my cheek. "My daughter. Shes two cells down from you."

"I'll get her out," I replied softly, "And you. You just have to trust me." He nodded before he noticed the dried blood I missed in my hair. He pulled some strands out of the way before I heard a sharp gasp come from his mouth.

"I'll need to stitch this," he said as he touched my head. I winced in pain at his touch. He sprayed some type of medication on my wound, instantly numbing it. I watched as he took a stitch and another instrument before he went to work.

"It's truly awful how he treats his own kind," he doctor said, "Especially his own family."

"I never saw it coming," I replied, "He has no heart. He will get what he deserves."

"I was here on my own," he continued, "My own free will. Then he heard of you being alive and everything changed. He told me if I didn't figure out how to give him your powers he would kill Delilah." I sighed, saddened by this poor man's predicament. It truly took a monster to hold a man's daughter captive to get what he wanted.

"All done," he said as he set his supplies down. He then pulled out a needle and inserted it into my arm.

"Do what you want with my blood," I said as he finished with the last tube, "But I will save you and your daughter."

"King Johnathan is not my king," he grumbled as he made noise with the tubes of blood, "You are my queen, your Majesty." I gave him a soft smile as I hear footsteps approaching the door to the room. The doctor's face fell somber as uncle Johnathan came through the door with a guard I had never seen before.

He was smaller in stature than the guard who normally took me back and forth. He had curly red hair and freckles with emerald green eyes that pierced my gaze when we locked eyes.


"Install the new camera," uncle Johnathan barked at the young guard. He couldn't have been older than 20.

"Yessir," the man said nervously. I watched as he stared at me before he grabbed a ladder and climbed to the top to place the new camera.

If you can hear me, please blink once.

I watched as he kept working but did blink only once.

Yes! Do you know Rex?

One blink.

My heart jumped for joy as I realized this could be my saving grace. I moved my eyes slowly to uncle Johnathan as he looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"I know it was you," he growled, "And you must think you're pretty smart trying to hide yourself. But you have to understand I am older and wiser than you, my dear. You can't pull a fast one on me."

You just wait and see.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I replied, putting on my best dumb face. He huffed as a smile spread across his face. "Have it your way, Mel."

He turned to head for the door as the other guard gathered his things and walked out. Uncle Johnathan then turned around and walked over to me, pulling a knife out of his pocket. He then opened it with a motion of his hand before he placed it on the side of my face. He pressed the tip into my skin just deep enough to draw blood as I hissed from the burn of the silver.

He ran the tip all the way down the side of my face before he pulled it back and laughed. "Guess that pretty face is going to be scarred now."

My tattoo burned with anger as I felt the warm blood dripping down the side of my face. I knew my eyes were ice blue, so I let out a low growl.

"You think you'll get out of this, don't you?" He asked with a smile, "Like I said before; you wont't make it out alive, my dear." He then slammed the door behind him as he left to leave me all alone again.

Tears ran down my face from the sting that the left side of my cheek felt. The saltiness from my tears only made it worse.

You have to stay strong.

I sniffled a few more times before I relaxed my body and connected with the stones of the room. I pulled all of the energy that I could from them, channeling the ancient powers that I possesed.

I channeled for a good thirty minutes before I felt my energy start to dwindle. I released my grip with a sigh as my muscles ached from the strain I just put them through. I stopped at the right moment because about five minutes later the door swung open and my usual guard came in to take me back to my cell.

He threw me in the dark room and locked the door behind me. I sat up on the floor and sniffed the air, smelling the soup that was sitting next to my cot. I stood up and walked over to sit down and eat.

I stared at the floor as I began to formulate my plan to break out. I had to get that one guard alone, and my idea of how to do that seemed like it would be a good one. Once I killed him I would need to free the doctor and his daughter; surely if her cell was close to mine his would be somewhere down the hall as well.

Once I got them out I would be in charge of protecting them until we got outside of the gates of the house. Killing the other guards wouldn't be easy, but I didn't think it would be extremely difficult. I would have to do this all at night, too, that way uncle Johnathan would be sound asleep.

You can come back for vengence on him.

I finished my soup and set the bowl down before I laid down on the cot, staring at the ceiling. I noticed as my anger build with my plans, blue mist trailed down from the ceiling to my body. I closed my eyes as I let the energy fill the void in my heart that was left.

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