The Vampire Ambassador

Chapter 1

The days had been long. Each day flowed into the next with the same cycle each time: get up, eat, medical exam, bloodwork, back in cell for dinner.

It was getting tiring.

Maybe if I just end it all, it'll be fine again.

I sighed as I leaned my head against the back of the cell I had been confined to for who knows how long. It seemed like it had been years.

I was growing weaker by the day, and I could feel my powers struggling to stay connected to me.

If only I can make it all stop.

I just wanted my life back; my wonderful soulmate, my happy life, and my carefree fulfillment of being whole.

But it wasn't going to be that easy now. I was trapped in this hell by none other than my very own uncle who had taken the throne when my parents died.

It killed me inside to know that he would really do something like this, but it didn't surprise me. I could always tell he was jealous of my father, I just didn't know he would go this far.

I had been trying day after day to reach out to Erik, but there was no response. He was long gone, I was sure of it. He believed I had left him for my own throne.

He's so far from the truth.

I stood up slowly, careful not to become dizzy, to look at the moon still shining in the sky. I closed my eyes and inhaled hard, trying to conjure up some of my powers.

The blue mist was very vague by that point, but it was still there. I could feel my tattoo tingling against my spine with a low intensity. I opened my eyes to see my skin glistening with the light blue colors of the mist when I noticed something I had never noticed before.

The powers felt stronger on my feet and lower legs. I looked down and saw that my powers were almost pooling around the ground; they were getting their strength from the stone floor.

Is this cell part of my original home?

The thought crossed my mind and I came up with what I thought was a brilliant idea. I squatted down and placed both hands on the stone floor, pulling what energy I could from the original stonework.

It is!

I smiled as I realized this plan might actually work. I could pull energy every night until I was strong enough to get the hell out of here.

The floor began to vibrate with energy as I pulled what I could from it. I stopped once I felt my tattoo burn hotter and my eyes finally lit to full power. I huffed as I sat against the wall, almost out of breath from the physical strain it took for what I just did. I closed my eyes and dozed off with a positive outlook on this whole predicament.

I woke up to the sound of my cell door opening. The guard slid a plate of food across the floor to me and slammed the door behind him, locking it up tight. I reached over and grabbed the plate of eggs and a dry biscuit and began to eat. I finished the plate, which was unusual, but I knew I needed energy in order to fuel my powers tonight.

About 30 minutes later the door opened again and the guard grabbed me by the arm just like every other morning. He took me down the hall and into the room with the dreaded silver table. He threw me on the table and began to shackle me in. I situated my head and watched as the doctor came in to begin his work.

"Still no results?" I asked, feeling overly cocky. He looked at me and shook his head. "No. I haven't had a bit of luck with your bloodwork." I grimaced as he stuck the needle in my arm. "So did king Johnathan hire you just for this, or is it of your own free will to torture somebody?"

"I can assure you it's not of my free will," he said in a whisper. He gave me a look that showed remorse, so I decided to dig deeper.

"Is he holding you captive, too?" I asked. He looked up and then back at me. I peered up to see a camera installed in the ceiling looking directly at the table. I looked down at the doctor as my blood flowed into the vial. His gaze met mine and I knew at that moment there was something he was not telling me.

"Does he have someone you know?" I whispered, barely audible. He nodded. I made a mental note that when I broke out I would look for him and whoever he might have here that was held as well.

He withdrew the needle from my arm and shook the vials up. I looked at him longingly, begging him to help me and I would help him. I saw a glimmer of shine to his eyes, and I understood we would help each other through this. He then left and I was alone yet again.

The door opened a few hours later and I looked over to see uncle Johnathan waltzing through the door. I snarled at him.

"Oh, Melody," he chuckled, "You act like you are big and bad, when you're the one strapped down and trapped."

"I will get out of here," I ensured him, "And I will rip you limb from limb before I leave."

"Sure," he said with a smile, "Whatever you imagine, Mel." I looked up at the ceiling and tried my hardest to pull energy from the stones. No mist evolved, but I did manage to cause some debris to fall from the ceiling. I smiled and looked over at him. "I imagine you have no idea what I can really do."

"You're right," uncle Johnathan said as he still peered at the ceiling, "But I do intend to find out. The doctor told me he is getting closer and closer to figuring out your DNA."

"Good for you," I said, sliding my fangs out. I glared at him as my eyes lit up. He laughed before he walked out. I sighed and put my fangs back in place as I stared up at the ceiling. I then looked over at the camera and wanted it to break with every cell in my body.


It burst into pieces and a smile creeped across my face.

You've still got it, Mel.

I then focused on the stones above my head as I felt the energy from them flowing into the parts of my body not being touched by silver. I devoured what little bit of energy I could before I grew tired and stopped.

I heard footsteps running down the hall as I braced myself for whatever was about to happen. Three guards rushed in and looked at me like I was crazy. I gave them the same look back as they looked up at the camera.

"What did you do?" one growled. He was the one who always took me to and from my cell.

"I didn't do anything," I answered, "Except just sit here." He walked over to the camera and held it in his hand, confused. He waved the other guards out of the room and got directly in my face as soon as they left.

"If I figure out you got off this table," he whispered, "It will be a very bad day for you." He sniffed me before he walked out slowly.


I closed my eyes and hoped to god I could build up my strength enough to get the hell out of here.

I felt myself dozing off after lying on the table for a few hours. Once I closed my eyes, I saw my parents in that beautiful meadow. Warmth filled my soul as their presence gave me comfort.

"She must use her connection to our world," my mother said, "It's the only way."

My brows furrowed in confusion. I stepped in front of the both of them. "I'm right here, mom."

"I agree," my father replied, "If she wants out, she will have to deeply focus on her roots to the ancestral world. We can help guide her energy if she would just trust herself."

"Hello!" I exclaimed, "I'm right here you guys!"

They still acted like I wasn't standing right in front of them, so I reached out to hug my mother.

I fell flat on my face on the ground. I rolled over and looked at them in shock.

What the hell?

"She is so much stronger than she knows." Queen Iris came walking right out of thin air towards my parents.

"You are certainly right, Iris," my mother said as she held my father's hand, "I just wish she would tap into some of her energy again and unite the kingdoms."

"It will be difficult for her," my father said with a frown, "You know how her heart works; she has been betrayed by everyone at this point. She will find it difficult to pull her powers to the surface before she explodes."

"Like the last time," my mother whispered. I saw my father squeeze her hand as tears welled up in her eyes.

"I don't believe she will do that," Iris interjected, "She has more control now than she did when she was young. She has done a tremendous job so far, so there is no doubt in my mind that she will keep doing amazing things."

"I just worry for her heart," my mother said, "If Erik does not find out the truth of her whereabouts, the distance between them will shatter her."

My stomach felt like it was in my throat.

"He will come around," Iris said with a sigh, "They have sealed the bond; there is only so much one can take from being away from the other. They will be drawn to each other again before long."

"I hope it's soon," my father said, "I don't like seeing my little girl suffer, especially at the hands of my own brother."

I watched as his fists, now that he let go of my mother's hand, clenched in anger. His knuckles were ghost white from the brute strength. My mother layed her hand on his shoulder and it was like ice on a fire; he instantly relaxed and slumped his shoulders.

"She will know what to do when the time is right," Iris said with confidence, "I will make sure of it."

I stood up and wished with all of my might that they could see me and I could ask them what they were talking about. A tear dripped down my cheek with all of the emotions that were running through my system at the moment.

I was then jarred from my dream by the bang of the door shutting in the exam room. My eyes snapped open and I watched as the guard walked over with the syringe to inject like he had done for the past several dozens of nights.

I winced as the needle dug into my skin and my limbs became heavy with the silver that was running directly into my bloodstream. He then took the bars off of my chest and legs before he released my arms.

I was still exhausted from the energy pull I did earlier, and my dream seemed to take the remainder of what strength I had left. When the guard grabbed my arm to pull me to the door my body went numb and I collapsed to the floor.

"Shit," he growled, "Fucking move your feet."

"I can't," I panted out, "You gave me too much."

"Fine," he said with a snarl as he hoisted me over his shoulder. My arms dangled along his back as he walked me to my cell.

Once he got to the door he threw me inside. My head slammed against the stone floor and my vision became blurry. I felt a warmth on my forehead and noticed blood pooling on the ground.

"You'll be fine," he guard said with a chuckle, "Sleep tight." He slammed and locked the door behind him as I held my bleeding head in my right hand and propped my upoer body off of the floor with the other hand.

I managed to sit up somewhat, although wobbly. I slowly scooted myself against the wall as I began to see black and green dots in my vision. I felt myself about to faint so I went ahead and laid down on the cold floor to try and make my head stop bleeding.

The last thing I could form in my head was the one word I said every night before I fell asleep from exhaustion.


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