The Vampire Ambassador

Chapter 3

The next week went the same as most of my time that was spent locked up. I would wake up, eat, go to the exam room, stay there for most of the day, then back to my cell for the evening. I tried to listen closely each night to see when the guards retired, but it seemed there was always one on shift at all times roaming the hall.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the stainless steel of the toilet that was in my room and was immediately repulsed by what I saw; dark circles under my eyes, cracked lips, and a huge scar down the side of my face.

Erik will never want to look at you again.

The thought rang through my mind and I refused to look at myself again, horrified at how awful I was beginning to look.

I had no idea how long I had been in here; it seemed like months. I called out to Erik in my mind every single night but I knew he was long gone. The pain in my soul was replaced by hatred. I did not like feeling so much anger but there was nothing left at this point.

I finally decided one night that the next evening would be my time to attempt a break-out. I had it carefully planned out in my head because it would take perfect timing and precise execution.

That day started like any other. I woke up on my small cot to the sunlight beaming through the tiny window to my cell. I rubbed my eyes and wished I had some water to just splash on my face.

I will never ask for a shower again, or anything else extra for that matter.

I heard footsteps on the other side of the door before the guard yanked it open and threw a plate of sausage on the floor.

Cold, floppy, freezer-burnt sausage.

"You know," he said as he leaned against the door frame, "I have never even gotten a thank you since I'm the one who decides if you eat or not."

"Thanks," I mumbled as I grabbed for the plate. He was over me in a flash, his foot pressing on my wrist that was outstretched.

"I would appreciate that if you meant it," he spat out, pressing his heel into the bones of my wrist. I grimaced in pain.

That only seemed to excite him more as he lifted his foot and brought it back down with a thud, crushing my wrist.

"Ahh!" I screamed in pain, jerking my arm towards me and holding it.

"Now," he growled, "What do you say?"

"Thank you," I whispered, trying to fight back tears, "Thank you for bringing me food."

"You are welcome," he said with a smile. He chuckled as he slowly walked to the door. "I must say, you're probably the most fun I've had in a while." He slammed the door behind him as he left. I closed my eyes and laid back on my cot as the nerves in my wrist were exploding with pain.

I put my other hand against the wall and tried to pull energy, healing my wrist. I bit down my lip as the bones re-adjusted themselves, forming back to their original state. Once they were back in place I flexed my wrist as I slowly exhaled the breath I was holding in.

"Shit," I breathed to myself, slowing down my ragged inhales from the lingering bolts of pain that shot down my hand.

I laid there for another 30 minutes before a guard came to open my door and take me to the exam room. It was the red-headed guard, thank goodness. He stood at the door as he waited for me to get up. I slowly stood as I held my wrist close to my body. We slowly walked down the hall toward the room when I decided he needed to know what was going down that night.

I'm getting out of here tonight. You will come too.

I saw his eyes light up as he kept his stare in front of us. He gave my arm a reassuring squeeze as we got near the door to the room.

You just need to hang back behind all of the other guards so I don't harm you.

Another squeeze.

I had to get him back with Rex; obviously they were related somehow. I knew it would do her heart some good to see a relative alive.

We went into the room and I got up on the table while the guard slowly strapped me in. I laid my head back against the metal and gritted my teeth as the silver pierced my skin. The guard gave my arm one last small squeeze before he looked at me with admiration and left.

It was almost a whole hour before the doctor came in. He had a large bruise on the side of his face, undoubtedly caused by that nasty guard who injured me as well.

The doctor started off by listening with his stethoscope before he prepared his tools for the venipuncture. I turned my head away as the needle pierced my skin. He drew a few tubes of my blood before he removed the needle and placed a bandage on my arm where it was bruised from the daily blood draws.

He then started to mix the tubes by shaking them up. His eyes met mine for a split second and I wished more than anything I could tell him what my plan was tonight.

After he was finished mixing the blood he turned and walked out of the door, shutting it gently behind him. I sighed as I laid my head to the side to attempt and get some type of rest before my long night.

I woke up a few hours later to the sound of the door unlocking. The normal guard who handled me began to un-shackle the bars over my chest and legs before he unlocked my wrist restraints. I glanced at the clock to see that it was nearly seven in the evening already.

"If you don't fight," he stated, "I'll let you off without your shot tonight." I nodded slowly, acting like the silver was still affecting me from being on the table so long. He smiled menacingly as he led me through the door and down the hall.

I hope he doesn't try anything stupid.

He took me to my cell and threw me in before he closed the door behind us.

Oh shit.

I sat up on my elbows and faced him as he looked me up and down. I scooted backwards against the wall and he slowly walked over to me, squatting down in front of me.

"Now," he said, putting a hand on my thigh, "You be a good girl tonight and I'll let you have a shower in the morning." I shuddered at the thought of enduring that again.

"Okay," was all I managed to get out as I pretended to be weak, but also repulsed by the thought of going through him watching me naked again. Or anything else for that matter.

"Very good," he said, trailing his fingers on my thigh. I pulled my leg towards me slowly, telling him that the invitation was not open. He bit his lip before he stood up and looked down at me. He chuckled before he turned and left the room, setting a plate of food on the floor and locking the door behind him.

I ate the rice that was left and set the plate near the door, knowing that someone would retrieve it in the morning. I then sat cross-legged in the middle of the floor and put both hands on either side of me. I closed my eyes and forced myself to see Iris standing in the meadow.

She was standing there in all her glory, hands outstretched toward me. I took my hands in hers and let the energy flow between us. I felt my tattoo begin to burn and my eyes lit up with a fierce intensity. The mist of energy flowed along our arms before it engulfed both of our bodies and we became one.

"You will do great things," she said as we stood there connected, "I believe in you, Melody."

"I will always do the work for the greater good," I told her, "No matter what it takes."

"Your parents are proud of you, my dear," she whispered, "Always remember that." I nodded as the love I suddenly felt through the channeling fueled the fire even more; a burst of energy erupted from the two of us and spread across the whole meadow.

I opened my eyes and was brought back to my cell. I cooled my emotions down and stood up go pace a few times before I laid back down on the cot. I looked at the position of the moon and realized it was now time for my plan to take action.

I positioned myself on the cot like I was sleeping before I unlocked the door to the cell, letting the door slowly creak open. I knew that there was a silent alarm that would alert the guards without waking anyone else.

I heard the quick footsteps of a guard coming to my room. Once he came in loudly, I rolled over to look at him with my best sleepy face and rubbed my eyes.

"What the fuck did you do?" he growled. I noticed it was the exact guard who I wanted to come in.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said groggily, "I've been sleeping." He huffed before he went over to the door and shut it again, locking it.


The door slowly opened and he stood there in shock. He tried to shut and lock the door again before I unlocked it.

He then walked to the inside of the door and was examining the lock when I slammed it shut and locked it. I stood up and felt everything inside of me begin to hum. He slowly stood up and looked at me nervously.

"Now," I said, straightening my shoulders, "Looks like the ball is in my court." He took stance before he began to pounce. I held my hand up and he stopped mid-air before his body crumbled to the ground. I walked over to him slowly as he attempted to get up. I let the mist flow from my body to the floor, wrapping around his legs and slowly snaking up his body.

"What are you?" he breathed as the mist trickled up to his chest.

"I'm a Queen," I hissed as I leaned down to his face, "And from this point forward, I will be treated as such." I then stood up and waved my hand quickly, causing the mist to slice right through his throat and decapitate him. Blood spewed everywhere, including all over me. I then turned around to walk out, unlocking the door and opening it.

I stood in the hallway and focused my energy on all of the doors. In one swift thought, they all unlocked and opened. I turned to face the other end of the hall, waiting for the guards to start to trickle in. I heard slow footsteps approaching behind me and I immediately knew it was the doctor.

"Get your daughter and stay behind me," I whispered. I turned to look at him and he ran into one of the cells, afterwards carrying out a young girl with dark black, long hair. She couldn't have been older than 15.

I stood staring at the door when I heard several footsteps approaching.

I hope Rex's family member does what I asked him to.

The door flung open and about 8 guards came running in, suddenly stopping when they saw me standing there waiting on them. They all drew weapons and prepared for me to launch, but I had a better idea.

I held up both of my hands, freezing them in their tracks. I then closed my eyes and a wave of energy left my body and crashed into them, killing them instantly. The only one left standing was the red-headed guard with green eyes.

Are these the only guards on grounds?

He nodded his head. "Yes, everyone else is sleeping in the bunks on the outskirts of the castle."

"Where is Johnathan's room?" I asked, a fire burning in my soul.

"Once you enter the hallway, go all the way to the end and take a right," he answered, "Then you go up the stairs to the left and his room is on the end of the hall. Big double doors; can't miss it." He even had the same accent as Rex.

I turned to the doctor and his daughter, along with 3 other prisoners. "Run. As far as you can; don't look back. Keep going until you are far away from here."

"Thank you," the doctor whispered, "For your kindness and generosity." He then bowed to me before everyone else did the same.

"It's what any noble queen would do," I replied, "Now go; you don't have much time." He then nodded and took his daughter down the hall with the other prisoners, leaving me and the other guard. I looked at him and sighed. "I know you've got to be wanting to find Rex. She's at King Donovan's castle. Go to her. Just get out of here before it gets bad."

"She's the one who sent me," he said with a smile, "She knew that you wouldn't abandon King Donovan. We both had a feeling something was wrong."

"Tell her I said thank you," I replied, touching his shoulder, "And that I will be there soon. But you need to leave; I can handle this." He then nodded, bowed, and quickly left.

I walked up the steps and took the directions that the guard gave me, slowly walking up to Johnathan's door once I reached my destination. I slowly opened the door and slipped in, watching him soundly sleep in his large bed.

I closed the door gently behind me and looked around the room before I found what I was looking for. My parents' crowns in a glass box sitting in the corner, of course locked up. I tip-toed over and slowly unlocked the box with my powers, peeking over my shoulder to make sure Johnathan didn't wake up.

Still sleeping, thank goodness.

I picked up my mother's crown and held it gently, mesmerized by the beauty of it. It was golden with a large pointed tip in the middle. In the middle of the open tip was a bright blue diamond, and there were clear diamonds accenting the rim of it. I held it close to my chest before I felt the power radiating off of it. I smiled as the energy filled the void in my heart. I then snapped out of my trance and grabbed my father's crown.

I turned around to leave when I noticed a set of vials on the dresser. Not just any vials, but vials filled with my blood.

Probably ones he stole from the doctor.

I snatched the vials off of the counter and stuffed them in my pocket. I then slowly walked over to Johnathan, who was still silently sleeping. I wanted so badly to just kill him right then, but something in my gut was telling me now wasn't the time.

I slowly and quietly left the room, shutting the door behind me gently. I then ran down the stairs and to the balcony where we ate brunch that day I was captured. I jumped off the balcony and landed with a slight thud before I started to run. I jumped over the large wall surrounding the house before I pushed my legs to run as fast as I could toward home.

Toward Erik.

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