The Unthinkable

Chapter The Subjects

When I mean all eyes on me, I literally mean all eyes.

The doors open showing a huge white room with different activities scattered everywhere.

Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at me walk through the door. I tried to ignore their stares and whispers by looking around different activities.

Starting on the left was a crafters bench where people had already started sewing, cooking or building creations. In the back corner is a reading corner with some bookshelves and cushioned chairs. At the very back is what I’m assuming a fitness corner from the people who are running on machines and lifting objects. Then the right corner is filled with weapons like knives, axes and bows.

There are roughly 10 people in the room and they all look the same age as me. They must have split us all into groups depending on our age.

I walk to the middle of the room trying to decide on an activity.

Crafting has three girls and two boys already working there. They all seemed pretty friendly with one another so I decided not to interfere.

The reading corner had a girl and a boy already there and they seemed like twins from their similar features. That is a maybe.

The fitness place is a definite no as I don’t even know how to work the machines. Two boys are already using that section anyway.

I decide on the weapons as I see a girl already throwing spears at the long distance section.

I walk to the other end of the activity not trusting anyone. Yes, I have trust issues.

I look down at the table seeing small dagger knives and guns. I pick up a dagger looking at it. It was metal unlike the wooden daggers floaters crafted.

On the wall is a circular target and I understand the activity.

I throw the knife hitting the second outer circle.

Not bad.

I didn’t have a bad aim because of all the junking I did.

Junking: You would throw your hook at an object and drag it in.

I am rather good at it.

I pick up some more daggers holding a couple in each hand and practice throwing them continuously at the target.

It is definitely more fun and rewarding than junking.

When I throw my last dagger I smile seeing how close most are on the bullseye.

I mentally clap and applaud myself for finding something I am good at but also enjoy.

But I swear I can hear the noise somewhere else as well.

I turn my head to find the source of the noise realizing everyone’s eyes are once again on me and some are even clapping.

I try and hide my embarrassment by walking over to remove the knives but I’m stopped by a tap on my shoulder.

It is the girl I found alone throwing spears. She had black hair cut short in a pixie cut with dark brown eyes and tanned skin. She was wearing a black tank top and grey denim shorts with brown combat boots.

‘Nice aim there. I’m Freddie, 17 and a retired dry lander’

She held out her hand that I shook cautiously.

’Thanks. Lilie. 16. A Floater′

She nods

’You seem more of the dry lander, to be honest with those combat skills. It’s impressive’

I smile at her. She seemed nice.

‘Everyone else here seems to already know people, unlike you and me. So I was wondering do you want to train with me?’

‘Sure. Want to do some firing practice?’

Freddie is similar to me. She lost all her family except her dad who abandoned her in the dry lands. She escaped and became a floater.

After doing firing practice we sharpened the knives whilst talking about our past.

‘You know my grandfather is a sky lander’


‘Yeah, he left us all taking all the money just to live there’

‘Selfish little snob! I bet he fit right in’

She laughed at that making me smile with her.

The doors opened and in stepped the same doctor who spoke to me earlier. Everyone gathers around her including me and Freddie.

’Subjects we have prepared for you to be transported to the sky land and will call you into two groups. Once there...′

Yeah, my attention span isn’t too good. I drift off thinking about what the scientists might end up doing to us.

Are they going to take blood from us?

Maybe since our blood is different

Wait are me and Freddie going to be in the same group?

What about you listen!

My conscience is right. I need to listen.

‘..that is why we are splitting you into two groups. Here is Group A.’

She holds a clipboard out in front of her and starts reading.

’Subjects 1-6. These are Tanya, Christen, Zenon, Aurick, Jason and Bess.'

Everyone from the crafting table walks over to the one side along with one of the guys from the fitness.

’That leaves Group B with Subjects 8-12. These are Josh, Xander, Anna, Freddie and Lilie′

We all step to the other side. But why was there no subject 7?

’I will take Group A first. Group B, I will be back in approximately 15 minutes so, I guess you can get to know your new roommates!′

She smiled brightly at all of us looking excited. I just cross my arms over my chest looking at her with disgust. I look to my left seeing Freddie do the same.

She turns to leave the room with Group A following. I did not expect glares from each girl there which I just smirk at not exactly understanding why.

‘Freddie, what’s their problem?’

She laughs

‘Ha, they’re jealous’

I laugh with her finding it impossible not to. Her laugh was so contagious.


The doors close leaving our group alone. Thanks to Freddie it wasn’t as awkward. She steps forward looking at us all.

‘Hello there fellow roommates, I am Freddie, 17 and a retired dry lander. Whom is nowhere to support the importance of scientific research at any risk!’

She puts on a posh accent and adds so much sarcasm making us laugh. She must have been doing a great impression of her snobby grandad. She steps back pointing for me to go.

’I’m Lilie 16 years old and a proud Floater. I am not as enthusiastic about science but I am very interested in surviving our ruined world. ′

I take an exaggerated bow keeping the playful vibe.

The last girl steps forward. She has dirty blonde hair in a ponytail with brown eyes and a petite figure. She’s wearing dark blue leggings with a white cropped top and black flats.

’I am Anna, 16 years old and a Floater′

She seems shy but I can tell she’s smart.

Next, the boy steps forward.

’I am Xander, 16 years old, Floater and Anna’s twin brother. I think I prefer reading than anything else and was forced to do this with Anna by our family.’

They are extremely similar. He has the same dirty blonde hair and brown eyes but is much taller and skinny. He wore black jeans, a khaki green v neck and trainers.

Then the last boy, Josh.

‘Hi, I am Josh a dry-lander and I am 17. I live alone after all my family were killed and have come here to get away from others who want to kill me.’

Josh has black hair with hazel eyes and a strong figure. He wore a white tank top with black sweatpants and trainers.

‘Well, it’s great to meet you all. So many different stories but all with a terrible similarity’

Freddie spoke up and we all nodded and smiled sadly in agreement as if sharing our loss.

‘I hope you don’t mind if I ask but where is our last member?’

Everyone looks at me confused. Then Josh speaks up.

‘Did you not hear? He’s already in the sky lands. He’s a sky person’

Before I could answer the doctor came through the doors with a-


‘Let’s get going then Group B’

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