The Unthinkable

Chapter First Time Flying

Day 185. Year of 4020

I walk side by side with Freddie following the doctor who still hasn't mentioned her name or how we are getting to the sky lands. Every turn is the same. Plain white walls. Plain white floors. Plain white ceiling. Plain white doors.

Soon we reach a set of grey doors (Something different finally!) that open at our presence revealing a metal box. We all crowd inside just about fitting in the small space.

To the left, I see some lights each one had a number or letter.






The doctor reached over pressing 3 and the box jolts upwards. Everyone but her looks around in shock and confusion grabbing onto the walls for support. What is this thing and where is it taking us?

'Relax Group B it's just an elevator. It can take you up and down a building. Perfectly safe.'

I only relax slightly still not moving away from the wall or trusting her words. But just as I calm myself I feel another jolt this time down.


The doors reopen revealing a sky lander jet on a metal roof. I have seen these many times flying past. They usually just pick up supplies and send back money but I guess they were now taking us to the sky lands.

We climb aboard, Freddie going first. I follow her to the right where 8 seats are laid out. Four on one side and four on the other with a table in between them. Behind them is a bar, fridge, cupboards and a bathroom.

Freddie slumps down in the aisle seat and I collapse down next to her in the window seat. The leather is so comfortable against my skin. And finally, we had some more colour. The leather seats are red but a majority of the jet is black. It didn't freak me out like the white theme in the shipping centre making it even more relaxing.

Someone sits down in one of the seats opposite me and I look over seeing Josh.

Freddie had already dropped into deep slumber leaving me and Josh awkwardly sitting together.

I take glimpses of Josh through the corner of my eye. He is busy trying to open a bag of crisps. It is probably the funniest thing I've ever seen. His face scrunches up in confusion as he inspects the bag.

I've had crisps before. Nana gave me some as a gift. They were the best food I've ever eaten.

The plane takes off and a weird feeling goes through my stomach. This is definitely not what I expected planes to be like.

Josh puts the bag between his teeth pulling at it making growling noises.


I can't help but laugh causing his head to snap in my direction dropping the crisps to smile.

I sit up raising an eyebrow at him still smiling.

'Allow me'

I take the bag out of his hands. I put it in his face clearly. Grabbing each side with both hands I pull the material out and with a tug, the bag opens.

I look up finding Josh looking in awe but his eyes are not on the bag but on me. I blush from his actions, taking a chip and passing him back the packet.

'Is there something you aren't good at?'

His eyes don't leave me as he speaks. His chips are still untouched.

'I guess I'm not good at talking to people'

'Your speaking to me just fine'

We laugh slightly.

'What are they going to do to us?'

Josh doesn't reply so I just lean back in my seat again.

'I don't know'

He finally says.

'But I won't let them hurt you'

He whispers. Wait...was I meant to hear that? Oh well, I have now.

Josh seemed deep in thought and then I realize he's looking out of the window. I hadn't even seen them there. I look at the world beneath me. It was just brown waters with islands every now and then. Yeah, not the most interesting sights.

I get up going over to the cupboards. I open them finding so many things I've never tried before. I take some down inspecting them.

'Want to try some?'

I jump in shock from the voice behind me and turn around finding a laughing Josh. I slap his chest playfully.

'Yeah why not'

We grab some packets and sit back down however, this time I sit next to him.

'Peanut Butter'

Josh reads from a jar of orangey spread. He unscrews the lid, dips a finger in and licks it up.

'Eww, gross Josh!'

'It tastes amazing!'

I grab another packet reading the label.


I open the packet like the crisps and pop one in my mouth. They were cheesy, crispy and amazing.

I start stuffing more in my mouth and see Josh watching me with an amused look.


I say with a mouthful.

He just laughs

'Your mouth is orange'

I take one in my now orange stained fingers.

'Open up'

He opens his mouth and I throw it. It drops inside perfectly and he starts eating it with a crunch.

We do this some more until I hit Josh in the eye. It was his fault he moved!

'Josh are you okay!'

I move over to him as he covers his eye with his hands.

Without thinking I move his hands away gently and look at his eye.

'It's a bit bloodshot but I guess it should be fine. I'm so sorry but it is kinda you fault fo-'

I drift off when Josh moves a strand of hair from my face. I only just realize how close we are.

I can feel his cheesy Cheeto breath on my face and his beating heart which has quickened like mine. I looked into his hazel eyes trying to work out if I had those feelings for this boy. It was all so-

'Okay Group B!'

I sit back down.

'Welcome to the Sky land!'

I look out the window seeing we have landed on a metal landing pad. All I could see outside was metal. The sun reflected off of it and I instantly feel the heat.

We all stand up to leave. The doctor leaves then Anna, Xander, and Freddie.

I go to leave when a hand pulls me back. I turn back and before I can do anything, Josh kisses me.

It is a gentle kiss that doesn't last too long and when we break apart I am speechless.

We stare at each other a little longer before I break the silence.

'We should go catch up'

I whisper.

He nods and we turn runafter the others off of the jet.

Well this is an interesting start.

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