The Unthinkable

Chapter Evaluation 1

I and Josh catch up with the others who are waiting at the entrance.

'Everything okay Lillie and uhh...'

'Josh' he says.

'Perfectly fine just admiring the jet'

Thank goodness Josh is good at lying because I certainly am not. The doctor just nods with a smile and continues walking us inside.

Inside is much different to the shipping station. Everything was the same rusty looking metal making the atmosphere cold and sinister. Guards are everywhere; at every entrance exit and corridor all wearing strong black armour suits. Some guards even have white stripes on their chest which I am assuming represent badges or awards.

The doctor stops at a white door turning to us all.

'This is your dorm room where you will be staying. I know that we have only just got here...'

Wow, this place is cheery. I look around the corridor inspecting it. All I find is that the door has a black letter B at the top and there are cameras in every corner. We are at the end of the corridor but there are no guards here which is strange. Maybe it has-

Josh nudges me. I look up at him and then I realize everyone's looking at me.

'Would you like to come with me Lilie?'


I say confidently but I don't seem to have a choice as two guards walk up behind me grabbing my arms and turning me around.

As we walk away I swing my head back seeing Freddie and Josh argue with two more guards whilst the twins walk inside the room. Where were they taking me?

'Now Lilie if you were listening earlier you would have heard me talk about how you have been selected to take part in our first evaluation. It isn't exactly how we wanted to welcome you but there has been a slight change of plans.'

So that's what's this is. I swing my head back seeing the doctor walk quite fast towards a metal door. We stop in front of it and she turns around.

'Now Lilie this will only be a 5-minute evaluation. Good luck'

What the hell does that mean?

Before I go to ask the doors are swung open and I'm shoved inside.

It's a pitch black room with two unlit light bulbs on the wall. I walk around confused with what I'm meant to do.


One bulb flashes green as a loud warning echoes around the room.

I can hear the sounds of a motor starting up. It's a humming sound which is slowly getting louder and louder. Then I feel it. Cold icy air comes from everywhere threading its way through my clothes and hitting my bare skin with the most unbearable sting. I look around the room trying to find the source but it's coming from everywhere.

'What the hell is this?!'

I scream realizing my voice is slowly going dry and my teeth are chattering.

'Are you trying to kill me or something!?'

I see the zip on my jacket and go to do it up but my hands are already uncontrollably shivering and blue. My legs start to do the same and soon they give up and I'm lying on my side huddled up in a ball. I cough repeatedly unable to stop and my nose starts to run and freeze to my face. Gross.

I'm going to die here. There is no way anyone can survive this temperature. But why kill me? I thought I was an important new evolution.


I manage to whisper two more words with my now croaky voice. I watch my breath turn into white clouds of dust, my teeth still chattering, my body violently shaking. I bury my face in my legs getting ready for my final breathe and praying it ended soon.


A red light flashes as another warning sign goes off. The motor sounds get quieter and soon they are off completely. The doors swing open once more but I'm too weak to walk or look.

'Well done Subject 12. The guards will take you to your group's dorm'

Pairs of hands grip onto my arms. They pull at them leaving my legs and feet to drag across the floor behind me. As soon as I'm out of the room warm air hits my face and a screechy high pitched scream leaves my voice. The feeling is amazingly refreshing but only makes me more aware of my scarred lungs and blocked up nose.

'Lilie? What happened to you?'


I'm dropped to the floor and I lay there still shivering in a weak mess. The door closes behind me and Josh rushes to me engulfing me in a warm hug. I shake in his arms keeping my face in his neck.

'Damn it Lilie you're feezing. Hey Fred!'

'Hey is Lil...LILIE!'

Freddie comes running over when she sees me shaking violently in Josh's arms. She places a warm hand on my shoulder comforting me.


'Yeah, yeah I'm here Lils. I'm here.'


She nods running off. I look over at Josh. His face is full of worry and anger. I curl up closer to him feeling safe in his presence.

'Lilie, what did they do?'

'T-theyyy pput mme iin a ro-room. T-theyyy t-trried tto ffreeze mee. T-T-they t-tortured m-ee. J-joosshh, II thought I-I was ggone'

'Its okay. Its okay. I'm here, I've got you'

I cry into his shirt and he rubs my back with soothing motions.

'I've got the blankets, Freddie and Anna are getting you some food'

Xander walks over wrapping blankets around me.

'Jesus Lilie you're freezing! Is this what these evaluations are?'

'I don't know Xand but whatever they are they don't look friendly. At all. If this is what they did to Lilie who knows what they will do to us.'

Josh picks me up laying me down on something soft and fluffy. I snuggle into it pulling the blankets closer around me. I look up at Josh smiling and he strokes my hair gently. In no time at all, my eyes droop closed and I fall into a deep sleep.

If this was only the beginning then how much worse can it get?

Unknown Extra

'Mother I am not doing this. I've already told you I want nothing to do with this plan, and nothing will change my mind!'

I am tied to a chair in metal restraints as I am forced to watch a screen. So far it just showed a dark room but I knew my mother would be here soon and something told me it would not be good.

The door opens and in comes 3 scientists who sit at a control pad behind me and start pressing buttons.

'What are you doing? Why am I here?'

'If you are not quiet we will have to make this worse.'

What do they mean worse? I went to go ask but something moves on the screen and I see the door being swung open and a girl being pushed inside.

She has brown hair and bright green eyes. She is skinny and tanned looking about 16-17. Something about her interested me. I want to know who she is but most importantly why she is there.

The door opens and my mother walks in the room sitting next to me. She is looking down at her clipboard ignoring my presence.

'What are you doing Mother?'

She looks away from her clipboard smiling at me with her fake kindness. She has always been so forged.

'Are you going to agree to my plan son?'


She turns around nodding to the scientists and a green light flashes on the screen.

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