The Unthinkable

Chapter Accepted?

Day 184. Year of 4020

'...Shhhh. Do it whilst she's sleeping'

'What? No! What if she wakes up and freaks out?'

'Just do it okay! And be quiet'

I would open my eyes but I know that pretending to be asleep was the best option.

I feel dry and clean. They must have moved me somewhere and I'm now lying down on a cool surface that feels like metal. What were they going to do to me though?



Well, that answered my question. I open my eyes to see I'm on an examination table surrounded by maybe 5 people. They must be doctors or scientists. The room is pure white with no windows but two sets of double doors. Surgery tools filled the room and I look down seeing I am now in a white hospital gown.

'What was that?'

I ask looking at the doctors waiting for one to reply.

'Just trying to help you Lilie. We have finished fixing you up and we would like to also congratulate you. You're in our lucky group of new evolutions!'

It was a woman who spoke. Middle-aged and obviously a sky lander. Her blonde hair is pinned back in a complicated design showing some wisps of white from the roots and she stares at me excitedly with her sharp, stone-grey eyes. I glare at her showing her the hate I have for her people. How could they get excited experimenting on their own kind whilst also leaving 90% to die fighting to the death? It was barbaric. I hate every single one.

I get up from the table storming through the strangers and going straight over to the nearest set of double doors. I push through them running straight into a brick wall. Nope, it's a guard and my god is he strong. Great job there Lil now you're staring. Weirdly the guard doesn't grab me or take me back, he just stares at me with a look of... realization? or is it recognition?

'Lilie! Lilie!'

The same lady comes over quite out of breath. She nods at the guard and he walks away from the door not giving me a second look. Hm, that was strange.

'Come on Lilie let me explain some things to you'

She lays her hand on my arm but I shrug it off stepping backward.

'Now I know you are confused and that's completely normal...'

I stare off into nowhere daydreaming and trying to remember how I got here. Where even was I?

All I remember is falling asleep in the shipping station.

Am I still here?

'Where am I?' I say out loud and honestly, it was by accident but I don't let it show.

I think I even interrupted her as she looks shocked by my sudden action of impoliteness. Oops, sorry not sorry.

I just stare at her making the silence uncomfortable.

'You are in the shipping station, dear. We are just checking you over before you enter the sky land and confirming your blood kind is different...'

I don't react leaving her to blabber on about things that seemed more important to her than me.

So I passed their blood test.

What do they want now?

Probably to experiment on me.

Are there others like me?

Well yeah, there must be, right?

I just started trying to answer questions that entered my mind as I curiously think through my future. I actually have a chance at surviving here. I am going to the sky lands, but I will always be a floater. I am not a snobby sky person nor will I ever be.

'-so let's go and get you changed so you can meet the rest of the final subjects'

I catch the end of her speech and I nod not really knowing what she just said. Hopefully, it wasn't important.

Walking down the corridors is one of the weirdest experiences of my life. Everything is so...clean. It's either white or grey wherever I look. For some weird reason, it makes me feel out of place.

This whole place just screamed money and sciencey stuff. It bored me and disgusted me at the same time.

She turns to a wall placing her thumb in a particular place. What was she-


The walls opened up with a click revealing a small and simple room.

'Pick some clothes and someone will come and collect you soon'

She smiled at me walking away at a fast pace before I can say anything.

I walk inside cautiously admiring how clean the room is. It is pure white once again with a small, grey, plush cushioned chair at the back.

Why can't there be some other color than grey and white? It's so depressing but I guess that is the world we live in now. Depressing and Destroyed.


The door closes shut and I look behind me. Then I scream. Instead of a door, a figure stood staring at me. They look shocked and also wore a white hospital gown that dropped to their knees. They have short caramel brown hair that has been washed and brushed stopping at their shoulders. Their eyes are a sharp green that brightened up their pale skin, which has light drops of freckles fading across their nose and cheeks.

I walk back in shock and so do they. I walk forwards and they follow in complete unison

I walk to the left and they copy.

They were copying me.

I am so intrigued by this person. How do they know what I'm going to do next? It must be some trick the sky people have given me and I found it so fascinating.

They remind me of someone but I don't know who. It was such I frustrating puzzle that I couldn't work out.

I step forward and reach out to touch them and of course, they do the same. But as my fingers get close they crash against a hard surface.

I nock my knuckles on it again.

bang bang

It's the same wall but with an added detail. It's my reflection.

I am that person in front of me. I have never seen my reflection before. And I most certainly have never brushed my hair properly before.

I tear my eyes away looking around the room and finding another doorway. As curiosity takes over my cautiousness I walk straight through it finding piles and piles of fresh, clean clothing.

My jaw dropped to the ground as I looked at the clothing that had been stacked on metal shelves reaching the ceiling. Along the bottom is a selection of shoes, socks, underwear and winter wear. Then the second shelf and upwards are filled with shirts and bottoms. All of these supplies could definitely dress hundreds and hundreds of people, yet they were all here for me.

With supplies like these floaters and dry landers could get months and months worth of food and water. It makes me angry when I realize they have so many things sitting here unused. They are such useful supplies and are being wasted on an experiment for a bunch of selfish snobs.

I grab some new light skinny jeans with a maroon red tank top, black combat boots, and black bomber jacket. It is similar to my old outfit but its cleaner and has no accidental rips or stains.

When I'm successfully changed I look at my reflection happy with the outcome but annoyed, still remembering that where I came from poverty was so high. I had so much choice and they still had none. A new emotion came over me.


'Subject 12, Lilie. Please scan your thumb on the door when ready'

A voice came from nowhere making me jump slightly. I looked at my reflection once again taking a deep breath and placing my thumb on the door.

Then instantly all eyes are on me.

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