The Unthinkable

Chapter Fox

Unknown POV

'Celena! Grab the spears! Intruders!' shouts Cole as he sprints next to me outside of our camp.

I grip the wooden bow that we crafted yesterday ready to fire it as I hold a sharpened stick on the thin piece of string we stole.

'You got this Fox' he tells me and I grin at the stupid nickname they gave me from the start.

I still don't understand why they gave it to me but maybe it was from my silence from day one. I couldn't nor would I ever speak a word since they separated me from my siblings. I didn't even get to celebrate my 8th birthday with them. Instead, I am beaten and trained to defend myself against others who are my age. I don't consider Cole, Celena, Jak and Maddyson my friends but more my teammates in my Group B. It is sad to think that but after losing our first teammate, who I considered my friend, it broke me into place. I only ever talked to Elena. Now I talk to nobody.

'I got the spears and Jak is up in the trees just in case. Maddy is at home ' Celena says placing a spear down for Cole and moving to the other side of me.

Rustling is heard from the path in front of us but it is in no hurry. Jak jumps down on his cue talking to the intruder with a calm voice. We have no intention of killing unless it is necessary. I am just a backup.

'Hey, guys come to check this out!' Jak calls to us sounding unalarmed or concerned but curious and confused.

Cole turns to Celena motioning her to get up. They walk forwards side by side holding their spears up high in caution. I follow behind them still with a loaded bow but Cole pushes me back.

'Not now Fox. Stay back for now'

I growl stomping away. I may have only just turned 8 but I am still just as strong and mature. But somehow Cole is the leader and I'm just the weak link. I sit back down behind the bushes looking out to our camp. The small wooden shack is standing tall but wobbly along with our burning pit which is currently put out to lower attention plus our outside eating area and our made up beds that are made of leaves and old materials. We are lucky to have a small pond nearby where we collect water and I watch as two ducks swim around each other in what looks like boredom.

The ducks chase each others tail swimming in circles till one of them decides to dunk their head in the clear water. Anyone would see them as peaceful but I can feel their scared and alarmed heartrate from here. Or is that mine? I remember a story of some ducks once and I remember the exact day it was read to me first and last...

Without even thinking I run over to the pond in pure rage causing the birds to fly away in alarm but it doesn't stop me. I pull back my arrow hitting the bird in its side as it plummets to the ground lifeless.

I walk over to the once live duck that I had shot and I remove the arrow placing it back in my arrow bag. I just stare at its brown and white feathers in almost disgust.

'Fox! You there?!' Cole starts calling for me and I turn around seeing him there behind me shocked and relieved.

'Thank god! I heard the arrow shot and the birds flying away. I thought you were under attack.' He looks at the bird at my feet. 'Really you're hunting now?'

I just walk past him shoving his shoulder. I don't need to hear anything from the so-called leader. I just walk back to camp where I hear shouting from Celena and Jak. What the hell is going on?

I rush over to see what the matter is finding them facing each other around the burning pit. A boy around 16 or 17 lies on the floor with a rope tied around his wrists as he shuffles around trying to escape. Maddyson stands over him pointing the spear at his head covering his features so I just aim an arrow at him walking around the argument to stand by her.

'No! I get to question him then we torture'

'Torture him? We never torture!'

Jak has never liked torture but Celena is all about survival and killing. Sometimes it's scary, to be honest. Makes sense that she was a dry-lander, unlike my floater past.

'Shut It!' Cole shouts stopping the argument.' Maddyson show us his face'

Maddyson removes the spear and I gasp at the figure in front of me. His blonde locks are slightly muddy but still the same golden colour just like his deep brown eyes. I lower my bow dropping it to the floor and I feel Maddy grab me before I fall.

He stares back at me in the same shock and I see tears roll down his cheeks.

He sits up to look at me better and I notice the wounds on his skin. It infuriates me but I keep my eyes glued to his.

'Fox, what is it? Who is he?' Cole keeps asking but I ignore him.

' it really you?'

he asks shakily and I feel tears roll down my cheek.

Then for the first time in what feels like ages I speak.


He nods crying more.

'It's me, little bro. I missed you, Leon. Wait till Anna sees you'

Wait where is Anna?

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