The Unthinkable

Chapter Game Change

Day 203 of Year 4020

(2 Weeks Later)

‘Punch it harder!’

‘I’m trying!’ I growl back as I push my strength to the limit even though I can feel myself on the edge of collapsing.

I take a final swing and the red light finally flashes. Thank God that is over.

‘You’re slacking Lilie. Step up your game’

I glare at the speaker where Sarah, which is Charly’s mother as she finally gave us her name, is screaming at me to do better. I just stomp out of the room making my way back to the dorm room, my muscles sore, my blood boiling.

I walk in seeing Josh, Charly and Xander talking and eating some fruit on the sofas whilst Anna and Bess cook in the kitchen. Charly gets up to greet me upon my entrance kissing my sweaty forehead and the other boys give me a depressed smile. We have all given up since the incident 2 weeks ago. You could see it in everyone. We just did what the scientists told us, so we could go back to dorm living for another day.

‘What was it this time?’ Xander asks in a growl.

‘Boxing. But with a slight twist.’ I respond showing the holes in my arms where needles were injected.

‘Oh right. The reaper shots’

The Reaper shots are a newly added addition to evaluations. They are only painful if you fight against your orders, but they seem to always make you weaker and drowsier. One of the scientist’s favourite torture toys so far.

‘Food’s ready!’ Bess shouts from the kitchen and we all head inside finding a fresh salad, cheeseburgers and fries laid out to pick from. Bess is great at cooking and we are very grateful for it as a home cooked meal helps gather more energy.

As we all sit down I notice how the boys are a bit different.

‘What is it?’ Anna asks chomping into her burger.

‘What?’ The boys ask in unison and me, Anna and Bess giggle at them.

‘There is something on your minds’ Bess says, ‘What is it?’

‘We are just concerned for the group that’s all. Things have been quiet lately and frankly, we all think it is getting too quiet. I for one don’t trust it’ Josh says confidently.

There is silence as we all think through his words eating our food gratefully.

‘It can’t get worse can it…’ Bess whispers and I quickly take her spare hand in mine to stop her from thinking too much.

‘Lets just all get some rest. We have another rough day ahead.’ I say to change the topic.

Josh just shrugs dropping his plate in the sink. He really is irritated by this, it must be one strong gut feeling. Xander helps Anna clear up the table and me, Bess and Charly head to the bedroom. Josh is already in bed his back facing away from us and I just hug Bess goodnight as she goes to wash before bed.

‘He has a point you know’ Charly speaks up as he climbs into his bottom bunk.

‘What are you saying Charly?’

I sit on the bed with him looking into his eyes as if trying to read the answer to his thoughts. I am just greeted with the brown orbs of adoration that I love.

‘I have known Sarah for a long time, Lil. She is a smart woman. It makes sense for her to surprise us at our most vulnerable state.’

‘We are strong Charly I don’t need that Satan Sarah to surprise us. We will be ready no matter what…’

He strokes my hair as I go on and on in my usual outburst. It comforts me when he does this, and I soon clam down looking to my toes sheepishly.

‘I started ranting, didn’t I?’

He lifts my chin up smiling at me softly.

‘Yes, you did beautiful’

He pecks my nose and I smile.

‘I’m just saying that Josh just wants to protect us. Especially you. You are all he has right now, and he is being very protective of that. As am I.’ He says embracing me in his strong arms.

‘Great two angry, strong males pushing me behind them for protection. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.’

He chuckles. ‘Oh, I know that. Now get some rest’

I nod getting up from his bunk and kissing his cheek.

‘Night Everyone. Safe dreams’ I say, and everyone nods back as I climb to the top bunk and rest hoping to not be encountered with more nightmares.

Day 215 of the Year 4020

I am lying in a dark field as the cold wind blows against my face. A sun is slowly rising in the distance and the strong scent of charcoal fills my nose. I rub my eyes taking in my surroundings. Wow, this is one different dream. I have never been to this place before but somehow it seems familiar. It all feels so natural to me and I sit up looking at the sunrise.

Huge trees surround the small grassy clearing I am in and I smile at the butterflies dancing in the air. It is all so peaceful and calm, and I get up taking a closer look around. Wildflowers in colours of white, blue and yellow pattern the floors flowing all over the growing tree roots. Rabbit holes are even scattered at some points showing even more signs of life and even the fresh breezes against my face feel real.

I just look around in circles waiting for something horrendous to pop out of nowhere. But nothing seems to be happening.

The sun has nearly risen now, and I decide to walk into the forest itself. As I go to move forwards in confusion and almost excitement a huge metal board captures my attention.

’Welcome to the final stage of experiments. Due to the larger amounts of subjects than expected all age groups will be placed in the arena to be judged and assessed on our final stage of assessment and study. Survival. That is the goal. Your aim is to stay alive but in any way, you wish. Good luck


GROUP B- AGES 16-19’

Yeah…something tells me this isn’t a dream.

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