The Unthinkable

Chapter Venatores of Quod Silva

Lilies POV

I sit against the tree once more trying to let everything sink in. I have no idea what to do next with such little idea of my location or close surroundings. For all, I know this could be some evil, sick game that Sarah finds hilarious. Maybe this whole thing is a sick game that Sarah shows to the sky people for fun? I realise that I have never considered why experimenting on humans is necessary to save our existence nor have I thought about what happens after this if I survive it.

Since the start of this experiment, I have been suspicious and cold against the sky people and their experiment. Many children here were forced to come here and are calmer than the girl who had a choice. Well, I had a choice but either way, I would end up dead or in here. If I stayed at home I would be found and taken here. If I ran away I would surely die from lack of experience and resources. If I even had resources I would die soon anyway. Everyone who lives below the sky people knows their life expectancy is short. Being a human rag doll is infact the best option.

I snap out of my thoughts when I see a rabbit run past me. It startles me to my feet and I realise that sitting against the tree forever is a sign of weakness and an easy road to death. So I search around the area for anything useful or recognizable. I find some broken branches on the forest floor and I pick one up to use as a temporary weapon, yeah it’s not the best but it will do for now.

As I walk further into the forest I let my eyes lead the way as they explore freely around the greenery that I know is fake but it’s the only nature that I have been in contact with. It was something I have dreamed of after Nana’s stories before bed. Something I have longed to see but I know deep down that the world would never be the same.

A shimmering ring enlightens my ears as I walk further and I soon realise what the familiar noise is. The clashing and splashing of waves but not sea waves. Vicious and alive waves that race together leading to a destination of peace and stillness. I could hear a fresh running stream. Exactly what I need.

I follow the noise heading further through the forest. Jumping over Brocken branches and rocks. Weaving through the huge trunks. Soon I find the water source that seemed so far away from where I was and my brain is both confused and impressed by my strong hearing abilities. Or maybe it’s me being tired and overthinking?

Anyway, the stream is just like I had predicted. Vicious and lively. Huge rocks surround them acting as a barrier that the water is fighting against to try and reach me. The white broth is everywhere and I can hardly see any clear water in sight.

What catches my eye is the small rocks hanging on the edge that couldn’t handle the dangerous current behind them. I pick one up inspecting it and I find it has sharp edges, which must have been carved when it crashed against the huge boulders. The perfect tool to make a better weapon.

I slip it in my jean pocket and reach gently into the stream capturing some water to drink and refresh myself. However, as I reach down to drink again I hear a noise coming from my right. It is a distant noise and not clear but it sounds intriguing and questioning. I quickly start sharpening the branch I collected with the sharp rock, wanting to be ready for whatever is coming around the corner.

I can hear it better now and it definitely isn’t on foot or I would have heard the crunching of leaves. All I can hear is the faint noise of a voice. It is deep, probably male, and coming at me faster than before. I raise my now sharpened branch placing the rock back in my pocket.

The waves still crash at my feet as I scan the area where I can hear the noise. It is definitely a voice. It is definitely a human. But are they friendly?

Then I see it. A small figure gliding down the stream fast and almost uncontrolled. They are not gliding alone though as I soon realise a whole group is following behind them of maybe 20. As they get closer I can just about make out the words they are saying. But as soon as I hear them I turn around and run.

′ Everyone there is your target! Aim for her! ′

I rush back in the direction I came from gripping my spear tightly in my fist. I don’t know much about being tracked or chased but being called a target did not sound good. In fact after all of the experience here I have learned the valuable lesson that everyone here is trying to kill me either physically or mentally.

I sprint faster jumping over the fallen branches and broken rocks, once again being back in my starting meadow. I search around confused about where to go next when a sudden idea hits me. Or more like a memory. I remember the day me Anna, Josh and Freddie climbed up the trees to safety from Group A. And it half worked. Right now it seemed like the best option. There is no way I am out running a group of 20 people but maybe I can outsmart them.

I quickly get to a tree with low branches and I start climbing whilst I hold my spear between my teeth. I reach the centre of the tree where I find a decent hiding place behind some leaves and I remove the spear from my mouth holding it back in my fist, ready for attack.

I am just in time. The group comes bounding through the trees at a fast and dangerous pace holding weapons that are extremely well handcrafted. They were all children of around 7-17 and all dirtied and muscular. Each of them had the same evil glare in their eyes as they stop to look around the meadow. But the scariest thing about them is the confusion of how some innocent young children can look like a group of hungry wild wolves. Most of them looked half out of their mind and I wonder if it is from Sarah's evaluations or just their past life in general. I sometimes catch a glimpse of their eyes that are dark and bloodshot from lack of sleep. As I glare into them I can see no fear at all. Just complete rage and hunger. Why did they stop running though? Did they know I was here?

All of a sudden they line up in two rows clearing a path for someone to walk down and in my honest opinion I am not surprised by what I see. More of what I hear.

Tanya comes walking down with a small girl and a group of boys that included Aurick. She stops in the centre of the meadow inspecting the group before she turns to the girl at her side.

‘Send a group north to search for her. But bring her alive. She is mine to kill’

The girl nods leaving the meadow with the majority of the young children following. The rest sit in the meadow in a huge circle with Tanya and Aurick standing in the centre.

‘Now what you have all been waiting for! Bring in our next recruit!’

Aurick shouts hearing some cheering from the group as the rest of the older boys shove a body forwards letting it fall to the ground. At first, all I could see was the blonde hair and muddied clothes. But as the figure stands up in front of the group scowling at them with disgust I realise who it is.

It’s Anna.

'May the ceremony begin. Venatores of quod silva!'

Aurick shouts the words stepping forward to Anna with an evil smirk whilst the group shouts back.

'Venatores of quod silva!'

I know the words are all Latin as I remember Anna talking about a Latin book she read once. I didn't know what the words meant but I know Anna must.

And by her reaction. It didn't sound good.

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