The Unexpected Mate

Chapter Push Comes to Shove

“What a lovely feisty female you are.” He nearly purred it at me. He came forward. I didn’t even hesitate to swing at him. True mate or not, he was being a dick robbing a hospital. For a wolf, a true mate was irresistible in terms of needs, but it didn’t mean you didn’t have your own thoughts or opinions.

He caught the stool, but my swing was clearly hard and forceful. I saw how his jaw clenched at the catch. I was also aware that he used his own mind to counter what I did. He yanked it away and sent it flying back smashing into things. He had not yet taken his eyes off mine. I didn’t have much so I lashed out backing up, but he grabbed my arm.

Fuck him and his strength. It was very clearly more than mine. I sure as shit did try to twist out of his grip as he got an arm around me. My arms were pinned to my sides by his. He actually had to lift me off my feet to keep me in a bit of control. His arm gripped me really tight, and it was almost crushing.

“Go help Harper finish getting what we need.” He more growled at his men. He dragged me backward.

“People need that! What are you doing! Don’t take it all. There are children that need those medications!” I was panicking, there really were children here. Oh my god, were they taking everything? I tried to slam my head back into his.

He reached up and got a hand around my throat and held me back to his chest and shoulder tightly. I pretended not to notice the hard body behind me. Not appropriate right now. I held tight to my wayward she-wolf that liked it.

“Calm yourself, sweetness. We have people too that need these things. This pack has denied others rights to this hospital and taken them unfairly. We are just taking back what is ours and owed to the rest. Behave and no one will be hurt.” He spoke it into my ear. I also felt the slight way he nuzzled into my hair. Stupid freaking body decided it liked that, damn animal traits.

“I will not be calm! I’m not lying. You’ll kill those here if they don’t have the drugs they need too. They are innocent of whatever this is,” I said finding it hard to move as his grip on me was clearly a threat.

“Alpha Axel, the others are coming. Tre has seen them.” My eyes widened even more. The one holding me was Alpha Axel? There was one well-known lycan with that name. The most feared lycan alpha? It could not be. There was no way someone like him could be my true mate.

Werewolves were known to bend to him a lot. He was not afraid to attack or go after a pack that slighted him or others that thought to run their mouths. It sometimes seemed noble, and sometimes seemed unnecessary. Several attacks had been brutal.

“Then get them ready to go. Now.” I heard the new arrival leave at Axel’s demand. The others came out with a few cases packed and ready. They knew what they were here for and had cleared out a lot in those cases. I felt Axel let go of my throat and turn slightly. The one was holding a ton of tissues to his nose. Though it looked like the blood was stopping.

“Get him up,” Axel said behind me to the one that was still out cold. Though as one reached down for him, he started to rouse. There was a bit of blood in his hair.

“Fuck, did she crack my skull?” He asked staggering as he got up and touched his head.

“I hope so!” I snapped and tried to leap forward but Axel was holding me hard.

“Do behave. Unless you like punishment before others.” Axel had spoken it behind my ear rather quietly. I sucked in a breath, the way that he said it was really clear the direction of punishment he was talking about was. I felt a bit of humor come from him when he heard my shock come out.

“The cases, set them here,” Axel said and they were set down. “You get one minute to tell me the drugs you think have to be left for the ill. The hospital will get one vial each. Fair? You said children no?” Axel asked me and I nodded. A couple of the others looked at him but seemed fine with what he was doing.

“Harper knows the drugs. So don’t lie to me, sweetness.” There was a very dangerous edge to his voice this time. I just nodded and quickly said the names of the most important ones we needed. One vial of most should give us time to get more. Plus, a couple of pill bottles.

“I did see a patient list in there. These are needed,” Harper commented pulling out just one vial and one bottle of the very few I said. Then the cases were closed and Axel ordered them out.

“I wasn’t expecting for him to spin me to face him. He had some kind of thin tie that went around my wrists.

“What are you doing?” I demanded trying to pull back. Before I could though he yanked me forward and literally tossed me over his shoulder.

“Put me down!” I demanded. His arm was tight around my legs.

“I think not my feisty little female. Better this way than dragging you. More chivalrous in my opinion," he said matter of fact moving fast with his men down the hall. I noted those tied up and down on the floor. Clearly, his men had moved very fast through this hospital to get what they wanted. Barely any time at all.

I demanded he put me down and tried to get leverage to be let go. He did not. Damn, the man was strong. I felt a little panic, he was kidnapping me, wasn’t he? We were already to the doors and out of them. I saw two lycans down at the front. They were in their full monstrous wolf form that looked half humanoid and wolf. No one seemed to question him carrying me off.

“Go.” It was a very obvious command. The lycans took off as did a few cars peeling out. I tried really hard to get out of his grip. What the hell was this? What kind of mate did I have? While his strength and dominance were a huge turn-on to my animal, I still did not like being tied up and carried out of here. I bit down into his back hard hoping he would let go and I’d run for it.

Instead, he did not let go. He took the pain of my teeth and didn’t even flinch. He did however slap my backside so hard it instantly burned with a sharp pain. I stopped biting giving a cry.

“I can see you are going to be a handful. I love it.”

“What is wrong with you? Put me down, damn it.”

“No,” It was said with a dangerous nasty tone. Next thing, I was practically tossed in the back of a large vehicle. Like a large SUV or something. I was plopped down on the seat as if I were nothing more than a sack of potatoes. I almost kicked him right where it mattered most.

Axel got a hold of my ankle to stop me. The man in the seat across from where I was tossed gave a slightly amused sound. I glared at him as Axel manhandled me getting in and dragged me to his lap. More to control me than anything else. Or at least I was pretty sure. Then we were speeding off down the road.

“Uh, not to push the line of questioning. Just a bit concerned as to why we are kidnapping one of their doctors.” I was nearly sitting fully across his lap than in it. I saw how Axel turned his head to look at this Harper. A darker look to him, clearly questioning wasn’t appreciated.

“Job as your beta, remember balance matters.” I could see that this Harper was a very smart man. He also did not flinch from Axel’s look. A true beta I could see to his alpha.

“This feisty little hellion is going to be your Luna. Unlike some, I won’t ignore a true mate. Even if she is being a difficult little wench.” Harper raised an eyebrow and I could see humor. Maybe a little shocked, but obviously believed Axel. No one lied about such a thing.

“A difficult wench! You…” I used my bound hands to wail on his shoulder. In all honestly I wasn’t afraid. I was mad, my animal was not scared of him. She saw her mate. It saw in simplistic terms a partner and safety. I did manage a few good punches. He gripped my wrists and also a good hold on my hair. His face in mine. I just stared at him, daring him to do something.

“A most difficult wench.” He half growled. I was shocked a second later at the way that he slid his tongue across my lips and then spot-welded our lips together for a moment. I could feel his arousal against the back of my thigh. Internally I reacted, I couldn’t help it. If we were honest with ourselves as the creatures we were, we were more animals than anything else. My body instantly grew aroused but I fought it. Not right here, this was so messed up. My kind was messed up.

“Now, behave.” I was a little breathless and I could tell he was too. He just hid it better. “Or I’ll show you the animal I can be.”

“Bite me,” I growled right back. “I will not be owned or walked on.” His charcoal gaze bore into mine. There was humor from Harper.

“Oh, she’s going to be perfect for you. Never met a spitfire omega before. You got bigger balls than half our pack little girl,” Harper said. I went to launch myself at him. I didn’t know where this hardcore bravado was coming from. I never had so much of it before. Though I had this feeling that it was from that first knowledge of my mate. What he was and what I might have to be. I was testing his behavior with my own.

“Little girl! You dick.” I went for Harper. He leaned back and clearly wasn’t going to touch me or do anything. Axel just pulled me back into his lap and held on even tighter. I glared at Harper and felt Axel’s face buried in my hair. A hand there too, but I didn’t look at him. I couldn’t, this was so strange. I barely knew him for a handful of minutes. He attacked the hospital, kidnapped me and my body wanted to go into meltdown? He touched me like he had a right to.

“Perfection,” Axel said into my ear. I swallowed, feeling his tongue trace the back of my ear. He clearly was not going to keep his hands off me. I just kept a hard look to keep anything from showing on my face. I had no idea where we were going, or what was happening. Why they struck the hospital and took what they did?

This pack should be doing very well. I thought there was an understanding between the hospital and the aid to be given. I decided to keep my mouth closed for the rest of the drive. Better to listen and get information than keep getting mad, I told myself. They had me and I wasn’t jumping out of a car at full speed werewolf or not. We did have limits. I was starting to wonder if I was about to find out mine.

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